Ninety miles from the South Eastern tip of the United States, Liberty has no stead. In order for Liberty to exist and thrive, Tyranny must be identified, recognized, confronted and extinguished.
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Saturday, December 11, 2021
I'm a bad boy for breakin' her heart
She's a good girl, loves her mama
Loves Jesus and America too
She's a good girl, who's crazy 'bout Elvis
Loves horses and her boyfriend too
And it's a long day livin' in Reseda
There's a freeway runnin' through the yard
And I'm a bad boy, cause I don't even miss her
I'm a bad boy for breakin' her heart
Now I'm free
Free fallin'
Yeah, I'm free
Free fallin'
Jussie Smollett’s Democrat Hate Hoax Joins List of HUNDREDS of Other Fake ‘Hate Crimes’ – Here Are 8…
An American jury has now confirmed what the rest of us knew all along: that Jussie Smollett faked a MAGA hate crime in order to help the Democratic Party demonize Trump and his supporters.
The only fools who pretended to believe Jussie Smollett were the fake news media and Black Lives Matter – i.e. the groups who are desperate for authoritarian Leftists to remain in power.
Thankfully ordinary Americans are now aware of fake hate crimes perpetrated by the left. In fact, there are so few real hate crimes in America that Leftists not only try to make them up, but they also try to redefine what racism is (see Critical Race Theory as an example of this).
There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of these crimes that have been documented. Below is a list of eight of them, compiled by PJ Media‘s Kevin Downey, Jr.:
Providence College
Black Providence College students were caught writing racial slurs on other people’s cars , but not before the closest thing to a perpetual motion machine, the outrage factory, cranked up and students demanded safe spaces.
East Carolina University
Let’s get whitey seems to be the motivation behind a fake fraternity party flyer posted last August on social media that announced “no blacks” would be allowed. The black student who posted it was busted two months later. He probably won’t be invited to any more parties.
Emory University
As the Hate Crime Hoax database notes, the outrage factory kicked into high gear and school officials swore they would hunt down the New Orleans area hate criminals and avenge the intolerable crime. A man who once worked at Emory University was found to be the culprit. He’s black.
Tortilla Attack Falls Flat
In the dreamy beachy town of Coronado, California, “white fans threw shame tortillas” at a largely Hispanic basketball team. But wait. It turns out that the tortillas were thrown by a grown man — who’s Hispanic, a CRT advocate, and a union activist. And it was later revealed, well after the outrage machine was oiled and purring, that the fake hate crime was staged to stoke support for CRT, which was being foisted upon the students and fought by parents.
Rep. Cori Bush’s Hate Letter
Last July, “squad” member Cori Bush showed her social media followers a screenshot of an alleged death threat. We don’t doubt for a moment that Bush, as well as every other representative and senator, get hate mail and death threats, but the screenshot appeared to have been on an unsubmitted contact form, not one she, uh, actually received.
Dorm Room Demo Part 1...
Inflation Will Leave You With Peanuts...
I Could Have Linked This To Trees By Rush: HERE
I Could Have Linked This To A Cute Picture Of Tiffany Trump With A Tree In The Background HERE
I Could Have Linked This To An Article About How The Upcoming Financial Crisis Cased By The Pandemic Will Be Worse Than The Pandemic: HERE
Or An Article About How Bad Inflation Will Be: HERE
..But I Didn't... Oh Wait...
A former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice has claimed that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg spent millions of dollars on local Wisconsin election offices with the goal of defeating President Donald Trump.
Former Wisconsin Justice Michael Gableman, who serves on the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections, investigating the 2020 election in Wisconsin, said during an informational hearing, “It’s very clear that Mark Zuckerberg’s goal was to defeat Donald Trump and elect Joe Biden. He poured $8.8 million into Democrat cities in Wisconsin and in the guise of ‘Covid safety.’”
Plouffe wrote a book on how to defeat Trump and is employed by Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, according to Justice Gableman.
It has been reported that Zuckerberg-funded organizations gave $400 million to two organizations that funded local government election offices—and it came with strings attached.
New York Post reported that Zuckerberg gave $419.5 million to two non-profit organizations, the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), that ostensibly donated money to local election offices for their operations.
However, according to former Ohio Attorney General Ken Blackwell, the funds came with specific instructions on how the money was to be spent.
Blackwell wrote the organizations “dictated exactly how elections were to be conducted, down to the number of ballot drop boxes and polling places. The Constitution gives state lawmakers sole authority for managing elections, but these grants put private interests firmly in control.”
CTCL also demanded there be universal mail-in voting by suspending existing election laws and extending deadlines that “favored mail-in over in-person voting” while also expanding “opportunities for ballot curing,” according to the New York Post.
For example, the two Zuckerberg organizations funded “vote navigators” in Wisconsin. The vote navigators “assisted voters, potentially at their front doors, to answer questions, assist in ballot curing, and witness absentee ballot...
January 6 Police Beating Victim Speaks: ‘I Could Have Died’
The first of a two-part interview with Victoria White, a Trump supporter who was beaten by police inside the tunnel on the lower west terrace of the Capitol building on January 6.
Instead, the day turned into a personal nightmare with real-time flashbacks to her years as a victim of domestic abuse.
White, a mother of four, recounted to me this week by phone in horrifying and heartbreaking detail how at least two D.C. Metropolitan police officers viciously assaulted her inside a tunnel on the lower west terrace of the Capitol building on January 6. Fierce battles between police and protesters took place inside the tunnel, which leads to a set of doors that allows access to the building. It is the location where Rosanne Boyland, a 34-year-old Trump supporter from Georgia, died.
Amid video evidence, court filings, and firsthand witness accounts, new questions have emerged about the exact cause of Boyland’s death. A report issued by the D.C. Medical Examiner’s office in April claimed Boyland, a recovering addict, died of an accidental drug overdose. But others in the vicinity of Boyland when she lost consciousness insist her death was caused by law enforcement officers, who deployed a toxic chemical spray and, in some cases, used metal sticks, riot shields, and their own fists against Trump supporters.
White, 39, found herself in the tunnel near Boyland—and her harrowing account describes nothing short of criminal misconduct by still-unidentified members of the D.C. Metropolitan Police department. Further, her experience bolsters allegations that police contributed or directly caused the death of a second unarmed female Trump supporter on January 6.
Like hundreds of thousands of Americans, White traveled from her home to Washington, D.C. to hear President Trump’s speech and protest the results of the rigged 2020 presidential election. A resident of Rochester, Minnesota, White, her daughter, and friends took turns driving so they would arrive in Washington on time. They stayed at the home of one of her friend’s parents in suburban Virginia.
The group took a 5 a.m. train from Virginia and arrived at the “Save America” rally at the Ellipse around 7 a.m. to get good seats; people started lining up outside the staged area near the White House in the early hours of January 6. White’s group was seated behind the VIP section.
“The atmosphere was amazing, it was the happiest experience ever,” White told me in a text message. “I specifically remembered, before anyone spoke, the VIP people were all looking behind them and filming and taking pictures of the crowd of Americans and their flags.”
Everyone at the rally “had this feeling of peace and joy after a year of lockdowns and Patriots being criticized by the media,” she said.
White and her group were among the last to leave Trump’s hour-long speech, which began around noon. “We were in no rush,” she told me. “We were walking casually (toward Capitol Hill), just looking around at all the buildings thinking, ‘wow, we’re here,’ I had no idea what would take place.”
One friend, dressed in high heels, decided not to continue the nearly two-mile walk to the Capitol grounds. White’s daughter and two friends stayed back, so White and her other friend continued walking eastward. “There was no police presence,” White said, confirming what most protesters describe as nonexistent security throughout the capital that day. Streets leading to the Capitol were not closed to pedestrians, White said.
Along with tens of thousands of Trump speech goers, White and her friend ended up on the west side of the Capitol grounds. Temporary fencing, unbeknownst to those just arriving, had been torn down around 1 p.m. at the same time the first official breach of a thin police line on that side occurred.
Anyone who attended Trump’s full speech, which ended at 1:10 p.m., and took the 30 minute or so walk toward Capitol Hill was unaware that the grounds and the building itself officially had been closed to the public—likely by design.
“Tons of people were there, you couldn’t tell if you were standing on grass or cement it was so packed. People were singing and waving flags,” White said.
They approached the side of the Capitol building where staging for Joe Biden’s inauguration had been erected. People were climbing on the scaffolding, which looked to White like it was about to collapse. “My brothers are in construction so I knew the scaffolding wasn’t designed to hold that many people.” Fearful the structure would fall on top of her, White and her friend inched their way in the crowd closer to the building.
White then saw a man standing on a ledge near a window; as he attempted to break the glass, she began screaming at him. “I yelled, ‘we don’t do that shit’ and I grabbed his backpack to pull him off.” (Her account is confirmed by video and the government’s criminal complaint against her.)
The site of that confrontation is directly to the left of the lower west terrace tunnel. Looking for a way out of the dense crowd—she had lost sight of her friend at this point—White pushed her way toward the tunnel shortly after 4 p.m. and squeezed into the front opening.
That’s when she encountered a horror scene.
Grown men were crying, White said, from being doused repeatedly with a noxious chemical gas inside the tight confines of the tunnel. People were being crushed. Cops clad in full riot gear had filled the tunnel with the gas, causing victims to vomit and pass out.
“We were trapped. Police were pushing us out using riot shields and people outside were pushing in. I kept falling. A cop sprayed mace directly into my face.”
Then, she said, she felt the first blow.
It came out of nowhere, White told me. With her back to the line of officers, White tried to stand up but repeated blows to her head by an officer in a white shirt, presumably a D.C. Metro police supervisor, prevented her from regaining her footing.
“Because of my history, I started having flashbacks,” White told me slowly, choking up as she recalled what happened. “I felt like I had felt all those years, the times when I would get hit.” She remained crouched down as blow after blow, first by a stick then someone’s fist, landed on the top of her head and face. At one point, she...
Times are gone For honest men And sometimes Far too long For snakes...
Cold and damp
Steal the warm wind
Tired friend
Times are gone
For honest men
And sometimes
Far too long
For snakes
In my shoes
A walking sleep
And my youth
I pray to keep
Heaven send
Hell away
No one sings
Like you anymore
Sweden and Germany: No Deaths In Children Due to Covid
The decision by parents to vaccinate their child against Covid is really a question of risk management. Parents must seriously consider that Covid-19 is a less dangerous illness for children than influenza. It has shown to be so and quite stably near 20 months now.
Children do not readily acquire this pathogen, spread to other children, spread to adults, take it home, get severely ill, or die from it. It is that simple. We know children tend not to transmit Covid-19 virus and that the concept of asymptomatic spread has been questioned severely, particularly for children.
Children, if infected, just do not spread Covid-19 to others readily, either to other children, other adults in their families or otherwise, nor to their teachers. This was demonstrated elegantly in a study performed in the French Alps. The pediatric literature is clear science on this. Overwhelming data shows that the SARS-CoV-2-associated burden of severe disease or death in children and adolescents is very low (statistically zero).
Swedish data by Ludvigsson reported on the 1,951,905 children in Sweden (as of December 31, 2020) who were 1 to 16 years of age who attended school with largely no lockdowns or masks. They found zero (0) deaths. “Despite Sweden’s having kept schools and preschools open, we found a low incidence of severe Covid-19 among schoolchildren and children of preschool age during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.”
A recent German study (collating evidence from three sources 1) a national seroprevalence study (the SARSCoV-2 KIDS study), 2) the German statutory notification system and 3) a nationwide registry on children and adolescents hospitalized with either SARS-CoV-2 or Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS)) reported that there were zero (0) deaths in children 5 to 18 years old across the period of study.
Governments and public health officials have driven this pandemic of fear and propaganda. But parents willing to assess this purely from a benefit versus risk position might ask themselves: ‘If my child has little if any risk, near zero risk of severe sequelae or death, and thus no benefit from the vaccine, yet there could be potential harms and as yet unknown harms from...
Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #111
I truly am unable to tell if this is real or parody...
Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #110
Stunning: Facebook court filing admits 'fact checks' are just a matter of opinion
Surprisingly little attention is being paid to a bombshell admission made by the attorneys representing the corporation formerly known as Facebook, Inc., which has now transitioned into Meta Platforms, Inc.
In a court filing responding to a lawsuit filed by John Stossel claiming that he was defamed by a "fact check" Facebook used to label a video by him as "misleading," Meta's attorneys assert that the "fact check" was an "opinion," not an actual check of facts and declaration of facts. Under libel law, opinions are protected from liability for libel.
Anthony Watts of Wattsupwiththat explains:
Opinions are not subject to defamation claims, while false assertions of fact can be subject to defamation. The quote in Facebook's complaint is,
Meta's attorneys come from the white shoe law firm Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dore, with over a thousand attorneys and more than a billion dollars a year in revenue. They obviously checked out the implications of the matter for Section 230 issues, the legal protection Facebook/Meta have from liability for what is posted on their site. But at a minimum, this is a public relations disaster, revealing that their "fact checks" are not factual at all and should be labeled as "our opinion" or some such language avoiding the word "fact."
As an amateur, it seems to me that if Facebook inserts its opinions into posts or blocks them because of its opinion, then that does make it a publisher with legal responsibility for what appears on its website.
Technically speaking, Facebook farms out its "fact-checking" to outside organizations, usually left-wing groups. In the case of Stossel's video that was defamed, the outside website is called "Climate Feedback," which is also named a defendant in the lawsuit.
Watts summarizes well the P.R. implications:
Such "fact checks" are now shown to be simply an agenda to supress [sic] free speech and the open discussion of science by disguising liberal media activism as something supposedly factual, noble, neutral, trustworthy, and based on science.
In light of Facebook's admission, it's time for the Washington Post to offer a correction to this piece by Ethan Porter and Thomas J. Wood, published less than a month ago, titled "Fact checks actually work, even on Facebook. But not enough people see them."

So-called "fact-checking" is a fraud used to cover up the censorship of opinions that that differ from those of the powerful Silicon Valley oligarchy. And now we have proof attested to in a court filing by one of the richest companies in the world, represented by...
Obvious Traps That We Can't Believe Actually Work!
But now
We're today's scrambled creatures
Locked in tomorrow's double feature
Heaven's on the pillow, its silence competes with hell
It's a twenty-four hour service, guaranteed to make you tell
And the streets are full of pressmen
Bent on getting hung and buried
And the legendary curtains are drawn 'round Baby Bankrupt
Who sucks you while you're sleeping
It's the theatre of financiers
Count them, fifteen 'round a table
White and dressed to kill
Oh, caress yourself, my juicy
For my hands have all but withered
Oh, dress yourself my urchin one, for I hear them on the stairs
Because of all we've seen, because of all we've said
We are the dead
We are the dead
We are the dead
The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #864
The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1564
You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside?
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific,
from the beautiful to the repugnant,
from the mysterious to the familiar.
If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed,
you could be inspired, you could be appalled.
This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended.
You have been warned.
Friday, December 10, 2021
Bought a ticket for a runaway train Like a madman laughing at the rain
Bought a ticket for a runaway train
Like a madman laughing at the rain
A little out of touch, a little insane
It's just easier than dealing with the pain
Runaway train never going back
Wrong way on a one-way track
Seems like I should be getting somewhere
Somehow I'm neither here nor there
Runaway train never coming back
Runaway train tearing up the track
Runaway train burning in my veins
I run away but it always seems the same
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