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Friday, August 28, 2020

When Trump Wins, The Left Will Be Rioting In the Streets In Every City

Ammunition Will Be Sold Out. 

Only You Will Protect You And Yours.

Stock Up Now, HERE

The C-Span Democrat Phone Line Is On Fire!

Activists Reenact Communist ‘Struggle Sessions’ for the Insufficiently Woke

Silence is violence.

That’s the attitude of radical “woke” activists, who increasingly demand that fellow Americans not only agree with them, but publicly demonstrate their support at all times.

Several viral videos from Washington, D.C., on Monday show groups marching around the city, shouting slogans, and yelling things like “white silence is violence.”

In the videos, a mob appears to be harassing diners and other random white people, demanding they raise their fists or otherwise support the Black Lives Matter movement.

In one video, a woman is surrounded by the mob and screamed at by the protesters.

The Washington Post identified the woman as Lauren B. Victor, an urban planner who lives in the District of Columbia.

Victor said that she was actually a supporter of Black Lives Matter and had participated in protests, but felt like she was under attack by the crowd and didn’t want to be coerced.

“In the moment, it didn’t feel right,” Victor said, according to the Post.

The crowd appeared to be mostly white, though one of the leaders was a black woman, according to The Washington Post.

One of the protesters, Chuck Modiano, is a self-described “justice journalist” for Deadspin, a sports news and commentary website.

This falls right in line with the idea that “wokeness” in America is being generated by an increasingly activist and stridently left-wing media.

After Victor refused to stand, Modiano said derisively, “...

Kyle Shoots The Pistol Arm...

Man Accused of Hate Crime Yelled “Black Lives Matter” Before Stabbing White Victim

Suspect demanded cops shoot him.

An African-American man yelled “black lives matter” before stabbing his white victim and now faces attempted 1st degree murder and hate crime charges, according to police in Aurora, Colorado.

The incident occurred on Tuesday night near East Alameda Avenue and South Sable Boulevard when 30-year-old Steve Sinclair approached 29-year-old Michael Conner and told him, “I’m going to kill you and your dog.”

Conner tried to run away and defend himself with a stick.

“An arrest affidavit says Sinclair used a knife to stab 29-year-old Michael Conner who was transported to the hospital for his injuries and a collapsed lung,” reports 9News.

“Conner, a white male, told police while at the hospital that Sinclair, a Black male, shouted “Black lives matter!” prior to stabbing him, according to the report.”

After police arrived, Sinclair continued yelling “black lives matter” while also telling officers “I stabbed him, I’m a psychopath,” before refusing to sit down and insisting that officers shoot him.

Sinclair is being held at Arapahoe County Jail and faces charges of first-degree murder and bias-motivated crime.

We have highlighted several other attacks in recent weeks that were apparently motivated by Black Lives Matter rhetoric.

Numerous vicious assaults have occurred at BLM protests, including in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Monday night when an elderly man was brutally assaulted after trying to protect his...

They Said What? Check These Black People Talking About Jacob Blake:


Joe Biden Had An Interview With This Person....

RNC Attendees Accosted By BLM Activists As They Leave The White House

Hundreds of BLM protesters gathered outside the White House on Thursday evening to disrupt the last night of the Republican National Convention

They then confronted, heckled, and even assaulted RNC attendees as they were leaving.

Hurling expletives and calling them racist, the BLM activists shouted abuse at anyone who happened to cross their paths including a group of elderly people and Senator Rand Paul.

RT reports: US President Donald Trump gave a speech to a live audience of more than 1,000 attendees and formally accepted the Republican nomination for president on Thursday evening, to a backdrop of fireworks, GoGo music and Black Lives Matter chants. It wasn’t long before protests and peaceful demonstrations turned ugly, however.

As a group of elderly attendees attempted to leave the RNC, activists screamed in their faces, hurled insults and flipped them the bird in a torrent of vitriolic abuse.

The anti-racist protesters didn’t discriminate, however, and hurled abuse at any and all attendees who happened to cross their paths.

An elderly white man was struck in the head amid claims he assaulted a female protester, though he insisted he was just there to see the fireworks. Elsewhere, demonstrators decapitated a Trump effigy with a guillotine, while others pretended to shoot a person in a police officer costume:

WNBA Players Wear Shirts with 7 Bullet Holes on the Back to Protest Jacob Blake Shooting

Members of the WNBA’s Washington Mystics paraded onto the court Wednesday wearing white t-shirts – each with a letter of Jacob Blake’s name – and featuring seven bullet holes on their backs.

The team lined up before the empty sidelines spelling out Blake’s name with their shirts, then they took a knee on the court.

Blake is, of course, the Kenosha, Wisconsin, man who was shot on August 23 by police after a brief physical struggle and after refusing to obey repeated demands to submit to arrest. Blake is reportedly paralyzed from the wounds.

The league quickly canceled all its games for Wednesday and Friday in solidarity with the Mystics payers.

Speaking for her team, guard Ariel Atkins delivered a statement about the team’s feelings on the Blake shooting.

“We wanted everybody to feel like they were supported,” Atkins said of the team’s decision. “Understanding that this isn’t just about basketball. We aren’t just basketball players and just because we are basketball players, doesn’t mean that’s our only platform. We need to understand that when most of us go home, we still are Black, in the sense that...

Washington Hasn't Changed Donald Trump.....

The RNC Convention Was Fabulously Great!

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #393

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

If You are Easily Upset, Triggered Or Offended, This Is Not The Place For You.  

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1093

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.