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Saturday, October 16, 2021
FACT CHECK – 30,305 people did die within 21 days of having a Covid-19 Vaccine according to ONS; Fact Checkers cannot do simple math
On September 15th 2021 we published an article confirming that the Office for National Statistics (ONS) had published figures confirming 30,305 people had died within 21 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine in England during the first six months of 2021.
But fact checkers have since claimed our article was “false”, because according to them just 4,570 people died within 21 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine, and they claim the very same ONS figures show this.
These are the official figures published by the ONS from their ‘Deaths involving Covid-19 by Vaccination status‘ report-
Another 11,470 people died within 21 days of having their second dose of having a Covid-19 vaccine, and 182 people died within 21 days of having their second dose of a Covid-19 vaccine whose death allegedly involved Covid-19.
Therefore 30,305 people died within 21 days of having the Covid-19 vaccine in England during the first 6 months of 2021.
However, a new Fact Checking organisation known as Logically AI, which is funded by Facebook and Mercia; a company also directly funding Covid-19 diagnostic tests, released an article on September 17th claiming our article was false and that the ONS data shows just 4,570 people have died within 21 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine.
Even if incapable of doing simple addition in your head then we’re sure you’re quite capable of using a calculator to work out that the...
INSURRECTION? Leftist Mob Storms Department Of Interior Building Over Climate Change (VIDEO)
This week a mob of leftists protesting climate change stormed the Department of the Interior building in DC.
Where are Democrats? Where is the liberal media? Isn’t this worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 put together? Or have the rules changed again?
Everything seems to change depending on the politics of who is doing it.
Townhall reports:
So, We’re Just Going to Ignore a Bunch of Green Warriors Who Tried to Storm the Department of the Interior?
It wasn’t the Capitol Building, but another insurrection occurred in Washington DC this week. Based on the liberal media’s rules, this was an attack on our democracy*, our principles, and it should shake us to our core. This isn’t who we are. Was this worse than 9/11? I don’t know. That’s what the establishment media thought of the January 6 riot.
More from the Washington Post:
Police and climate activists clashed Thursday during protests at the Interior Department, with security personnel sustaining “multiple injuries” and one officer being taken to a hospital, agency spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz said.
Climate demonstrators were attempting to occupy the Interior Department, with dozens entering the Stewart Lee Udall Main Interior Building on C Street NW. Those who remained outside clashed with police as they tried to keep the one unlocked door open. At times, protesters attempted to push past the police line.
The protesters were here for People vs. Fossil Fuels, five days of demonstrations by a coalition of groups known as Build Back Fossil Free that has included Indigenous leaders from across the country. The coalition’s name is a nod to President Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda.
Here are some videos:
Will these people be arrested and held in...
Muslim Immigrant Slaughters British Member Of Parliament With A Knife In Front Of Constituents...
- Sir David, 69, had been holding a surgery for constituents when he was attacked by the knifeman at midday
- Horrified staff and Southend constituents saw stabbing happen as he was inside Belfairs Methodist Church
- Sir David was treated at the scene by paramedics for more than an hour but later died, Essex Police said
- Man, 25, was arrested at the scene and a knife was seized. The suspect is in custody and arrested over murder
The popular politician – who won at the last general election with a margin of 14,000 votes – was knifed ‘multiple times’ by a 25-year-old killer.
His attacker sprinted into the church and knifed him to death during his weekly surgery as constituents watched in horror.
The Tory MP for Southend West, 69, was meeting locals at the Belfairs Methodist Church, in Eastwood Road North, Leigh-on-Sea, when it happened just after midday.
Paramedics worked to save the politician on the floor of a Essex church for more than an hour but he could not be saved after the appalling attack with chilling similarities to the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox, who was shot and stabbed multiple times outside her constituency surgery at a local library in Birstall, West Yorkshire, in June 2016 by a right-wing terrorist.
Sir David, a married father-of-five whose wife Julia is also his part-time caseworker, is the seventh MP to be murdered, and the ninth in history to be attacked. It is not know if Mrs Amess was at the church when her husband was murdered.
Horrified constituents waiting to see the veteran MP, an ardent Brexiteer and royalist, watched in horror as the knifeman stabbed him, calling the police at 12.05pm. Police confirmed Sir David’s death at around 3pm. Counter-terrorism officers and armed units are at the scene.
One woman ran out of the church in the chaos yelling down the phone after dialling 999, telling the call handler: ‘Someone’s been stabbed, please get here soon, he’s not breathing’. Essex Police held the attacker at the scene and seized a weapon. He is now in custody and arrested on suspicion of murder.
Sir David, a Brexiteer veteran MP who has voted against...
Biden administration reverses all punishment of Villainous Andrew McCabe
The Deep State takes care of its own, scoring a big victory yesterday thanks to the Biden administration defaulting, using an old trick to reverse all punishment of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, who lied repeatedly to FBI officials — normally a crime that can be prosecuted severely.
That he lied is undisputed. See this inspector general's report.
Former attorney general Jeff Sessions fired McCabe just before his pension vested, but the thoroughly politicized Department of Justice declined to prosecute him. Losing pay and pension rankled McCabe, so he sued.
Rather than fight McCabe in court and let a jury decide, Merrick Garland's Justice Department has caved in completely and given McCabe everything he wanted in a "settlement agreement" that includes half a million dollars in attorney's fees and about $200,000 in pension payments he missed plus future pension payments for the rest of his life. Having already stepped down from his position as deputy director of the FBI — to which he was appointed by James Comey, who raised him from the ranks — McCabe will not be getting his old job back — just the cushy package of benefits and pension payments that retired senior government bureaucrats enjoy. He joins Lois Lerner of the IRS in the ranks of guilty political hacks who escape punishment for their partisan misdeeds in office.
You can read the eleven pages of the settlement agreement here or just glance at a summary via Adam Goldman of the New York Times:

Under the settlement, Mr. McCabe, 53, will be able to officially retire, receive his pension and other benefits, and get about $200,000 in missed pension payments.
In addition, the department agreed to expunge any mention of his firing from F.B.I. personnel records. The agreement even made clear that he would receive the cuff links given to senior executives and a plaque with his mounted F.B.I. credentials and badge.
The Justice Department did not admit any wrongdoing. But the settlement amounted to a rejection by the Biden administration of how Mr. McCabe's case had been handled under Mr. Trump, who perceived Mr. McCabe as one of his so-called deep-state enemies and repeatedly attacked him. A notice of the lawsuit's dismissal was also filed in federal court.
McCabe, a villain who was a key player in the attempted coup via Russiagate, is now vindicated in the eyes of his supporters in the...
The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #808
The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1508
Friday, October 15, 2021
Dream Of The Muslim Archer.....
Harvard Research Confirms What We've Been Saying for Months There is not evidentiary correlation between cases and vaccination rates
I have no idea how this paper made it past the censors but there it is! This was published a month ago but didn’t receive much fanfare and now we know why—it confirms what we’ve been saying for months now: the vaccines have not stopped and likely will not stop the pandemic.
Back in July we tweeted that the CDC data mapping vax rates to COVID-19 case rates shows ZERO impact of the former on the latter:
We’ve written in these pages multiple times about the same phenomenon. Yesterday, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford tweeted:
“There is a lot to learn from this graph, but most obviously, the COVID vax does not stop infection. The vax provides a private benefit (protection vs. severe disease), but limited public benefit (protection vs. disease spread). So what is the argument for mandates?”
Now this Harvard research notes:
I Count 11 Flips Of This High Speed Motorcycle Crash...
More Gift Of Gif:
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Animated Gif Collection #13 -OR- This Guy Was Inches From DEATH!
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Marsha Blackburn Blasts Buttigieg on Supply Chain Crisis: ‘Get Back to Work or Leave the Department’
Blackburn told Breitbart:
We’re in the middle of a transportation crisis, and Pete Buttigieg is sitting at home. Meanwhile, cargo boats are unable to dock and shelves are sitting empty. Pete needs to either get back to work or leave the Department of Transportation. It’s time to put American families first.Blackburn’s comments come after Politico reported that Buttigieg has been on paid leave since mid-August, electing to spend time with his husband, Chasten, and their two newborn babies rather than doing his job as transportation secretary.
According to Politico:
“For the first four weeks, he was mostly offline except for major agency decisions and matters that could not be delegated,” said a spokesperson for the Department of Transportation. “He has been ramping up activities since then.” As he does that, Buttigieg will “continue to take some time over the coming weeks to support his husband and take care of his new children,” the spokesperson added.On Monday, reports came in showing “a visible sea of congestion at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.” This week’s port delays are nothing new. Last month, a record-breaking 62 cargo ships waited on average ten days to dock in the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports.
As Breitbart reported:
On September 22, ports in both Los Angeles and Long Beach reported more than 150 ships docked in port, which included 95 container ships. The number of ships docked Wednesday was more than double that of pre-pandemic averages when the ports typically dealt with 60-70 ships at once.The Biden administration finally addressed this ongoing supply chain crisis weeks after it began. On Wednesday, President Joe Biden announced the Port of Los Angeles will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Americans are beginning to feel the impact of these supply chain disruptions as they hurt 88 percent of small business owners. These disruptions will also impact Americans during...
He's The Captain....It's His Parade...
Hundreds blockade Italian ports as mandatory Covid-19 passes come into effect for all workers (VIDEOS)
Hundreds of people have gathered at Italian ports protesting the requirement for all workers to show Covid-19 health passes, which has now come into force. Failure to comply could result in suspension from the workplace and fines.
On Friday, around 300 protesters blockaded an entrance to the port of Genoa in Northwest Italy in opposition to the so-called ‘green passes’, which require both private and public workers to prove that they are either vaccinated, have tested negative for Covid, or have recently recovered from the virus.
If workers cannot produce a green pass within a grace period of five days, they will be suspended without pay and could face a fine of up to €1,500 ($1,730) should they dare to work on regardless.
Footage uploaded to Twitter showed a large gathering of people in high-visibility jackets in protest against the measure and signs saying “No green pass.”
Videos on Twitter showed swathes of people congregating and blockading the gateway of Trieste’s port. On the eve of the pass taking effect, a crowd of people gathered in front of a worker who called for them to “strike to the bitter end… until the health passport requirement is eliminated.”:
The Worst Is Yet To Come From Biden’s Vaccine Coercion
Like President Biden, who said in December 2020, “I don’t think it should be mandatory, I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory,” I was opposed to COVID-19 vaccine mandates from the start. Unlike President Biden, I haven’t flip-flopped.
In fact, my opposition to mandates is growing stronger with each new anecdote and piece of information that shows not only how futile they are but how devastating these self-inflicted harms will be. President Biden, his administration, corporate media, and social media are denying three realities:
1. The effectiveness of natural immunity and how medically unnecessary it is for the previously infected to get vaccinated.
2. The fact that fully vaccinated individuals are getting infected and transmitting COVID-19. Unfortunately, some are also becoming seriously ill, being hospitalized, and dying. This is not, as President Biden repeatedly insists, a pandemic solely of the unvaccinated.
3. Vaccine injuries, including death, are occurring at far higher numbers than health authorities want to admit.
“Established in 1990, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines,” says its government website. As of October 1, 2021, VAERS has reported 16,310 deaths after COVID shots so far — with 5,326 (33 percent) occurring on Day 0, 1, or 2 after vaccination — and 778,685 total adverse events.
The two main criticisms of discussing this data from VAERS are that it does not prove the COVID injections caused these injuries (although these numbers should still alarm) and that VAERS significantly underreports vaccine injuries (which should increase alarm).
Those of us who attempt to inform the public of these three realities are not only the targets of vilification, we are also magnets for people who desperately want their stories to be told so others can avoid harm. Over the last few weeks, the stories have become more numerous and more alarming.
Three areas of particular urgency involve health care, the military, and aviation. Some of the stories have already been reported publicly, some have not. Here are but a few examples.
As we have seen in New York state, many doctors and nurses who refuse to be vaccinated now must leave health care, either voluntarily or involuntarily, due to vaccine coercion. Their decades of medical skill and knowledge will be lost to the mandates.
I have been inundated with testimonials from doctors, nurses, and other health-care workers asking for relief from the mandates and indicating they will not succumb to the pressure. New York’s experience will be replicated throughout America, and the negative impact on health care will be profound.
I have been in contact with Lt. Col. Theresa Long, an Army flight surgeon. Her affidavit, which was part of an amended filing in a lawsuit against the military regarding vaccine mandates and injuries in the military, was made public in late September and describes only a small portion of the alarming story she has to tell.
As a result of her efforts to alert her superiors, she is now a pariah to her senior command, and her medical license is being attacked merely for speaking out. The day before her superiors canceled all her appointments with patients, two out of five aviators she saw had developed pericarditis shortly after vaccination, only reporting their symptoms because they read an affidavit online. She has much more to tell but is under a gag order imposed by...