90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Another Black Man Attacks Elderly Asian In Brutal, Cowardly Attack....

Foster Youth Kicked Out of Home to Make Room For Migrant Children

A foster home for struggling youth in Washington has been ordered to be vacated to make room for migrant children who are surging over the border in record numbers.


A plan to house migrant children from the surging crisis at the US-Mexico border will leave a Renton foster family with no place to call home.

Edmundo Serena Sanchez said he and his wife were notified in February that they would have to vacate the Renton house where they have nurtured and raised Washington state foster children for nearly seven years.

"It was just senseless. Everything they did was irresponsible," Serena Sanchez said of the move-out order that came after a year of lockdown from the coronavirus pandemic.

[...] The house is part of a campus of facilities owned by the Friends of Youth, a non-profit based in Kirkland with a 70-year history of providing services and housing for homeless and foster youth.

"Friends of Youth has reviewed our organizational goals this past year, and we have chosen to pursue a different strategic vision," stated a January 29 letter from the organization.

The letter said the house would be used "...to provide a different scope of services in support of unaccompanied youth."

[...] DeAnn Adams, chief program officer for Friends of Youth, told KING 5 the organization saw a new funding source with the federal government's Office of Refugee Resettlement and decided to use the Howard's House -- where Serena Sanchez and his foster family now live – as housing for undocumented immigrant children.Refugee Resettlement is a giant racket.

Research from the Center for Immigration Studies released in 2020 found that American taxpayers are billed up to $133,000 per refugee resettled in...

When You Are Ruled By Criminals...

Ok, No-one Really Elected Him But Some Nutjobs Did Vote For Him And Now Have The Dominion Of Responsibility For His Actions...

GoFundMe Yanks Page Run by Virginia Parents Fighting Woke Curriculum

Progressives in Loudoun County pushed to have the fundraiser shut down

GoFundMe bowed to pressure from progressive activists and deactivated a fundraiser affiliated with a group of Virginia parents fighting the infusion of critical race theory in Loudoun County Public Schools.

Scott Mineo created his GoFundMe in mid-March after a members of a private Facebook group called Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County launched an intimidation campaign against a number of parent groups, including his Parents Against Critical Theory. The group compiled a list of parents, identified their spouses and employers, and called for members to find ways to shut down their websites, the Daily Wire reported.

GoFundMe did not specify which term of service Mineo’s page violated. Like other online platforms, GoFundMe can remove any user posts that it deems "in its sole discretion to be unacceptable," according to its user guidelines. GoFundMe did not respond to the Washington Free Beacon’s request for comment in time for publication.

GoFundMe is the latest tech company to censor users whose speech does not conform with progressive orthodoxy. In February, Amazon cited its hate speech policy as justification for banning a conservative scholar’s book on gender dysphoria.

Mineo’s page had raised nearly $4,000 by March 22 when former Loudoun County School Board Equity Committee member Charlotte McConnell urged current committee members and the school board to report the page. Three days later, GoFundMe informed Mineo via email that his fundraiser was taken down because it constituted...

One Nation, Overwhelmed By Mexican Drug Cartels....

An FBI So Corrupt It Lets Mass Shooters Rampage Needs To Go

While the FBI has been failing to stop terrorist attacks by known threats, it has conducted numerous political operations on behalf of Democrats. It's time to clean house.

The New York Times reported on March 27 that Syrian-born Colorado mass shooter Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa had been on the FBI’s radar before he murdered 10 people in a grocery store.

“The suspect’s identity was previously known to the F.B.I. because he was linked to another individual under investigation by the bureau, according to law enforcement officials,” the Times says.

According to a police affidavit, six days before Alissa shot 10 people to death, he purchased a pistol. That would have required him to pass a federal background check also run by the FBI. It seems the FBI is not very good at this “stopping mass shooters” thing.

This is not an anomaly in the FBI’s history. It in fact appears to be a pattern of negligence. During the Barack Obama presidency, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., grilled FBI Director James Comey about the “known wolf” problem — of 14 Islamist attacks in the U.S. during Obama’s tenure, the FBI had been aware of at least 12 before the violence erupted, and did nothing.

For example, the 2009 Fort Hood shooter, who killed 13; the Boston Marathon bombers of 2013 who killed three and injured 264; and the Pulse nightclub shooter who killed 49 people and wounded 53 more. All were known to the FBI and several had been interviewed by the FBI before they went on killing sprees.

The FBI had also been warned numerous times about the Parkland, Florida school shooter, before he killed 17 and injured 17 more in 2018. It also knew beforehand about the 2018 Nashville, Tennessee Waffle House shooter, who killed four and injured two more, and the 2020 Nashville RV bomber.

While the FBI has been failing to stop terrorist attacks by known threats like these, it has conducted numerous political operations on behalf of Democrats. The ones we know about include Crossfire Hurricane‘s use of federal spy power to affect election outcomes and prevent effective governance by elected Republicans. That operation included spying on Fox News.

In 2020, the FBI sent 15 agents to investigate a rope tied in a loop that hysterical people alleged was a “noose” after a black NASCAR driver was assigned a garage with the rope as its door pull. The FBI investigation determined the rope had been in the same shape and spot since at least 2019.

In 2019, the FBI executed operation “Varsity Blues” to shame rich people who attempted to buy their children entry into ruling class universities by means other than gobsmackingly expensive prep schools and SAT tutors.

The FBI also appears to have entrapped people into a ridiculous plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, by inserting agents into their social group who presented the plan and got them to appear to go along, at least on FBI recordings. The same appears to be happening with Democrats using the Jan. 6 riot to have the FBI investigate and prosecute their political opponents among the hoi polloi.

For that investigation, USA Today says, “agents in all but one of the FBI’s 56 field offices have been drafted to track down” people who attended the Capitol protest that day, the vast majority of whom peacefully protested. “Investigators who typically work cases involving the trafficking of drugs, child pornography and sex have taken calls from rioter’s angry ex-wives and former girlfriends and employers turned tipsters.”

Meanwhile, the FBI and other investigators appear to be hiding the truth about the one death that occurred in connection with this havoc that hasn’t yet been definitively proven to be an accident, besides the rioter a police officer shot to death.

It also appears the FBI is using its police power to prosecute people in connection with the Capitol riot who participated in no violence, including one who never went inside the Capitol nor harmed any person or public property, according to Julie Kelly’s reporting of court documents. His true crime appears to be belonging to a group in which some members believe, according to the federal indictment, that “the federal government has been co-opted by a cabal of elites actively trying to strip American citizens of their rights.”

Parents of a teen who entered the Capitol and also committed no violence have been threatened by the feds for their political beliefs, Kelly reports. Their 18-year-old has been held in jail since the FBI arrested him in February, with 30 0ther inmates, and denied bail because he was homeschooled: “I don’t believe that home incarceration will work because he is...

COVID Tracking Apps Have Eerie Echoes of Chinese Surveillance System

Pretender Joe Biden's COVID team appears to have entertained an electronic test-and-trace program pioneered by the University of Illinois that would have let businesses deny service to patrons based on their health data, a PowerPoint presentation obtained by the Washington Free Beacon shows. The program has eerie echoes of China's surveillance system, which uses data from citizens' phones to impose quarantines.

A PowerPoint produced by the school suggests scaling up the university's intrusive contact tracing system for use across the United States. Its file name, "2020-12-14 Shield Biden Covid Team," indicates that it was presented to the Biden team in December, amid an ongoing search for solutions to a seemingly insoluble problem: how to stop the virus without stopping the economy? The presentation proffered an answer.

The school's system uses a mobile app that records test results and Bluetooth data to determine who has been exposed to the virus—and "links building access" on campus to that information. Local businesses have also embraced it, making entry conditional on a "safe status" reading from the app.

The system resembles the one being used in China, where a mandatory app gives each user a "health status"—green, yellow, or red—that dictates access to public spaces. The University of Illinois app likewise divides users into three categories: "yellow" if they've recently tested negative, "orange" if they've potentially been exposed, and "red" if they've recently tested positive. Only students with a yellow status may enter buildings.

The proposal would amount to a more extreme version of the "vaccine passports" being rolled out by airlines and some U.S. cities, which are already causing controversy. Those passports, such as New York's "Excelsior" app, indicate whether an individual has tested negative or been vaccinated, but not whether they've been exposed to the virus based on tracking data. They collect less information and use a less granular classification scheme than the University of Illinois app, meaning they pose relatively fewer risks to civil liberties.

It's unclear how such a scheme would play with...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #608

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1308

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, March 29, 2021

Insulin Prices Under Biden Administration!