90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, July 8, 2017

That's All Folks!

The Clown News Network...

Delingpole: #CNNBlackmail Is the Best Thing Since Trump Got Elected

#CNNBlackmail is the best thing to have happened to the world since the election of Donald Trump. Indeed, it may be one of the greatest moments in the history of the internet.

Sure, on one level it resulted in weapons-grade trolling and a few deliciously funny memes; but in bigger picture terms it was something much more significant than that – a pivotal moment in the Culture Wars akin to the Persian defeat at Salamis or the German defeat at Stalingrad or the French defeat at Trafalgar.

Or maybe a better analogy would be the one I used on Sirius XM: the moment during the Second World War when, under the command of the brilliant Bill Slim, the ill-equipped, neglected British Fourteenth Army realized that the only way to beat the Japanese was to fight with the same aggression, cunning, and mobility of the Japanese. In other words, to use the enemy’s tactics against them.

Just like CNN, just like Antifa, just like the left generally, the Japanese were a horrible enemy to fight: utterly without scruples, fanatically convinced of the justice of their wicked...

Families Living In Fear of Fake News....


Morning Mistress

Devastating: Trump Responds To The Great CNN Meme War!

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Remy: Fake News

Friday, July 7, 2017

Girls With Guns

For The First Time In American History, They Are Outlawing American History...

Socialist Democrats Embrace A Racist Civil War, Their Tool To Fundamental Transformation

Never Satirize The Totalitarian CNN...

Looks Like She Changed Her Mind Too Late...

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Bet She Broke A Rib...


Biting Off More Than You Can Chew...

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