Ninety miles from the South Eastern tip of the United States, Liberty has no stead. In order for Liberty to exist and thrive, Tyranny must be identified, recognized, confronted and extinguished.
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Saturday, October 28, 2017
Will Anything Happen November 4th?
Antifa is calling for a peaceful protest every day starting November 4th, but others are saying online that Antifa is calling for an all-out violent war in the streets. Still others are saying plainly that Antifa is planning to instigate a civil war in order to remove Trump from the White House.
An anti-Trump group, Refuse Fascism, is calling for a protest a day starting November 4th across the United States. Organizers are asking protesters to come out every day until the Trump administration is no longer in power. reports: Antifa websites like Going Down, Sub.Media, and Insurrection News have been promoting the group, which calls itself the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM). The press release the group published is filled with far-fetched claims about how “mosques are being ruthlessly bombed” and how “LGBTQ are being battered.” RAM cites, with pride, cop killers like Mumia Abu Jamal who shot and killed a police officer in Philadelphia in 1981 and Russell Shoats who shot a police officer in the back five times in 1970.
RAM is calling for the abolition of gender and the expropriation of private property to begin the revolutionary process. Far Left Watch notes that RAM has been hosting anti-police workshops, a class on anarchism, and a class called ‘Our Enemies in Blue’.
Antifa and Refuse Fascism are front groups for the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP). The RCP has and is calling for the overt overthrow of the government of the United States. Many of these groups are being funded by George Soros. Anti-fascist groups in the United States have their genesis in communist groups across Europe. Just about everyone who was not a follower of communism was identified as ‘fascist’. As today, a non-communist is now considered a fascist.
Despite calls for violence and violent clashes with Trump supporters. The main stream media has been very lenient with Antifa, calling them crusaders against white supremacy and racism. They naively or purposely have enabled and promoted violent communists by taking Antifa at face value while concealing their real agenda. California Governor Jerry Brown recently said about President Trump, “I hope the rest of the world does their part in providing a...
An anti-Trump group, Refuse Fascism, is calling for a protest a day starting November 4th across the United States. Organizers are asking protesters to come out every day until the Trump administration is no longer in power. reports: Antifa websites like Going Down, Sub.Media, and Insurrection News have been promoting the group, which calls itself the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM). The press release the group published is filled with far-fetched claims about how “mosques are being ruthlessly bombed” and how “LGBTQ are being battered.” RAM cites, with pride, cop killers like Mumia Abu Jamal who shot and killed a police officer in Philadelphia in 1981 and Russell Shoats who shot a police officer in the back five times in 1970.
RAM is calling for the abolition of gender and the expropriation of private property to begin the revolutionary process. Far Left Watch notes that RAM has been hosting anti-police workshops, a class on anarchism, and a class called ‘Our Enemies in Blue’.
Antifa and Refuse Fascism are front groups for the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP). The RCP has and is calling for the overt overthrow of the government of the United States. Many of these groups are being funded by George Soros. Anti-fascist groups in the United States have their genesis in communist groups across Europe. Just about everyone who was not a follower of communism was identified as ‘fascist’. As today, a non-communist is now considered a fascist.
Despite calls for violence and violent clashes with Trump supporters. The main stream media has been very lenient with Antifa, calling them crusaders against white supremacy and racism. They naively or purposely have enabled and promoted violent communists by taking Antifa at face value while concealing their real agenda. California Governor Jerry Brown recently said about President Trump, “I hope the rest of the world does their part in providing a...
RUSH: Everywhere You Look On The Trump Dossier You See Thousands Of Democrat Fingerprints
RUSH: Drudge had a flashback on his page about how the media nearly went hysterical over Donald Trump Jr.’s willingness to accept Russian dirt on Hillary. Remember that now vaunted meeting which turns out to have been nothing more than a Russian agent trying to influence legislation on adoption. There wasn’t any dirt passed on Hillary that was attempting, the way the meeting was set up, and of course Donald Trump Jr., “I’ll be happy to listen to that.” The media went nuts. They went hysterical trying to prove Donald Trump Jr. was colluding and this proves his dad was colluding, and nothing ever came of that.
But they’re ignoring all of this. Because everywhere you look on this Trump dossier you see thousands of Democrat fingerprints, from the Obama administration to the CIA to the...
Unsealed JFK Documents Just Exposed Obama’s Terrorist Buddy Bill Ayers

The Trump administration ordered the release of thousands of files on the JFK assassination on Thursday, which contain many startling revelations, including the fact that multiple high-level government agencies monitored former President Barack Obama’s friend — domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.
Newly released files show that the CIA and FBI kept an eye on Ayers, who was a member of leftist groups and a domestic terrorist organization, CBS News reported.
An FBI document from the bureau’s director sent to the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, Secret Service, CIA, Air Force, Army, and the Attorney General said the following about Ayers:
Ayers, who was at the time a member of the SDS, later became “a leader of the Weather Underground, a leftist terror group that carried out bombings across the United States,” according to...
Tom Fitton: We’re Going to Find Out the FBI and DOJ Were Ruined Trying to Protect Hillary Clinton
President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton dropped a truth bomb – the FBI and DOJ were ruined trying to protect Hillary Clinton. The root of this evil is Hillary and Obama.
“I think we’re going to find out DOJ and FBI were ruined under the Obama admin and ruined to protect Mrs. Clinton.”
Victoria Toensing, the lawyer representing the FBI informant says there is “on-the-record quid pro quo” surrounding the Uranium One scandal with Bill Clinton receiving a $500,000 speaking fee from a Russian backed bank and the Clinton Foundation receiving millions of dollars from people involved on the deal.
Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State at the same time the State Department and government agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investments UNANIMOUSLY approved the partial sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to the Russian nuclear company Rosatom, ultimately giving Russia 20% of U.S. Uranium.
Nine shareholders in Uranium One just happened to provide more than $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation in the run-up to State Department approval.
The Clintons took the cash from Uranium One officials before the deal was approved by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The Clintons hid the donations which is a clear violation of the Memorandum of Understanding Hillary Clinton signed with the Obama administration wherein she promised and agreed to...
“I think we’re going to find out DOJ and FBI were ruined under the Obama admin and ruined to protect Mrs. Clinton.”
I think we’re going to find out DOJ and FBI were ruined under the Obama admin and ruined to protect Mrs. Clinton.
Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State at the same time the State Department and government agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investments UNANIMOUSLY approved the partial sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to the Russian nuclear company Rosatom, ultimately giving Russia 20% of U.S. Uranium.
Nine shareholders in Uranium One just happened to provide more than $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation in the run-up to State Department approval.
The Clintons took the cash from Uranium One officials before the deal was approved by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The Clintons hid the donations which is a clear violation of the Memorandum of Understanding Hillary Clinton signed with the Obama administration wherein she promised and agreed to...
Paul Singer-Funded Washington Free Beacon Behind Initial Fusion GPS Trump Effort
The Washington Free Beacon, funded by GOP mega-donor Paul Singer, was the original funder of Fusion GPS’ research project that attempted to dig up dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump — a project that would later be funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
The Washington Examiner first reported Friday that lawyers for the Free Beacon — a conservative outlet based in the nation’s capital — funded the project from fall 2015 to spring 2016, when it pulled its funding as Trump looked set to clinch the nomination.
Lawyers for the Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee of its role in the funding on Friday. The outlet issued a statement standing by its decision to fund the project:
Since its launch in February of 2012, the Washington Free Beacon has retained third party firms to conduct research on many individuals and institutions of interest to us and our readers. In that capacity, during the 2016 election cycle we retained Fusion GPS to provide research on multiple candidates in the Republican presidential primary, just as we retained other firms to assist in our research into Hillary Clinton.
After the Democrats took over funding of the operation in mid-2016, Fusion GPS would hire former British spy Christopher Steele and would lead to the production of the so-called “Trump dossier,” filled with salacious but unconfirmed claims about how Trump was compromised by the Russians.
Fusion has come under scrutiny for its alleged ties to Russia, including the fact that many of the claims originate from Kremlin sources — meaning that the information came from inside the Russian government.
The Free Beacon noted in its statement that it had “no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele.”
“The Washington Free Beacon has issued a statement asserting that it had no involvement with Christopher Steele or the dossier he compiled from Russian sources,” Jack Langer, spokesman for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told Breitbart News. “The Beacon has agreed to cooperate with the House Intelligence Committee to...
related: Washington Free Beacon's Editor In Chief, Matthew Continetti, Goes On NPR And Attacks President Trump With Leftist Talking Points
The Washington Examiner first reported Friday that lawyers for the Free Beacon — a conservative outlet based in the nation’s capital — funded the project from fall 2015 to spring 2016, when it pulled its funding as Trump looked set to clinch the nomination.
Lawyers for the Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee of its role in the funding on Friday. The outlet issued a statement standing by its decision to fund the project:
Since its launch in February of 2012, the Washington Free Beacon has retained third party firms to conduct research on many individuals and institutions of interest to us and our readers. In that capacity, during the 2016 election cycle we retained Fusion GPS to provide research on multiple candidates in the Republican presidential primary, just as we retained other firms to assist in our research into Hillary Clinton.
After the Democrats took over funding of the operation in mid-2016, Fusion GPS would hire former British spy Christopher Steele and would lead to the production of the so-called “Trump dossier,” filled with salacious but unconfirmed claims about how Trump was compromised by the Russians.
Fusion has come under scrutiny for its alleged ties to Russia, including the fact that many of the claims originate from Kremlin sources — meaning that the information came from inside the Russian government.
The Free Beacon noted in its statement that it had “no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele.”
“The Washington Free Beacon has issued a statement asserting that it had no involvement with Christopher Steele or the dossier he compiled from Russian sources,” Jack Langer, spokesman for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told Breitbart News. “The Beacon has agreed to cooperate with the House Intelligence Committee to...
Under Pressure To Resign, Uranium One Collaborator, Robert Mueller Rushes Charges In Russia Fishing Expedition..
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal grand jury in Washington on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, CNN reported, citing sources briefed on the matter.
The charges are sealed under orders from a federal judge, and it was not clear what the charges were, CNN said, adding that anyone facing charges could be taken into custody as soon as Monday.
U.S. intelligence agencies concluded in January that Russia interfered in the election to try to help President Donald Trump defeat Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton through a campaign of hacking and releasing embarrassing emails, and disseminating propaganda via social media to discredit her campaign.
Special counsel Robert Mueller, a former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is investigating whether Trump campaign officials colluded with those Russian efforts.
“If the Special Counsel finds it necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from...
The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #58

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside?
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific,
from the beautiful to the repugnant,
from the mysterious to the familiar.
If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed,
you could be inspired, you could be appalled.
This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended.
You have been warned.
Friday, October 27, 2017
How Many Bodies Did This Truck Launch Into The Air?
More Animated Gifs:
New NSA Anti Tea Party Weapon...
Wrong Wire Faisel
That's Gotta Hurt...
Can You Say, Adrenaline Rush?
I Know There Is A Sun Tzu Quote In Here Somewhere..
It's A Drive Thru Now..
Roof Surfing Fail..
..and don't miss:
Animated Gif Collection #3
Animated Gif Collection #4
Animated Gif Collection #5 -OR- Motorcycles And Bulls Don't Mix..
Animated Gif Collection #6 or Bet She Lost Some Teeth...
Animated Gif Collection #7 -OR- This Is What Happens When You Fall Asleep While Driving...
Animated Gif Collection #8 -OR- Fish: 1, Dog: 0
Out Of Control Bus -OR- Animated Gif Collection #9
How To Launch An Oil Truck Into The Air -OR- Animated Gif Collection #10
Animated Gif Collection #4
Animated Gif Collection #5 -OR- Motorcycles And Bulls Don't Mix..
Animated Gif Collection #6 or Bet She Lost Some Teeth...
Animated Gif Collection #7 -OR- This Is What Happens When You Fall Asleep While Driving...
Animated Gif Collection #8 -OR- Fish: 1, Dog: 0
Out Of Control Bus -OR- Animated Gif Collection #9
How To Launch An Oil Truck Into The Air -OR- Animated Gif Collection #10
FBI Partially Reimbursed the DNC, Clinton Campaign Opposition Research
CNN’s Evan Perez reported in March that the FBI under James Comey reimbursed some of the money for the Russia dossier.
The FBI had contracted out to Christopher Steele for years according to recent testimony from Mark Stewart, general counsel for a House committee. Why we don’t use our own spooks is unclear.
CNN, for what they are worth, reported that their sources said the FBI reimbursed some of the expenses of the dossier we now know was funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign.
The author, Mr. Perez wrote: The short-lived arrangement before the US election ended abruptly in part because of the frustration of Christopher Steele, the former MI6 spy, that the FBI wasn’t doing enough to investigate the Trump-Russia ties. [editor’s note: let the record show that for the first time in the history of mankind that a consultant bailed on a deep-pocketed, paying client because he didn’t like the direction his client was moving.]
To digress briefly, Steele was so frustrated he went to a far-left smear merchant David Corn who works for the Soros publication ‘Mother Jones’. What does that tell people?
According to the Guardian, Steele and another ex-British diplomat, Christopher Burrows, who run their own company, Orbis Business Intelligence, and they put the dossier together. They found that the allegations, if true, were very concerning. Keep in mind that they got the information, by their own admission, in large part from...
The FBI had contracted out to Christopher Steele for years according to recent testimony from Mark Stewart, general counsel for a House committee. Why we don’t use our own spooks is unclear.
CNN, for what they are worth, reported that their sources said the FBI reimbursed some of the expenses of the dossier we now know was funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign.
The author, Mr. Perez wrote: The short-lived arrangement before the US election ended abruptly in part because of the frustration of Christopher Steele, the former MI6 spy, that the FBI wasn’t doing enough to investigate the Trump-Russia ties. [editor’s note: let the record show that for the first time in the history of mankind that a consultant bailed on a deep-pocketed, paying client because he didn’t like the direction his client was moving.]
To digress briefly, Steele was so frustrated he went to a far-left smear merchant David Corn who works for the Soros publication ‘Mother Jones’. What does that tell people?
According to the Guardian, Steele and another ex-British diplomat, Christopher Burrows, who run their own company, Orbis Business Intelligence, and they put the dossier together. They found that the allegations, if true, were very concerning. Keep in mind that they got the information, by their own admission, in large part from...
Nolte: Hillary Clinton Colluded with Russians to Rig Election Against Trump
Buried under countless paragraphs of outright lies or those soon-to-be retracted “bombshells” from anonymous sources, the national media will sometimes slip in a variation of the only thing we know to be true in this matter: As of now there is no evidence President Trump colluded with the Russians to rig the 2016 presidential election. The same can no longer be said for Hillary Clinton.
Although her lackeys in the media are trying to tell us that “opposition research” is the usual-usual for presidential campaigns, the Clinton campaign paying Fusion GPS millions of dollars to fabricate dirt against Trump, is nothing even close to standard operating procedure. If it was, the Clinton campaign would not have spent a full year lying to everyone about their role in producing what is now widely known as The Discredited Anti-Trump Russian Dossier.
Before we get to the proof of Hillary colluding with Russia, we need to debunk off a few of the narrative-myths the liars in the mainstream media continue to hurl.
To begin with, thus far there is no evidence that any Republican was involved in any way with creating this dossier. Those who say so are intentionally conflating an apple with an orange. Even the left-wing Washington Post admits as much in the story that broke the news of the Clinton/DNC hiring of Fusion GPS:
Although her lackeys in the media are trying to tell us that “opposition research” is the usual-usual for presidential campaigns, the Clinton campaign paying Fusion GPS millions of dollars to fabricate dirt against Trump, is nothing even close to standard operating procedure. If it was, the Clinton campaign would not have spent a full year lying to everyone about their role in producing what is now widely known as The Discredited Anti-Trump Russian Dossier.
Before we get to the proof of Hillary colluding with Russia, we need to debunk off a few of the narrative-myths the liars in the mainstream media continue to hurl.
To begin with, thus far there is no evidence that any Republican was involved in any way with creating this dossier. Those who say so are intentionally conflating an apple with an orange. Even the left-wing Washington Post admits as much in the story that broke the news of the Clinton/DNC hiring of Fusion GPS:
Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.
After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
In other words, based on what we now know, if anything happened between a Republican and Fusion, it had nothing to do with producing the...
PAPER: Fusion GPS Bank Records and FBI Connection To Trump Dossier Are ‘Bombshells To Come’
Last week, Fusion GPS, the firm behind the infamous ‘Trump Dossier,’ requested a U.S. District judge to block investigators from accessing its bank records. Not so fast, says the House Intelligence Committee, who filed a motion demanding Fusion GPS obey the subpoena to reveals its past financial transactions.
According to Kimberley A. Strassel of the Wall Street Journal, ‘the coming Russia bombshells,’ may come to light if a ‘judge orders Fusion GPS to give House investigators its bank records.’
WSJ reports:
According to Kimberley A. Strassel of the Wall Street Journal, ‘the coming Russia bombshells,’ may come to light if a ‘judge orders Fusion GPS to give House investigators its bank records.’
WSJ reports:
The confirmation this week that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid an opposition-research firm for a “dossier” on Donald Trump is bombshell news. More bombshells are to come. The Fusion GPS saga isn’t over.
The Clinton-DNC funding is but a first glimpse into the shady election doings concealed within that oppo-research firm’s walls. We now know where Fusion got some of its cash, but the next question is how the firm used it.
With whom did it work beyond former British spy Christopher Steele ? Whom did it pay? Who else was paying it? The answers are in Fusion’s bank records. Fusion has doggedly refused to divulge the names of its clients for months now, despite...
Shocking Video: White Woman Knocked Out By Black Man, Black Witnesses Rob & Take Selfie, Instead Of Calling 911
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — It’s a breathtaking, horrifying and jaw-dropping moment caught on surveillance video which has Pittsburgh Police investigating and deeply concerned.
“They don’t treat animals like that. They wouldn’t treat a dog that way,” says a Pittsburgh woman whose daughter is seen being beaten...
The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #57

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside?
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific,
from the beautiful to the repugnant,
from the mysterious to the familiar.
If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed,
you could be inspired, you could be appalled.
This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended.
You have been warned.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
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