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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Deconstructing Global Warming Hysteria

Richard Lindzen, Ph.D. Lecture Deconstructs Global Warming Hysteria 

If you want to see a relentless takedown of the Climate Change Marxists, this is an excellent presentation of how the left lies, then lies and continues to lie again.  They are the left, their job is to lie right?

Hot Girls with Guns

How to Teach our Children to be Marxists

Annie Leonard, a greenpeace radical now is in the business of indoctrinating our children with her videos and video series.  She follows the principle of get them while they are young and have no critical thinking skills or enough knowledge to spot a lie.
Here is a nice set of critique videos about her videos:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Ask to see your child's curriculum!
If you see material from "Facing the Future", this is pure Marxist indoctrination. 

Hot Girls with Guns

Plato Sez:

Fools and Damned Fools

Ronald Reagan has a Message for us for 2013

And every year for all eternity.

GuideBook for Preppers

This is a good resource to have for any prepper for a SHTF situation.  I got the link from MA Prepper


Gun Control?

If we allow them to take our guns, we will all be victims....

So I took this Picture of Bacon

At my local Target.. this stuff is getting expensive!