Ninety miles from the South Eastern tip of the United States, Liberty has no stead. In order for Liberty to exist and thrive, Tyranny must be identified, recognized, confronted and extinguished.
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Saturday, July 12, 2014
Border Patrol Warns MS-13 Using Nogales Processing Center as Recruitment Hub
According to Border Patrol sources, violent MS-13 gang members are using the Nogales processing center in Arizona as a recruitment hub and as a transfer point for gang members to get into the United States.
The Red Cross has set up phone banks inside the processing center so unaccompanied minors can make phone calls to family members inside the United States and back home in Central America. According to sources, those phones are also being used by MS-13 members to communicate with gang members already in the United States and operating in cities like Atlanta, New York and Chicago. Further, many teenaged males inside the facility have approached Border Patrol agents and have said gang members have tried to recruit them from shared cells. According to the FBI, MS-13 regularly targets middle and high school students for recruitment.
"The National Border Patrol Council believes there to be serious security issues at the Nogales Processing Center. Agents' hands are tied due to the policies governing the care and lodging of juveniles and this has allowed gang recruitment and ...
Flood of lawsuits to follow wave of illegal aliens?
Illegal immigrants pouring across the border could trigger a wave of lawsuits flooding the U.S. court system for years and costing taxpayers millions, according to legal experts.
The American Civil Liberties Union has already sued the federal government to ensure that each of the 60,000-plus unaccompanied children who have come across the border since November gets taxpayer-funded representation at deportation hearings. But legal advocacy groups who represent illegal immigrants could file additional suits alleging improper treatment at the hands of the government. And with the system overwhelmed, there’s little doubt corners are being cut.
“You can bet there is a phalanx of left-wing lawyers trying to line up illegal alien plaintiffs,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch.
"The sky’s the limit, it could be a nightmare.”- Jessica Vaughn, The Center for Immigration Studies
Slow asylum hearing dockets — like those that have already prompted a class action suit on behalf of 40,000 illegal immigrants — are certain to get much worse, experts say. But every interaction between the government and the illegal immigrants pouring in could potentially trigger a cause of action if lawyers can prove the letter of the law was not followed.
Jessica Vaughn, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, said there's little the White House can do now that the children — most of whom are from Central America —are already here. Under U.S. law, kids from non-contiguous countries cannot be turned back at the border and must be granted deportation hearings.
“If we start sending these kids back to their home countries, there will be lawsuits galore,” said Vaughn. “We’re already seeing suits for...
True the Vote Alleges "Stunning Evidence of Election Subversion," Restraining Order Filed!

voting process. According to Mississippi state law, Democrats who voted in the Democratic primary cannot vote in the Republican runoff, and that is exactly what happened.
Now True The Vote, the nation's leading voters’ rights and election integrity organization, has asked a federal judge to issue a restraining order against the Mississippi Republican Party, alleging that the state GOP may be engaged in the destruction of evidence of alleged voter fraud from the June 24 GOP primary runoff.
Our friend Matt Boyle, the Breitbart reporter who has broken or nationalized more news about the Mississippi Republican Senate Primary, reports that True The Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht said in a statement, “Defendant county commissioners have continued to violate federal law by preventing access to election records. Now, we think we know why… If the affidavits we now have regarding the destruction of election documents and other similarly stunning findings are true, then no Mississippian, no American, can trust the results of this election.”
The following nine counties and their respective election commissions have been included as defendants in the case: Copiah, Hinds, Jefferson Davis, Lauderdale, Leake, Madison, Rankin, Simpson and Yazoo. (We note for the record that Yazoo County is the home of former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, a key figure in the allegations of vote fraud.)
In addition to the Mississippi Secretary of State, the State Republican Party, True the Vote has added ten county election commissions to the suit and asked the Court to immediately order...

identification, according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC). “The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms,” NBPC’s Local 2455 Spokesman, Hector Garza, told Breitbart Texas.
“This is not the CBP [Customs and Border Protection] or another federal agency renting or leasing an aircraft, these are the same planes that the American public uses for domestic travel,” said Garza. “This just adds insult to injury. Not only are we releasing unknown illegal aliens onto American streets, but we are allowing them to travel commercially using paperwork that could easily be reproduced or manipulated on any home computer. The Notice to Appear form has no photo, anyone can make one and manipulate one. They do not have any security features, no watermark, nothing. They are simply printed on standard copy paper based on the information the illegal alien says is the truth.”
Spokesman Garza continued, “We do not know who these people are, we often have to solely rely on who they say they are, where they say they came from, and the history they say they have. We know nothing about most of them, ICE releases them into the American public, and now they are boarding aircraft at will with a simple paper document that anyone can easily alter or reproduce themselves.”
The shocking assertions by Garza were further validated by the national body of the NBPC. Breitbart Texas obtained an exclusive statement from the NBPC.
“The National Border Patrol Council adamantly opposes the decision of DHS to release the illegal aliens who have been transported from the Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector to other locations for processing. The lack of consequences has furthered this crisis and will only continue to do so. The fact that TSA is accepting the I-862 (Notice to Appear) as a form of identification and allowing illegal aliens to travel commercially shows just how little regard the federal government has for its own immigration laws.”
Breitbart Texas also spoke with Shawn Moran, the vice president of the NBPC and he stated, “Why waste money and effort transporting people from the RGV if we are only going to release them with no real way to track them? Why are we allowing them to ...
Friday, July 11, 2014
Democrats Keep Saying That Republicans Need To Pass Immigration Amnesty Or Lose Elections Forever...
Democrats are just looking out for Republicans. They Want the best for Republicans...Really...
Here is a gift, to show their goodwill.
Facebook Pays High Schoolers To Push Liberal Agenda More Than You Earn In A Year

Chances are high school interns at Facebook are making a higher salary than you, if you’re lucky enough to be salaried at all.
During their summer vacations, teens are making an average of $6,213 a month, according to Glassdoor.
This comes to $74,556 per year. That’s over $21,000 more than the national average of $53,046 annually.
While Google requires that interns be at least a college freshman, Facebook is signing on kids who are still years away from a high school diploma.
San Francisco Bay are-based employers dominate the “25 Highest Paying Companies for Interns 2014″ list, and Facebook happens to take 5th place. The number three spot belongs to social giant and rival Twitter.
If you've ever managed a politically right-leaning Facebook page, you probably already know how the social media’s employees can be more than restrictive when it comes to conservative activity, not to mention the hypocrisy of protection of pages that threaten violence towards their ....
Obama administration refuses to pursue criminal investigation of CIA spying on Senate staffers

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise! - Gomer Pyle
The Department of Justice has officially ended its criminal probe concerning allegations of spying and document stealing involving the United States Senate and the Central Intelligence Agency.
On Thursday this week, a DOJ spokesperson confirmed to McClatchy that the Justice Dept. won’t pursue any further its investigation into whether Senate Intelligence Committee staffers took classified documents from a secure facility, nor a related probe concerning allegations that the CIA spied on those same congressional workers.
"The department carefully reviewed the matters referred to us and did not find sufficient evidence to warrant a criminal investigation," spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement sent to the news agency.
Earlier this year in March, the CIA alleged that Senate staffers working on a controversial, yet-to-be-published report concerning the agency’s use of torture tactics after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks had improperly removed classified documents from a protected site and brought them illegally to their Capitol Hill offices. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California), the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee working on that report, in turn fired back and said that the CIA has been secretly.....
Thursday, July 10, 2014
We Are At War - With Cultural Marxism...
Fight the left.
America today is dominated by a system of beliefs, attitudes and values that we have come to know as “Political Correctness.” For many it is an annoyance and a self parodying joke. But Political Correctness is deadly serious in its aims, seeking to impose a uniformity of thought and behavior on all Americans. It is therefore totalitarian in nature. Its roots lie in a version of Marxism which sees culture, rather than the economy, as the site of class struggle.
Under Marxist economic theory, the oppressed workers were supposed to be the beneficiaries of a social revolution that would place them on top of the power structure. When these revolutionary opportunities presented themselves, however, the workers did not respond. The Marxist revolutionaries did not blame their theory for these failures; instead they blamed the “ruling class,” which had bought off the workers by giving them “rights,” and had blinded them with a “false consciousness” that led them to support national governments and liberal democracy.
One group of Marxist intellectuals resolved this apparent contradiction of Marxist theory by an analysis that focused on society’s cultural “superstructure” rather than on the economic “base” as Marx did. The Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci and Hungarian Marxist Georg Lukacs contributed the most to this new cultural Marxism.
Among Marxists, Gramsci is noted for his theory that cultural hegemony is the means to class dominance. In his view, a new “Communist man” had to be created through a changed culture before any political revolution was possible. This led to a focus on the efforts of intellectuals in the fields of education and media.
Georg Lukacs believed that for a new Marxist culture to emerge, the existing culture must be destroyed. He said, “I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution to the cultural contradictions of the epoch.... Such a worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.”
What Happens In Countries Where They Have Banned Guns?
Criminals use knives and short sighted idiots start banning knives.
And Then This Happens:
Let's Ban More Things:
It Is Time To Ban Solid Food...
Colorado's Senator Udall runs from Obama, skips his own campaign fundraiser headlined by Obama

Udall’s campaign said Wednesday morning that the senator is staying in Washington to vote on Obama’s nominee to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
“Mark is grateful for the president’s support and had hoped to welcome him to Colorado in person, but his responsibilities to serve Colorado in the Senate come first,” spokesman Chris Harris said in a statement.
Udall had already planned on skipping Obama’s economic speech at Cheesman Park on Wednesday morning, the only scheduled event open to the press, playing into the narrative pushed by Republicans who argue that the president is an election year liability for Democrats.
He was expected to be at the fundraiser at the Westin Denver Downtown, which is off limits to reporters and news cameras.
Udall’s last-minute cancellation Wednesday morning only added fuel to the fire for Republicans.
“Actions speak louder than words,” read a press release Wednesday morning from the National Republican Senatorial Committee. “It’s clear that the President is beyond toxic, and Mark Udall’s campaign is running scared.”
“The Senate schedule has been set for months and Udall knew the Senate would be in session when he scheduled this fundraiser with Obama,” said former Colorado GOP chairman Dick Wadhams. “So when he says he can’t make it today because of ‘important votes’ in Washington, he has known all along there would be votes this week but he clearly was initially willing to miss those votes to raise money with Obama.
“So now he won’t even try to sneak into town later today to raise the cash, he’ll stay hunkered down in Washington.”
Tickets to the fundraiser cost up to $15,000 per couple and the money is split between Udall’s campaign and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, another Democrat facing reelection this fall, is also missing Wednesday morning’s speech because of a prior commitment to attend an event with veterans in Colorado Springs.
But Hickenlooper, who called the idea that he was avoiding Obama “overblown”, met up with the president Tuesday night in LoDo for a beer and game of pool at the Wynkoop Brewing Company in front of dozens of cameras and reporters.
Udall is in a tight race with Rep. Cory Gardner and the race could go a long way in determining if Republicans retake control of the Senate.
Gardner’s campaign released a Web video targeting Udall and his ties with Obama.
I Am Not A Soccer Fan, But This Is Entertaining...
Germany Seems To Be Giving Brazil Quite A Pounding...
Ich mag das sehr aber es scheint wie ein wenig zu viel.
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Tyranny: EPA Grabs Power To Punish Americans By Garnishing Their Wages

Washington - In a brazen power grab by the administration, the Environmental Protection Agency has presumed the power to "garnish non-Federal wages to collect delinquent non-tax debts owed the United States without a court order."
Part of President Barack Obama’s vow to use executive orders and Cabinet-level authorities to govern the U.S. while ignoring Congress, the EPA empowered itself by simply claiming it has the authority to garnish wages of private citizens who ”violate its rules.”
Not only has the administration claimed the right to garnish wages using the EPA, it has fast-tracked the plan to take effect on September 2 without notice to Congress or conducting public discussions.
To justify its new powers the EPA cites the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, which gives all federal agencies the power to conduct administrative wage garnishment, provided that the agency allows for hearings at which debtors can challenge the amount or the terms of repayment schedule.
The plan immediately drew the ire of Republicans and others. Sen. John Barrasso, (R-Wyo.) told The Washington Times, "The EPA has a history of overreaching its authority. It seems like once again the EPA is trying to take power it doesn’t have away from American citizens.”
The Obama administration has made clear its intentions to govern by way of executive orders and such power grabs as the new EPA plan in lieu of governing through the voters' elected representatives in Congress.
For its part, the conservative Heritage Foundation says the new EPA rule gives the federal agency "unbridled discretion" over the process of challenging fines. Pres. Obama appoints all Cabinet leaders to serve at his pleasure.
David Addington, group vice president for research at Heritage Foundation, told the Washington Times that “the rule not only puts the burden of proof on the debtor, rather than the agency, but also allows the EPA to decide whether a debtor even gets a chance to present a defense before picking whomever it chooses to serve as a hearing officer.”
EPA has issued far more fines since President Barack Obama took office. In 2012, the agency took in $252 million in fines, up from just $96 million in 2009.
Not unlike the unpopular Affordable Care Act passed by Democrats, the limitations and scope of the new EPA rule are unknown, which means the federal agency’s operations will become more like those utilized by the IRS who also has the power to garnish wages and seize the private property of U.S. citizens.
Alix Catherine Tichelman, High-Priced Prostitute, Charged With Murder In Death Of Google Executive Forrest Hayes

Alix Catherine Tichelman, 26, and Hayes, 51, met online and had several meetings before an encounter on Hayes’ 50-foot yacht turned deadly in Santa Cruz, California. Tichelman gave Hayes heroin while the two were on the yacht on Nov. 26 when Hayes suffered “medical complications” and lost consciousness, Santa Cruz Deputy Police Chief Steve Clark told the Santa Cruz Sentinel. Citing surveillance video from the yacht, Clark said Tichelman didn’t make an effort to revive Hayes. Instead, she picked up her belongings and sipped a glass of wine before leaving the yacht.
"She showed no regard for him," Clark said of Hayes, who was employed in the auto industry before moving on to Sun Microsystems, Apple and Google. "She was just trying to cover her tracks."
"She was so callous in gathering her things, she was literally stepping over the body and at one point, stepped over the body to grab a glass of wine and finish the glass of wine in the process of this, all the while the victim is dying at her feet,” Clark added to Sacramento ABC affiliate KXTV.
Clark said evidence showed Tichelman had “a level of guilt that reached second-degree murder rather than involuntary manslaughter,” the Sentinel reported.
Police used the video to identify Tichelman, who lives in Folsom, California, and lured her to Santa Cruz where she was a member of a prostitution ring, the Sentinel reported.
It’s unclear exactly where online Tichelman and Hayes met, but KXTV said Tichelman met many clients on, a website that pairs “sugar daddies” with “sugar babies.” Tichelman allegedly told investigators that she had more than 200 clients.
Tichelman was charged with second-degree murder, destruction of evidence and transporting and providing narcotics, police told the Sentinel.
A few years back, after arriving by train to Madrid from Barcelona I happened on a square and it was filled with Muslims and some imam was on a speaker saying angry shit in Arabic, I started recording and suddenly I started getting angry looks and people started moving towards me, I walked away. It was clear by their actions that they were up to no good. This was 5 years after the 2004 Madrid the train bombings that killed 191 people and injured another 1,800.
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