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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Democrat Hank Johnson Celebrates The Early Death Of Trump Supporters

Girls With Guns

The Enemies Of America Were And Are Against Him...

Jihadists Don't Discriminate....

More Ben Carson:

Ben Carson On The Goal Of Community Organizers...

Dr. Ben Carson On Socialized Medicine...

Ben Carson On How To Destroy A Nation...

Maybe I'll Just Put A Happy Little Wall Over Here....

2018: The Year Everybody Was Offended By Everything...

Sweden invests millions to teach migrants how to have sex ‘with blonde women’

The Swedish government wants to allocate 5 million Swedish crowns (around half a million euros) in migrant sex courses, news outlet Fria Tider reports. A portion of the money will be spent on the government’s sex information website “Youmo”, which provides translation in Arabic, Somali and Dari.

The goal of the website is to teach migrants “health, sexuality and gender equality”. On the website, sex information is illustrated, among other things, with several pictures of foreign men with blonde, Swedish women.

Under the tab “Being in love”, illustrated by a picture of a young blonde woman kissing a dark-skinned man, one can read, among other things, that “Being in love is usually a lovely feeling. Some people have been in love many times, others have never been in love. ”

Now, the Ministry of Youth and Civil Affairs (MUCF) is commissioned to further the education efforts in collaboration with the online youth reception network (UMO).

“The mission includes expanding the information on Youmo, expanding skills-enhancing efforts for professionals who meet young new arrivals, as well as providing long-term skills training for professionals through the development of web-based education,” the government writes.

The development of the website will primarily include the topics of prostitution and human trafficking, honour-related violence and oppression, including genital...

What Democrats Are REALLY Afraid Of...

Did You See Reuters’ Anti-Trump WH Correspondent Get Owned by the Facts on Immigration?

There is an abundance of journalists and reporters — particularly among the pool of White House correspondents — who profess with their mouths to be neutral and objective but reveal through their actions a deep and abiding animus and bias against President Donald Trump.

One of the more glaringly hypocritical among those individuals is Jeff Mason — chief White House correspondent for Reuters who also previously served as president of the White House Correspondents’ Association — a reporter who claims to be unbiased and neutral but routinely provides slanted coverage that portrays the president and his administration in a poor light, whether such coverage has been earned or not.

Mason’s anti-Trump bias was clearly on display Wednesday when he posted on Twitter after a White House briefing on immigration to suggest that Trump had lied about the number of illegal immigrants suspected of residing within the United States.

Mason tweeted, “Trump says, without evidence, there are probably 30-35 million people in the United States illegally.”

Trump says, without evidence, there are probably 30-35 million people in the United States illegally
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Mason’s tweet implied that there was no evidence whatsoever to support Trump’s claim, but in reality there is, which means that Mason is probably either too lazy and sloppy to look up the evidence on his own or is so committed to opposing Trump that he simply “believes” there is no evidence and will ignore anything that runs contrary to that belief.

Those two possibilities were not explicitly mentioned, but aren’t difficult to imply, in a responding tweet from Emily Larsen, a reporter for The Daily Caller, which provided the readily available evidence that supported Trump’s claim.

Larsen tweeted, “Most estimates, based on Census data checked against estimates on lawful immigrants, say there are around 11 million undocumented. But a newish Yale study says it could be as high as 35 million.” Her tweet included a link to the Yale University study.

Yale Insights reported in September that three researchers affiliated with the university had abandoned the old standard technique of basing guesstimates about the illegal immigrant population off Census reports and surveys and instead devised a mathematical modeling engine that took into account a variety of additional information including demographics and...

..When Your Instincts Kick In...

In Memoriam: 12 Americans Allegedly Killed by Illegal Aliens in 2018

As illegal immigration continues soaring in the United States and the illegal alien population booms to potentially 22 million, there have been multiple Americans who have been the victims of crimes allegedly committed by illegal aliens this past year.

Here, Breitbart News remembers 12 Americans who were allegedly killed or murdered by illegal aliens this year.

Mollie Tibbetts

The killing of 20-year-old University of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts is the most famous murder case of the year. The alleged killer is 24-year-old illegal alien Cristhian Bahena-Rivera.

Police say Tibbetts was stabbed to death and then dumped in a rural Brooklyn, Iowa cornfield by Bahena-Rivera. The illegal alien has been charged with first-degree murder and his trial is set for April 2019.

Ronil Singh

Newman, California police officer Ronil Singh — a legal immigrant from Fiji — was allegedly shot and killed during a routine traffic stop the day after Christmas by illegal alien Gustavo Perez Arriaga.

Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson says California’s “sanctuary state” law “provided sanctuary” for the accused killer, Perez Arriaga. Police said Perez Arriaga was a “known” gang member who plotted to flee across the U.S.-Mexico border after the killing. The illegal alien allegedly crossed into the U.S. through Arizona a couple of years ago. Seven other individuals — two of whom are illegal aliens — have been arrested for helping Perez Arriaga evade arrest following the alleged killing.

Singh leaves behind a wife, Anamika, and his five-month-old son.

Madison Wells

In September, police say 16-year-old Madison Wells was stabbed to death by Bryan Cordero-Castro, a 20-year-old illegal alien, following the couple’s break-up.

Investigators said the illegal alien stabbed her at a residence blocks away from her home in Long Branch, New Jersey. When police arrived on the scene, Wells was taken to a nearby hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

Cordero-Castro entered the U.S. through the southern border as an unaccompanied minor, arriving in the country illegally without any adult border crosser accompanying him, Breitbart News confirmed months ago. Cordero-Castro is facing at least 30 years in prison if convicted for Wells’ murder.

Logan and Jessica Wilson

Eduardo de la Lima Vargas, an illegal alien from Mexico, faces two counts of manslaughter and drunk driving charges after he allegedly crashed into Logan and Jessica Wilson as they were riding on their motorcycle. The Wilsons, 34 and 32-years-old, were killed in the crashed.

Logan and Jessica leave behind their three young children.

Sander Cohen and Carlos Wolff

Roberto Garza Palacios, a 28-year-old illegal alien from Guatemala, caused a car crash within the last year that immediately killed 33-year-old Sander Cohen, a Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office deputy chief, and later left FBI agent Carlos Wolff, 36-years-old, dead at a nearby hospital.

Garza Palacios received only a $280 fine for the deadly car crash, with prosecutors saying that the illegal alien’s killing of Cohen and Wolff did not constitute a “reckless disregard” for life, as Breitbart News reported.

Wolff leaves behind a wife and two young children. Loved ones have set up a GoFundMe account for Wolff’s family. Likewise, a GoFundMe account has been created for Cohen’s parents, Arlene and Neil Cohen.

Rocky Jones

Rocky Paul Jones, 51-years-old, was allegedly shot and killed by 36-year-old illegal alien Gustavo Garcia in Visalia, California on December 17 at a gas station, Breitbart News reported.

Jones leaves behind one daughter and his family has set up a GoFundMe account to help raise money for his...

Follow The (Climate Change) Money

The first iron rule of American politics is: Follow the money. This explains, oh, about 80% of what goes on in Washington.

Shortly after the latest "Chicken Little" climate change report was published last month, I noted on CNN that one reason so many hundreds of scientists are persuaded that the sky is falling is that they are paid handsomely to do so.

I said, "In America and around the globe governments have created a multibillion-dollar climate change industrial complex." And then I added: "A lot of people are getting really, really rich off of the climate change industry." According to a recent report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, "Federal funding for climate change research, technology, international assistance, and adaptation has increased from $2.4 billion in 1993 to $11.6 billion in 2014, with an additional $26.1 billion for climate change programs and activities provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009."

Tidal Wave Of Money

This doesn't mean that the planet isn't warming. But the tidal wave of funding does reveal a powerful financial motive for scientists to conclude that the apocalypse is upon us. No one hires a fireman if there are no fires. No one hires a climate scientist (there are thousands of them now) if there is no catastrophic change in the weather. Why doesn't anyone in the media ever mention this?

But when I lifted this hood, it incited more hate mail than from anything I've said on TV or written. Could it be that this rhetorical missile hit way too close to home?

How dare I impugn the integrity of scientists and left-wing think tanks by suggesting that their findings are perverted by hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer handouts. The irony of this indignation is that any academic whose research dares question the "settled science" of the climate change complex is instantly accused of being a shill for the oil and gas industry or the Koch brothers.

Apparently, if you take money from the private sector to fund research, your work is inherently biased, but if you get multimillion-dollar grants from Uncle Sam, you are as pure as the freshly fallen snow.

How big is the climate change industrial complex today? Surprisingly, no one seems to be keeping track of all the channels of funding. A few years ago, Forbes magazine went through the federal budget and estimated about $150 billion in spending on climate change and green energy subsidies during President Obama's first term.

That didn't include the tax subsidies that provide a 30% tax credit for wind and solar power — so add to those numbers about $8 billion to $10 billion a year. Then add billions more in costs attributable to the 29 states with renewable energy mandates that require utilities to buy expensive "green" energy.

$5 Trillion Needed?

Worldwide the numbers are gargantuan. Five years ago, a leftist group called the Climate Policy Initiative issued a study that found that "global investment in climate change" reached $359 billion that year. Then, to give you a sense of how money-hungry these planet-saviors are, the CPI moaned that this spending "falls far short of what's needed" — a number estimated at $5 trillion.

For $5 trillion we could feed everyone on the planet, end malaria, and provide clean water and reliable electricity to every remote village in Africa. And we would probably have enough money left over to find a cure for cancer and Alzheimer's.

The entire Apollo project to put a man on the moon cost less than $200 billion. We are spending twice that much every year on climate change.

This tsunami of government money distorts science in hidden ways that even the scientists who are corrupted often don't appreciate. If you are a young eager-beaver researcher who decides to devote your life to the study of global warming, you're probably not going to do your career any good or get famous by publishing research that the crisis isn't happening.

But if you've built bogus models that predict the crisis is getting worse by the day, then step right up and get a multimillion-dollar grant.

The Untold Scandal

Now here's the real scandal of the near trillion dollars that governments have stolen from taxpayers to fund climate change hysteria and research. By the industry's own admission, there has been almost no progress worldwide in combating climate change. The latest reports by the U.S. government and the United Nations say the problem is getting worse, and we have not delayed the apocalypse by a single day.

Has there ever been such a massive government expenditure that has had such minuscule returns on investment? After three decades of "research" the only "solution" is for the world to stop using fossil fuels, which is like saying that we should stop growing food.

Really? The greatest minds of the world entrusted with hundreds of billions of dollars can only come up with a solution that would entail the largest government power grab in world history, shutting down industrial production (just look at the catastrophe in Germany when they...