90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, March 27, 2021

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #605

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Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1305

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, March 26, 2021

Girls With Guns

Islamic Terrorists Love To Commit Atrocities On Anniversaries....

"Our Democracy" Is A Republic - Keep It That Way!


Engineer: Software-based Voting Must Die Before It Kills the Republic

Resist The Encroaching Statism!


More On Statism:

How Many Statists Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?

DHS Considers Surveilling the Travel Patterns of Trump Supporters in Latest Big Brother Overreach

WASHINGTON – Employees of the Department of Homeland Security based in the National Capital Region honor 14 years of dedication and hard work with a celebration at DHS Headquarters in Washington, D.C., March 29, 2017. Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly addressed more than 200 employees thanking them for their service, participated in a cake-cutting ceremony and kicked off of a 1.4 mile fun/run walk for the employees. 

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced that they will be likely tracking the movements of Trump supporters in their latest Big Brother overreach to destroy the Bill of Rights and bring the endless terror war to the homeland.

A senior law enforcement official said to Politico that the feds are considering the illegal search and seizure of items carried by supposed domestic extremists at airports and expanding the no-fly list for use as a social credit measure to punish dissidents. They are using the Jan. 6 mostly-peaceful protest at the Capitol as the pretense for their unconstitutional power-grab.

“Domestic violent extremism poses the most lethal, persistent terrorism-related threat to our homeland today,” a DHS spokesperson said in response to a request for comment.

“DHS is committed to improving security and is reviewing options for enhancing screening and vetting protocols and travel pattern analyses, consistent with privacy, civil rights, and...

Extreme Road Rash OR- Amazing Gif Collection #22

More Fantabulous Gifs:

When The Driver You Block With Your Nude Body Is Not Impressed...

That Moment When Your Try To Dive Into Water But Hit A Rock Instead...

President of the Islamic Commission arrested for terrorist financing

Aymen Adlb

The president of the Islamic Commission of Spain was arrested by the National Police as part of an anti-terrorism operation, launched in 2019.

Spanish daily El Confidencial reported on Wednesday that Aymen Adlbi, 74, of Syrian origin and appreciated by mainstream Spanish power circles, is suspected of “financing jihadist groups in Syria”. The CIE is an official body and the interlocutor of the Spanish State on all that relates to the Iberian Muslim community.

Adlbi, who has been the main interlocutor of the state since he was elected head of the CIE last summer, is accused of the crimes of belonging to a criminal organization, of collaboration with a terrorist organization, of financing of terrorism, money laundering, tax evasion, falsification of documents and promotion of illegal immigration, according to anti-terrorism sources. Other people were arrested during the operation.

Even if he was granted provisional release, this arrest rekindles the race to take control of the Islamic Commission in Spain. Contacts have already started between the leaders of the Muslim community in Spain to prepare the succession of Aymen Adlbi. Spaniards of Syrian and Moroccan origins and to a lesser extent Pakistanis are eyeing the post. Unless Madrid opts for the solution of a Spaniard converted to Islam and familiar with...

The Difference Between Criminals And Politicians?

Nothing, Nada, Nil.

“Tomorrow It Could Be Somebody Else”: Bernie Sanders Comes Out Against Trump Twitter Ban

Sen Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) came out against the Twitter ban of former president Donald Trump yesterday. Sanders expressed his discomfort with the role of Big Tech in censorship viewpoints, a sharp departure from his Democratic colleagues who have demanded more such corporate censorship. In an interview on Tuesday with New York Times columnist Ezra Klein, Sanders stated that he didn’t feel “particularly comfortable” with the ban despite his view that Trump is “a racist, sexist, xenophobe, pathological liar, an authoritarian … a bad news guy.” He stated “if you’re asking me do I feel particularly comfortable that the then president of the United States could not express his views on Twitter? I don’t feel comfortable about that.”

I would hope that Sanders would take the same view of a non-sitting president or an average citizen. They should all be able to speak freely. Sanders does not go as far as that “Internet originalist” position, but he at least is recognizing the danger of such censorship. He noted that “we have got to be thinking about, because if anybody who thinks yesterday it was Donald Trump who was banned and tomorrow it could be somebody else who has a very different point of view.” He stated that it is a danger to have a “handful of high tech people” controlling speech in America.

I have long praised Sanders for his principled take on many issues and this dissenting view is most welcomed by those in the free speech community. It is in sharp contrast to his Democratic colleagues who celebrated the ban and called for more censorship. One of the...