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Saturday, December 17, 2022
Emails Show CDC Removed Defensive Gun Use Stats After Gun-Control Advocates Pressured Officials in Private Meeting
The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) deleted a reference to a study it commissioned after a group of gun-control advocates complained it made passing new restrictions more difficult.
The lobbying campaign spanned months and culminated with a private meeting between CDC officials and three advocates last summer, a collection of emails obtained by The Reload show. Introductions from the White House and Senator Dick Durbin’s (D., Ill.) office helped the advocates reach top officials at the agency after their initial attempt to reach out went unanswered. The advocates focused their complaints on the CDC’s description of its review of studies that estimated defensive gun uses (DGU) happen between 60,000 and 2.5 million times per year in the United States–attacking criminologist Gary Kleck’s work establishing the top end of the range.
“[T]hat 2.5 Million number needs to be killed, buried, dug up, killed again and buried again,” Mark Bryant, one of the attendees, wrote to CDC officials after their meeting. “It is highly misleading, is used out of context and I honestly believe it has zero value – even as an outlier point in honest DGU discussions.”
Bryant, who runs the Gun Violence Archive (GVA), argued Kleck’s estimate has been damaging to the political prospects of passing new gun restrictions and should be eliminated from the CDC’s website.
“And while that very small study by Gary Kleck has been debunked repeatedly by everyone from all sides of this issue [even Kleck] it still remains canon by gun rights folks and their supporting politicians and is used as a blunt instrument against gun safety regulations every time there is a state or federal level hearing,” he wrote in the same email. “Put simply, in the time that study has been published as ‘a CDC Study’ gun violence prevention policy has ground to a halt, in no small part because of the misinformation that small study provided.”
Despite initially standing behind the description in the defensive gun use section of its “fast facts” website on gun violence, the CDC backtracked after a previously-undisclosed virtual meeting with the advocates on September 15th, 2021.
“We are planning to update the fact sheet in early 2022 after the release of some new data,” Beth Reimels, Associate Director for Policy, Partnerships, and Strategic Communication at the CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention, said in one email to the three advocates on December 10th. “We will also make some edits to the content we discussed that I think will address the concerns you and other partners have raised.”
The CDC did not respond to a request for comment on the decision, but none of the emails the agency released related to it did not show any attempts to obtain other outside points of view either before or after the meeting with the gun-control advocates. Hannah Bristol of the White House Office of Public Engagement did not respond to a request for comment on her role in the discussions beyond what the emails reveal. Emily Hampsten, Senator Durbin’s Communications Director, told The Reload their office’s only involvement was “simply connecting” “stakeholder organizations” with a federal agency as part of the “basic function of our work.”
The decision to remove a CDC-commissioned report from the agency’s website on gun statistics at the apparent behest of gun-control advocates may further strain its relationship with Congressional overseers, especially pro-gun Republicans who are set to take control of the House next year. The relationship between the two, already frayed over the Coronavirus pandemic, could reach new lows not seen in decades. During the 1990s, Congress put restrictions on CDC funding in response to officials openly working with gun-control groups to try and ban handguns.
“We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes,” Mark Rosenberg, director of the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention, told The Washington Post in 1994. “It used to be that smoking was a glamour symbol–cool, sexy, macho. Now it is dirty, deadly–and banned.”
Kleck, Professor Emeritus at Florida State University’s College of Criminology and Criminal Justice, stood by his research. He said the CDC did not reach out to him for his perspective before making the change. He argued the removal of the reference to his estimate was “blatant censorship” and said it was evidence of the politicization of the agency.
“CDC is just aligning itself with the gun-control advocacy groups,” Kleck told The Reload. “It’s just saying: ‘we are their tool, and we will do their bidding.’ And that’s not what a government agency should do.”
The website change and the fact that it resulted from a lobbying campaign were first reported by The Trace earlier this year. The publication identified Bryant’s involvement and that of Devin Hughes, who runs GVPedia. The new emails revealed through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by Konstadinos Moros, a lawyer representing the California Rifle & Pistol Association, showed the nature of that lobbying and the involvement of...
Son of Alleged Pelosi Attacker Breaks Silence: 'For All We Know He Was Some Sort of Sex Slave'
The son of a man charged with the attempted murder of Paul Pelosi is speaking out.
Nebosvod “Sky” Gonzalez described his father David DePape as a man traumatized from a lifetime of abuse, speaking in an interview with the Daily Mail published Wednesday.
‘There is almost no person on this planet that has gone through so much suffering,” Gonalez said of DePape.
The 19-year-old doubts prosecutors’ charges against DePape, expressing his uncertainty that his father ever even attacked the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
“For all that we know he was some sort of sex slave, as Elon Musk pointed out,” Gonzalez said of his father — referencing a since-deleted Musk tweet.
That’s quite the take on the situation, especially considering it’s coming from the guy’s own son.
Musk didn’t go so far as to claim DePape was a “sex slave,” but he did share a since-removed article from the Santa Monica Observer that theorized DePape and Paul Pelosi were in a sexual relationship.
Gonzalez further rejected the idea that DePape was a conservative political fanatic — a claim leveled by progressives in an attempt to chalk up the alleged attack to partisan politics.
“My father had progressive views,” Gonzalez said of DePape.
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“He believed in human rights, equality, and justice. He was against the war, he was a peace activist, hardly a right-wing conservative, as he has been branded.”
The guy just so happens to be a Canadian illegal immigrant and a hemp-jewelry-making nudist activist.
The spitting image of a hardened conservative, right?
Oxane “Gypsy” Taub, Gonzalez’s mother, previously described DePape as “mentally ill,” according to the Daily Mail.
She claimed that DePape came under the delusion that he personally was Jesus Christ after he disappeared for a period of time.
Hard, definitive evidence corroborating some of the more colorful theories surrounding the alleged home invasion hasn’t materialized.
But that doesn’t mean there aren’t questions to be asked about the incident.
It’s more than fair to question how DePape managed to enter the Pelosi family home as if he were a master burglar.
Former neighbors of the Pelosis have indicated the residence was always guarded by a heavy security detail, which seemingly failed to stop DePape.
DePape plead not guilty to a laundry list of state charges stemming from the incident on Wednesday, having already plead as such to federal charges, according to the Daily Mail.
San Francisco Police Department officers accused DePape of also planning attacks on Hunter Biden and California Gov. Gavin Newsom in Wednesday’s preliminary hearing, according to...
Nebosvod “Sky” Gonzalez described his father David DePape as a man traumatized from a lifetime of abuse, speaking in an interview with the Daily Mail published Wednesday.
‘There is almost no person on this planet that has gone through so much suffering,” Gonalez said of DePape.
The 19-year-old doubts prosecutors’ charges against DePape, expressing his uncertainty that his father ever even attacked the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
“For all that we know he was some sort of sex slave, as Elon Musk pointed out,” Gonzalez said of his father — referencing a since-deleted Musk tweet.
That’s quite the take on the situation, especially considering it’s coming from the guy’s own son.
Musk didn’t go so far as to claim DePape was a “sex slave,” but he did share a since-removed article from the Santa Monica Observer that theorized DePape and Paul Pelosi were in a sexual relationship.
Gonzalez further rejected the idea that DePape was a conservative political fanatic — a claim leveled by progressives in an attempt to chalk up the alleged attack to partisan politics.
“My father had progressive views,” Gonzalez said of DePape.
Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
“He believed in human rights, equality, and justice. He was against the war, he was a peace activist, hardly a right-wing conservative, as he has been branded.”
The guy just so happens to be a Canadian illegal immigrant and a hemp-jewelry-making nudist activist.
The spitting image of a hardened conservative, right?
Oxane “Gypsy” Taub, Gonzalez’s mother, previously described DePape as “mentally ill,” according to the Daily Mail.
She claimed that DePape came under the delusion that he personally was Jesus Christ after he disappeared for a period of time.
Hard, definitive evidence corroborating some of the more colorful theories surrounding the alleged home invasion hasn’t materialized.
But that doesn’t mean there aren’t questions to be asked about the incident.
It’s more than fair to question how DePape managed to enter the Pelosi family home as if he were a master burglar.
Former neighbors of the Pelosis have indicated the residence was always guarded by a heavy security detail, which seemingly failed to stop DePape.
DePape plead not guilty to a laundry list of state charges stemming from the incident on Wednesday, having already plead as such to federal charges, according to the Daily Mail.
San Francisco Police Department officers accused DePape of also planning attacks on Hunter Biden and California Gov. Gavin Newsom in Wednesday’s preliminary hearing, according to...
Newborn Baby In Washington State Dies Of Blood Clot After Hospital Gives Him Vaccinated Blood Transfusion Despite Arrangement Parents Had Made For Unvaxed Blood
His Name Was Alex, The Condition He Had Was 95% Survivable
The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1235
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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1935
You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside?
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific,
from the beautiful to the repugnant,
from the mysterious to the familiar.
If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed,
you could be inspired, you could be appalled.
This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended.
You have been warned.
Friday, December 16, 2022
The Most Important Dataset of the Pandemic Was Just Released Germany Has Provided The Means To Quantify The Human Cost Of The Experimental Vaccination Program
Most sane people believe that the burden of proving safety should lie on the party conducting a questionable action, rather than their victim. For example, if a criminal shot someone, the prosecution would not be required to prove that the victim’s sudden death after the gunshot wound was not just a spontaneous coincidence, a result of extreme stress from the situation, or due to a pre-existing medical condition.
Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry has been able to establish a special type of privilege within the legal system and has made it very difficult to demonstrate that vaccines (along with many other pharmaceuticals) can ever be at fault for anything. Because of this, we recently had a flood of experimental vaccines mandated upon the population, which were never tested for safety (despite many serious concerns with their design), whose (likely fraudulent) clinical trial data was never made accessible to the public. We then had, as far as I know, the most aggressive propaganda campaign in history, and I watched the majority of my colleagues lose the ability to recognize any problems related to the vaccines. Instead, they developed an almost surreal religious devotion to the coming salvation (the vaccines becoming available).
Once the vaccines entered the market, a variety of red flags began going off indicating that these vaccines were killing people, and rather than address these concerns, the government—in concert with the media—chose to deny any of this was occurring. Instead they mandated the vaccines upon the entire population. I was understandably worried that the vaccines would cause problems and tried to do my part to head this off in 2020, but I did not expect anything on the scale of what we have encountered since then.
I personally became involved in all of this because soon after the vaccines entered the market, I began to have many friends and patients reach out to ask me if the vaccine could kill, because someone they knew had had a tragic sudden death after vaccination. Once the magnitude of the problem dawned on me, I realized that even though my available options were limited, I could at least do my best to document each case sent my way so that someone would bear witness to what had happened. Otherwise, the dead had no voice. Other than knowing I had a duty to compile this list, I was not sure what to do with it. Later after someone kindly helped launch this Substack, I decided to post it, it ended up being seen by a lot of people…and that is how I ended up writing here.
Because of how long it took to verify each case, I realized that I had to end it a year in (at which point I knew of 45 individuals who had either critical or fatal injuries of a similar nature in close proximity to vaccination). Since that time, I still continue to hear reports I periodically document and discuss.
For example, a good friend is a nurse in a cardiac unit and has told me many of the patients she sees now with heart failure are much younger than they were a few years ago. I previously advised her against getting the vaccine due to her history of rheumatic fever (a condition where the immune system attacks and damages part of the heart). This was because I had noticed both COVID-19 and especially its vaccine seemed to cause inflammatory flares at previous sites of injuries or inflammation (Lyme is also known for doing this). The vaccine also has a remarkably high rate of exacerbating pre-existing autoimmune conditions—such as...
Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry has been able to establish a special type of privilege within the legal system and has made it very difficult to demonstrate that vaccines (along with many other pharmaceuticals) can ever be at fault for anything. Because of this, we recently had a flood of experimental vaccines mandated upon the population, which were never tested for safety (despite many serious concerns with their design), whose (likely fraudulent) clinical trial data was never made accessible to the public. We then had, as far as I know, the most aggressive propaganda campaign in history, and I watched the majority of my colleagues lose the ability to recognize any problems related to the vaccines. Instead, they developed an almost surreal religious devotion to the coming salvation (the vaccines becoming available).
Once the vaccines entered the market, a variety of red flags began going off indicating that these vaccines were killing people, and rather than address these concerns, the government—in concert with the media—chose to deny any of this was occurring. Instead they mandated the vaccines upon the entire population. I was understandably worried that the vaccines would cause problems and tried to do my part to head this off in 2020, but I did not expect anything on the scale of what we have encountered since then.
I personally became involved in all of this because soon after the vaccines entered the market, I began to have many friends and patients reach out to ask me if the vaccine could kill, because someone they knew had had a tragic sudden death after vaccination. Once the magnitude of the problem dawned on me, I realized that even though my available options were limited, I could at least do my best to document each case sent my way so that someone would bear witness to what had happened. Otherwise, the dead had no voice. Other than knowing I had a duty to compile this list, I was not sure what to do with it. Later after someone kindly helped launch this Substack, I decided to post it, it ended up being seen by a lot of people…and that is how I ended up writing here.
Because of how long it took to verify each case, I realized that I had to end it a year in (at which point I knew of 45 individuals who had either critical or fatal injuries of a similar nature in close proximity to vaccination). Since that time, I still continue to hear reports I periodically document and discuss.
For example, a good friend is a nurse in a cardiac unit and has told me many of the patients she sees now with heart failure are much younger than they were a few years ago. I previously advised her against getting the vaccine due to her history of rheumatic fever (a condition where the immune system attacks and damages part of the heart). This was because I had noticed both COVID-19 and especially its vaccine seemed to cause inflammatory flares at previous sites of injuries or inflammation (Lyme is also known for doing this). The vaccine also has a remarkably high rate of exacerbating pre-existing autoimmune conditions—such as...
Musk Is Cutting Twitter To The Bone, And The Lamentations Of The Karens Are Glorious

Elon Musk, his bloodlust still not satiated after firing half of Twitter’s 11,000 employees, is now slicing and dicing the company’s bloated finances.
The story could begin — and end — with what Musk did when he found dead-ender execs racking up six figures worth of chartered jets right before he bought the company. But the story just keeps getting better, even after that.
So I guess that, technically, the most important snowball in the avalanche of good Twitter news is that Musk will move its headquarters out of San Francisco. He hasn’t said where the new Headquarters will be located, but given that Musk moved his Tesla Headquarters and that SpaceX is there, too, Twitter will soon call Texas home.
Best thing for the company, really. The Bay Area’s woke culture is endemic and poisonous. I assume Twitter will move to Austin, which is also quite “progressive.” But at least Austin is a blue dot in a sea of red — not like San Francisco’s blue dot in a sea of big blue blobs.
Already, according to a New York Times report, Musk has stopped paying rent on the SF Headquarters and all of its global offices, too. Prior to Musk’s buyout, the company was famous for lavish spending on amenities for its bloated (and mostly unneeded) workforce.
Twitter 2.0 is apparently gearing up for legal battles to get the company out of the ruinous leases arranged by previous management.
But wait. It gets better. Much better:
What happens to ex-employees when they break their NDAs? FAFO, as Musk himself has said.Twitter’s leaders have also discussed the consequences of denying severance payments to thousands of people who have been laid off since the takeover, two people familiar with the talks said. And Mr. Musk has threatened employees with lawsuits if they talk to the media and “act in a manner contrary to the company’s interest,” according to an internal email sent last Friday.
The NYT article paints a picture of a company in “chaos,” to borrow a word the NYT used twice. I see a bloated social media platform getting pared to the bone if it’s going to be saved.
In terms of Twitter’s cultural health, maybe Musk’s best move was on Monday when he dissolved the so-called Trust and Safety Council. Formed in 2016 to combat “hate” or whatever, I warned at the time that the council was essentially Orwellian and would crush free speech.
I had no idea — until Twitter helped squelch the Crackhead Hunter Biden laptop story and turn an election — just how right I would turn out to be.
For the next #TwitterFiles, Musk has already promised to reveal collusion between Twitter 1.0 and celebrity medical spokesmodel Anthony “Doctor” Fauci to silence dissent about masks, the lockdowns, vaccines, and more.
Now, about those chartered flights…
Can you imagine putting a few tens of thousands of dollars on the company Amex, only to have the bill bounce right back in your lap?
It’s a thing of beauty — and that’s why the progressive Left is going ape-stuff insane.
The New Republic’s Timothy Noah warns that Musk might just the “the worst boss ever.” At the Arizona Republic, EJ Montini frets that Musk is “transforming Twitter into… Arizona!” Sane people might think that’s a good thing, but Montini, who apparently hates his state and his readers, says they’re both full of “Intolerance? Check. Prejudice? Check. Misinformation? Check. Crackpots? Check. Zealots? Check.”
But if you really want to see what a nest of angry, demented bees Musk has made the Left, look no further than famous lefty accounts on Twitter itself.
That’s just one example. I won’t bore you with others, since they’re easy enough to find on your own, should you find yourself feeling particularly masochistic.Elon Musk has turned into late-stage Howard Hughes and his jar of urine is Twitter
— Frank Lesser (@sadmonsters) December 14, 2022
I should remind you once more that Musk’s first reform was to clear Twitter of its endemic pedophile picture-sharing subculture — and the Left has been mum.
Make of that what you will.
Unrelated, but doused with the same firehose of schadenfreude is the latest from the Washington Post. The paper shredded its own credibility during the Donald Trump years, but...
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