90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, December 14, 2018

SJW's Attempting To Suck The Joy From The Rest Of Us - Explained!

Stephen Miller: Trump Will ‘Win’ the Border Wall Funding Fight

President Donald Trump “is fighting for American citizens” by demanding full border wall funding ahead of a potential government shutdown — and “we are going to win” that fight, White House senior adviser Stephen Miller said Thursday night during an exclusive interview on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) met with Trump on Tuesday in the Oval Office — in a widely discussed and contentious meeting — to discuss whether or not they could reach a budget agreement before federal funding expires and a government shutdown commences.

Reporters and cameras captured the first 15 minutes of the raucous meeting, as Trump passionately demanded full border wall funding.

The Democratic leaders adamantly rejected that.

“If we don’t get what we want one way or the other … I will shut down the government,” Trump said. “I am proud to shut down the government for border security because the people of this country don’t want criminals with lots of problems and drugs pouring into the country.”

But thus far, Schumer and Pelosi are not budging.

Miller, who plays a key role in helping Trump craft immigration policies, told Fox News host Laura Ingraham that “this stand that we’re taking right now with the entire nation watching, and frankly the whole world watching, is a stand that we think we’re going to win.”

“The Democrats are fighting for illegal aliens. Donald Trump is fighting for American citizens. That’s what this whole thing’s about,” Miller said. “This is about...

This Is Ugly... Don't Look....


It Snowed Last Night..

8:00 am: I made a snowman.

8:10 – A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn’t make a snow woman.

8:15 – So, I made a snow woman.

8:17 – My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman’s chest saying it objectified snow women everywhere.

8:20 – The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snow men instead.

8:22 – The transgender man..women…person asked why I didn’t just make one snow person with detachable parts.

8:25 – The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with.

8:28 – I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.

8:30 – I used food coloring to make one of the snow couple a different color and be more racially inclusive.

8:37 – Accused of using blackface on the snowman…snowpersons.

8:39 – The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be covered up .

8:40 – The police arrived saying someone had been offended.

8:42 – The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.

8:43 – The council equality officer arrived and threatened me with eviction.

8:45 – TV news crew from ABC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women? I replied “Snowballs” and am now called a sexist.

9:00 – I was on the news as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe, and sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.

9:10 – I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.

9:29 – Far left protesters offended by everything marched down the street demanding for me to be arrested.

9:45 – The boss called and fired me because of the negative association with work that had been all over social media.

10:00 – I cry into my drink because all I wanted to do was build a snowman… Moral: There is no moral to this story. It is what this world has become because of a bunch of snowflakes….

New Jersey State Police Conducting Door To Door Magazine Confiscation...

Taxes On Sugar, Honey And Tea Coming!

New Jersey: Possession of ‘High Capacity’ Magazines a Fourth Degree Felony Starting Tuesday

Investigation After Three Women Stabbed in Four Hours in Nurnberg Germany

BERLIN (AP) – German police say three women have been stabbed and wounded in the city of Nuremberg, and they are investigating whether the incidents are connected.

There was no immediate word on what weapon was used. Police said there was no indication of any link to terrorism.

The stabbings took place in the city’s St. Johannis district Thursday evening. The first victim, a 56-year-old, required surgery after a man attacked her on the street and fled.

The other two attacks took place in quick succession about 3 ½ hours later. A 26-year-old and then a 34-year-old sustained life-threatening injuries. Police said early Friday that they couldn’t rule out the same person having carried out all three attacks....

BOOM! Clinton Foundation Labeled “Agents Of Foreign Governments” By Independent Investigators

This is a BIG deal – the very thing the Clinton and Obama political machines didn’t want to see the light of day. It’s been a long time coming and we’re still a long ways from it turning into something actionable (due to Establishment powers fearing they would be implicated as well) but for the first time it’s on the record. 

The Clinton Foundation was a front, and not only that, but a front working on behalf of foreign governments in which BILLIONS of dollars changed hands, especially during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State. Yes, many have said as much for some time, but now it’s official. 

This could very well be the true beginning of the single greatest scandal in the history of America courtesy of Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama…

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #470

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

The UN Migration Pact: Globalist INSANITY

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Flashback 1992 LA Riots - Defenseless Store Owner Confronts Rioters with Hammer