Ninety miles from the South Eastern tip of the United States, Liberty has no stead. In order for Liberty to exist and thrive, Tyranny must be identified, recognized, confronted and extinguished.
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Saturday, August 27, 2022
Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time
Here's what silenced healthcare workers from all over the world want you to know and why they aren't able to speak out directly.
Here is a quick summary of some of the things they said:
Here is a quick summary of some of the things they said:
- They are afraid to come out publicly due to intimidation tactics such as loss of job and/or license to practice medicine.
- Unvaccinated healthcare workers are extremely upset with the medical community. They feel they have been treated unfairly.
- It is the vaccinated workers who are getting sick with COVID, but it is the unvaccinated who are punished with constant testing, restrictions, and threats of losing their jobs.
- The COVID shots are a disaster. Even for the elderly which is supposed to be the most compelling use case, death rates in elderly homes went up by a factor of 5 after the shots rolled out. Each time the shots are given, the deaths spike. Nobody is talking publicly about this. It’s not allowed.
- Doctors are seeing rates of injury and death increase dramatically in all ages of people. The injuries are only happening to the vaccinated. There is no doubt that this is happening but many doctors have so much cognitive dissonance that they don’t see it.
- One nurse with 23 years of experience says she’s never heard of anyone under 20 dying from cardiac issues until the vaccines rolled out. Now she knows of around 30 deaths.
- “I have been a nurse for 36 years. I have NEVER witnessed people in their 20s and 30s having strokes, atrial fibrillation, or cardiomyopathies until the Covid vaccines. I work in cardiology. When I mention that someone should look at the vaccines as a possible reason, I am immediately silenced and told, “It is NOT from the vaccine.””
- Doctors aren’t recording vaccination status in the medical records so that all the deaths are attributed to the unvaccinated.
- Doctors are deliberately ignoring the possibility that the vaccines could be the cause of all the elevated events. The events are simply all unexplained.
- Many doctors have either quit or will quit.
- Some doctors and nurses at top institutions such as Mass General Hospital have falsified vaccine cards. They publicly toe the line and encourage their patients to take the shot knowing full well it is deadly. They value their job more than the lives of their patients. The important thing is they are risking 10 years in jail for doing this. These highly respected medical workers are telling the world that these COVID shots are so dangerous that they are willing to risk 10 years in prison to avoid taking the shot. That’s the message America needs to hear. And if Biden were an honest President, he would call for full amnesty and protection from retaliation for all these cases if people admitted publicly they did this. He’d be amazed at the number of responses he’d get. But he won’t do that because it would be too embarrassing for his administration.
- Things don’t seem to be getting any better.
- The medical examiners all over the world are not doing the proper tests during an autopsy to detect a vaccine-related death. Without doing the necessary tests, it is very hard to make an association. There isn’t a single “guidance” document from any medical authority anywhere in the world to do these tests on people who die within 3 months of their last COVID vaccination. This is why no associations are found: they aren’t looking and it is deliberate. The mainstream press doesn’t call them out on this either.
- Doctors are being forced to take other vaccines so the hospital can meet their quota. This was admitted to them.
The document paints a very troubling picture of healthcare in America
It is very difficult to read that document and come away thinking that everything is working fine.
If you read the document and think everything is just fine, it means one or more of the following is true:
If you are troubled by what you read, here is what you can do
If you read through the document and are as troubled by what is going on and you want to hold these people accountable, there are two simple thing you can do to make a difference:
It is very difficult to read that document and come away thinking that everything is working fine.
If you read the document and think everything is just fine, it means one or more of the following is true:
- You work in the White House
- You work at the CDC, FDA, or NIH
- You are a member of Congress or are a staff member for a member of Congress (Ron Johnson and his staff are excluded)
- You work in the mainstream media
- You are a top executive at a mainstream social media company
- You work in the mainstream medical community (doctor or academic)
- You are a miserable excuse for a human being
If you are troubled by what you read, here is what you can do
If you read through the document and are as troubled by what is going on and you want to hold these people accountable, there are two simple thing you can do to make a difference:
Texas Bans BlackRock and Other Financial Firms Over ESG Energy Crisis
Texas banned BlackRock and nine other finance firms from working with the Lone Star state after declaring they were hostile to fossil fuels.
Glenn Hegar, the state comptroller, on Wednesday published a list of the financial companies that will be prohibited from entering into most contracts with state and local governments.
“The environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) movement has produced an opaque and perverse system in which some financial companies no longer make decisions in the best interest of their shareholders or their clients, but instead use their financial clout to push a social and political agenda shrouded in secrecy,” Hegar said in a statement.
Texas law put in place by Republicans last year requires the comptroller to prepare and maintain a list of financial companies that boycott energy companies.
The list comes after a months-long investigation by the comptroller’s office that looked into more than 150 companies to determine if they were refusing to deal with or penalizing the oil and gas industry.
Many financial firms have allegedly been shunning fossil fuel producers or launching ESG funds that do so. ESG is short for environmental, social, and governance. The rise of ESG oriented investing has been blamed for energy shortages that sent the price of oil and gasoline soaring earlier this year.
The comptroller also conducted research on individual investment funds, generating a list of nearly 350 funds that are subject to the same prohibitions as the companies.
“Our review focused on the boycott of energy companies, rather than a review of the entire ESG movement. This research uncovered a systemic lack of transparency that should concern every American regardless of political persuasion, especially the use of doublespeak by some financial institutions as they engage in anti-oil and...
Navy SEALs spend more time on diversity training than warfighting, SEAL vets say
Multiple former U.S. Navy SEALs confirmed Donald Trump Jr.’s claim last week that members of the elite force are spending more time on diversity training than they are shooting under Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden’s presidency.
“I have friends on SEAL teams that told me they spend more time now in diversity training than they do shooting,” Trump Jr. said at a Florida State House campaign event on Aug. 19.
Trump Jr. was attacked over the comments, prompting Navy SEAL Robert O’Neill — who is known for killing Al Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden — to corroborate Trump Jr.’s claims.
“He’s telling the truth. I’ve had this discussion with @DonaldJTrumpJr and so have other SEALs. Retention is an issue and so is recruitment,” O’Neill tweeted. “This is more than a political talking point. It’s happening and it’s not good.”
Retired Navy SEAL and Wisconsin congressional candidate Derrick Van Orden also confirmed the veracity of Trump Jr.’s comments.
“The amount of time that the military and special operations [are] spending on diversity, equity, and inclusion training is superseding a lot of the actual combat training,” Van Orden told Breitbart News.
“The military is spending an inordinate amount of time on the subjects that really don’t pertain to warfighting,” he continued, noting that sailors are severely lacking in basic skills – an issue that already led to the destruction of USS Bonhomme Richard. The warship was destroyed in an arson fire, but inadequate training delayed the fire response and contributed to the complete loss of the ship.
“If God forbid, we ever go to war with China, that’s exactly the ship we need because you embark Marines and helicopters on there. And that burnt to the keel because the sailors did not put out a cardboard fire and their chain of command couldn’t figure out who should...
The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1123
Before You Click On The "Read More" Link,
Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.
If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.
Please Leave Silently Into The Night......
The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1823
You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside?
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific,
from the beautiful to the repugnant,
from the mysterious to the familiar.
If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed,
you could be inspired, you could be appalled.
This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended.
You have been warned.
Friday, August 26, 2022
Government data reveals 254 million “Vaccine Refuseniks” across USA & UK as 3 in every 5 people refuse a single or further dose of the Covid-19 Vaccine
The authorities will never admit it, especially when you consider the fact they have donated billions of taxpayers’ money to Big Pharma, but it looks like we have won.
Because official Government data coming out of both the USA and United Kingdom reveals there are now at least 254 million “vaccine refusniks” in both countries, with approximately 3 in every 5 people either refusing a first, second, or third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.
As of August 25th, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides the following data on Covid-19 vaccinations in the United States –
Data for Dose 1
Data for Dose 3: Source
Data for Dose 4: Source
We’ve created the following chart based on the figures provided by the CDC above, showing the total vaccination uptake vs the total vaccination refusal in the USA per dose –
According to the CDC, 262 million people have had a single dose, 223.6 million people have had a second dose, and 108 million people have had a third dose as of August 25th, 2022.
This means on top of the 69.7 million people who are unvaccinated, a further 38.7 million people who had the first dose refused the second dose, and a further 115.4 million people who had the second dose refused the third dose.
It also appears many of the over 50’s have now decided enough is enough when it comes to getting a fourth dose of the Covid-19 injection. According to the CDC, of the 118.4 million people over the age of 50 in the USA (source), just 21.4 million have come forward to get a “second booster” dose. This means 96.9 million have so far refused.
Here’s how those figures equate in terms of percentages –
According to the CDC, 21% of the population of the USA have refused the first dose, 33% have refused the second dose, and 68% have refused the third dose. Whilst of those eligible for a fourth dose, 82% have so far refused to come forward and get it.
Based on the numbers for the third dose, this means at least 7 in every 10 Americans are now refusing to partake in the largest experiment ever conducted on humanity.
Meanwhile, in the UK, we’re seeing much of the same.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) replaced Public Health England in the second half of 2021, and is sponsored by the Department for Health and Social Care and headed by Dr Jenny Harries.
The agency has been quietly publishing a weekly report titled ‘Weekly national Influenza and COVID-19 surveillance report’ that contains mountains of monotonous data. However, hidden deep within that report are the figures for Covid-19 vaccination uptake in England by dose.
The following table is taken from page 65 of the week 27 report, and shows vaccine uptake in England by age:
Because official Government data coming out of both the USA and United Kingdom reveals there are now at least 254 million “vaccine refusniks” in both countries, with approximately 3 in every 5 people either refusing a first, second, or third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.
As of August 25th, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides the following data on Covid-19 vaccinations in the United States –
Data for Dose 1
Date for Dose 2
Date for Dose 2
Data for Dose 3: Source
Data for Dose 4: Source
We’ve created the following chart based on the figures provided by the CDC above, showing the total vaccination uptake vs the total vaccination refusal in the USA per dose –
According to the CDC, 262 million people have had a single dose, 223.6 million people have had a second dose, and 108 million people have had a third dose as of August 25th, 2022.
This means on top of the 69.7 million people who are unvaccinated, a further 38.7 million people who had the first dose refused the second dose, and a further 115.4 million people who had the second dose refused the third dose.
It also appears many of the over 50’s have now decided enough is enough when it comes to getting a fourth dose of the Covid-19 injection. According to the CDC, of the 118.4 million people over the age of 50 in the USA (source), just 21.4 million have come forward to get a “second booster” dose. This means 96.9 million have so far refused.
Here’s how those figures equate in terms of percentages –
Based on the numbers for the third dose, this means at least 7 in every 10 Americans are now refusing to partake in the largest experiment ever conducted on humanity.
Meanwhile, in the UK, we’re seeing much of the same.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) replaced Public Health England in the second half of 2021, and is sponsored by the Department for Health and Social Care and headed by Dr Jenny Harries.
The agency has been quietly publishing a weekly report titled ‘Weekly national Influenza and COVID-19 surveillance report’ that contains mountains of monotonous data. However, hidden deep within that report are the figures for Covid-19 vaccination uptake in England by dose.
The following table is taken from page 65 of the week 27 report, and shows vaccine uptake in England by age:
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Said FBI Ordered Suppression of Hunter Biden Laptop Story on His Platform
Facebook founder and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience Thursday to explain how the federal government compelled the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election.
“How do you guys handle things when they’re a big news item that’s controversial?” Rogan asked Zuckerberg, adding that “there was a lot of attention on Twitter during the election because of the Hunter Biden laptop story.”
Rogan asked Zuckerberg if Facebook censored the Hunter Biden story like Twitter did, and Zuckerberg explained the process that went into his platform suppressing the highly-relevant news item.
“Basically, the background here is the FBI, I think, basically came to us, some folks on our team, and was like, ‘Hey, um, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert, we thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election, we have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump of, uh um, that’s similar to that so just be vigilant,'” Zuckerberg responded.
Zuckerberg said they did not censor the story like Twitter did, but instead chose to freeze it out of users’ news feeds with their algorithm.
“Fewer people saw it than would have otherwise…but basically, a lot of people were still able to share it. We got a lot of complaints that that was the case,” Zuckerberg said.
“If the FBI, which I still view as a legitimate institution in this country – it is very professional law enforcement – if they come to us and tell us we need to be on guard about something, I want to take that seriously,” he added.
The full exchange can be seen here:
Big League Politics reported on the...
“How do you guys handle things when they’re a big news item that’s controversial?” Rogan asked Zuckerberg, adding that “there was a lot of attention on Twitter during the election because of the Hunter Biden laptop story.”
Rogan asked Zuckerberg if Facebook censored the Hunter Biden story like Twitter did, and Zuckerberg explained the process that went into his platform suppressing the highly-relevant news item.
“Basically, the background here is the FBI, I think, basically came to us, some folks on our team, and was like, ‘Hey, um, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert, we thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election, we have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump of, uh um, that’s similar to that so just be vigilant,'” Zuckerberg responded.
Zuckerberg said they did not censor the story like Twitter did, but instead chose to freeze it out of users’ news feeds with their algorithm.
“Fewer people saw it than would have otherwise…but basically, a lot of people were still able to share it. We got a lot of complaints that that was the case,” Zuckerberg said.
“If the FBI, which I still view as a legitimate institution in this country – it is very professional law enforcement – if they come to us and tell us we need to be on guard about something, I want to take that seriously,” he added.
The full exchange can be seen here:
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