90 Miles From Tyranny : I'm Not One For Christmas Decorations, But If I Got A Letter Like This, My Neighbors Better Buy Shades!

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Thursday, December 9, 2021

I'm Not One For Christmas Decorations, But If I Got A Letter Like This, My Neighbors Better Buy Shades!


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Peteforester said...

The "neighbor" didn't even have the stones to put his... or her... return address on the envelope. Footprint of a COWARD... To this individual I give a monofinger salute and a hearty KISS MY ASS!

mer said...

As I saw on another website "Time to go full Clark Griswald"

Justin_O_Guy said...

The people who don't celebrate Christmas matter to those who do Why?
If someone wants unity, instead of telling me Not to celebrate Christmas, tell Them to get on Board!
I don't celebrate Kwanza or Hannaka or Flying Spaghetti Monster,, but I don't expect others to Not Do what I Don't Do.
The obsessively, permanently butthurt busybodies who would solve the problems of society by infringing on my rights seriously need to FOAD.

clayusmcret said...

~3 days after receiving this letter, they'd see my house from the international space station.

Stevearinob said...

And, and, and I would have the letter blown up to about 24" x 24" on a post front and center with f..king twinkling lights all over it!

Tim said...

Lmao. Fantastic

Old Tech said...

I would also a outdoor music:
Silent Night played on an accordion...
Run, Run Rudolph as sung by Lemmy Kilmister... (yes, he did do that)
Other Christmas music with accompaniment with bagpipes, kazoos or banjos...
and see if Rammstein has done a Christmas album.

Tsquared said...

I would make copies of the letter and my reply and leave them in every mailbox in the neighborhood. The response would be: Since you are to chicken-shit to put a reply address on your letter I am sending it out to everybody. If you did not send this letter I would like to apologize for dragging you into this bullshit. For the person that wrote this letter you need to fuck off. With little respect, XXX

P n E said...

Yes. My first thought would be that there would be no way in hell that this cowardly jackass would send a letter like this to a neighborhood mosque complaining about the Muslim call to prayer.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas and fuck you, oh and stand by for a corina melting response

TVMA Doc said...

We have a Deacon from our church who has a Christmas light display that routinely runs well over 300k lights. I think that the homeowner who received that letter needs a consultation on "how to do it right"!

THIS is how you do it!