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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Democrats Know Mail In Ballots Are Rife With Fraud

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'Voter fraud'? California man finds 83 ballots stacked outside home

Jerry Mosna was gardening outside his San Pedro, Calif., home Saturday when he noticed something odd: Two stacks of 2016 ballots on his mailbox.

The 83 ballots, each unused, were addressed to different people, all supposedly living in his elderly neighbor’s two-bedroom apartment.

“I think this is spooky,” Mosna said. “All the different names, none we recognize, all at one address.”

related: Up to 15% of Noncitizens in US Are Voting, Alleges Expert

His wife, Madalena Mosna, noted their 89-year-old neighbor lives by herself, and, “Eighty people can’t fit in that apartment.”

They took the ballots to the Los Angeles Police Department, but were directed to the post office. They felt little comfort there would be an investigation, and called another neighbor, John Cracchiolo – who contacted the Los Angeles County Registrar's office.

A spokeswoman for the Registrar said the office will investigate. Both Cracchiolo and Jerry Mosna told FoxNews.com they think they stumbled upon a case of fraud.

“Yes, there is voter fraud. We saw it with our own eyes,” Cracchiolo said.

In a statement, the office of the Registrar said, “We are carefully reviewing our records and gathering information to fully identify what took place. Our preliminary assessment is that this appears to be an isolated situation related to a system error that occurred causing duplicate ballots to be issued to an address entered for a single voter. We are working directly with the system vendor to ensure the issue is addressed and to identify...

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27-Year-Old Former Feminist Urges Young Women to Start Families: ‘I’m Sorry We Lied to You’

She is blowing the whistle against the scam of women’s liberation.

A 27-year-old former feminist is blowing the whistle about women’s liberation and urging young women not to make the same mistake she has made.

The Australian career woman, who goes by the name of Georgia, believes she was sold a lie and deprived of years of happiness because she believed the lies of feminism. As her biological clock has ticked downward, she has realized the failure of the ideology.

“Working women are more often jealous of and less happy than stay-at-home moms, but we told you it was the other way around. I am sorry we lied to you,” the woman said in her video addressed to young women.

Although she is not opposed to women in the workplace, Georgia warns young women that being focused only on their career and not their family can result in great unhappiness.

“We taught you that happiness is in freedom, and that part at least is true, but we told you that freedom was outside of the family home and oppression was inside the family home,” she explained.

“We told you indirectly that you should be ashamed of being a house wife – just a house wife – that it was a dirty word, that it would waste your potential, that it was the easy way out, and those that did do that were a disappointment and were degrading themselves,” she added. “And so when the time crunch came for you to choose your pathway when you were 17, you knew that the only formula for happiness and success was in career.”

She described the endless propaganda blitz to con young women into serving their corporate masters, rather than their families. As a direct consequence, the future of Western Civilization is in jeopardy because women have shirked natural roles as mothers and caregivers.

“We lied to you because we were lied to as well. We thought we were helping you, but now we know better and we are wrong. We need to stop scorning our brightest sisters who choose to spend time with children,” she said.

“We used to do it because we thought they were stupid, but now we do it because we are envious of them. We are jealous and we are bitter, and it is easier to scorn them than face the fact that we made the wrong choice,” she added.

The powerful video can be seen here in its entirety:

“We don’t know how it started but it has to end with you now. True empowerment comes with being properly informed about your choices. I am sorry we didn’t...