90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Cuba Rations Food As Its Socialist Economy Enters Crisis Mode

While it is fashionable to talk about Venezuela and its notorious shortage of basic goods such as toilet paper, flour, and milk Cuba is now implementing a rationing program to combat its very own shortages of basic goods. A CBC report indicates this program would cover basic items such as chicken, eggs, rice, beans, and soap.

What has caused these shortages has been a subject of debate. Cuban Minister of Commerce Betsy Diaz Velazquez blames the Trump administration’s stiffening of the trade embargo with the island nation. Others contend that decreasing aid from Venezuela has contributed to Cuba’s newly emerging rationing dilemma. Over the past few years, Venezuela has provided Cuba with subsidized fuel and other forms of aid in order to keep its basic infrastructure intact.

Although these explanations do have validity and will be touched upon later, there is another factor that is not being considered. The lowest common denominator in the Cuban economy during the past five decades is excessive government control.
When Fidel Castro took control of Cuba in 1959, the Cuban state maintained an iron grip on the economy. For decades, the country has been a communist garrison state with very little respect for property rights and civil liberties such as free speech. More than 140,000 Cubans perished under the Castro regime, according to certain estimates, while millions of Cubans fled to the United States to start a new life.

During this timespan, economic stability was never really an option in Cuba. Because of the economic dislocations caused by state control of many industries, the government has had to provide citizens with Libretas de Abastecimiento (supply booklets) to ration out basic goods like rice, sugar, and matches. This system was established in 1962, in response to the economic sanctions the American government placed on Cuba which caused shortages of food, medicines, and supplies. From a free-market perspective, these sanctions should be condemned. They not only infringe on the rights of Americans who wish to do commerce and travel to Cuba, but they also do very little to topple tyrannical regimes.

But in the case of Cuba’s economic problems, there is a reason to believe they go beyond America’s embargo on the country. Jose Alvarez of the University of Florida does initiallyconcede that “Cuba was forced to establish a rationing system for basic food and industrial products. This has brought serious limitations to consumers and their choice availability” after the initial blockade by the U.S government.

However, Alvarez adds that solely pinning the blame on sanctions is misguided:

“To blame US economic sanctions for the existence of a rationing system of basic food products is not a very sound argument to justify Cuba's socialist system. It is an admission that Cubans cannot even produce what grows very easily on Cuban soil. If one lists the food products that have been rationed since 1962, it becomes evident that almost all of them were in abundance before the 1959 revolution and were...

Impeachment? Go Ahead, Make My Day....

Non-Muslim Lawyer Launches Major Lawsuit Against CAIR

One of the best methods for judging the health of any organization — be it a large company, small business, or a non-profit group — is the issue of employee turnover.

Using this metric, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which bills itself as the nation's preeminent Muslim civil rights organization, appears to be severely dysfunctional. The organization's list of chapters is constantly being updated as new executive directors start and stop, and as new chapters attempt to rise and others fold. Today there are 27 CAIR affiliates listed (down from over 30 in years past) and only 17 are currently led by leaders who have been there three or more years. Many chapters are without leadership and have been for some time.

Now, a new lawsuit is providing an insider account of the day-to-day workings of CAIR's largest branch: The four chapters that comprise CAIR's California branch (CAIR-CA). The lawsuit alleges a toxic culture and poor leadership, which suggests CAIR's devotion to progressive civil and employment rights practices may be only a façade for something more insidious.

On April 24, Susanne Arani filed a 42-page lawsuit (PDF available here) against CAIR-CA. Arani served as a lawyer in the San Diego office, working on and off since 2015. On April 9, 2019, Arani was fired by Dustin Craun, her new boss, CAIR-CA's greenhorn executive director who took over in January.

Arani alleges discrimination based on religion, gender, age, and political views; breaches of attorney-client privilege; wrongful termination and retaliation; failure to hire; and hostile work environment.

Arani offers multiple allegations against both Craun and...

Soros Implementing His Radical Leftist Agenda by Investing in Criminal Justice

For many years leftist billionaire George Soros has used his wealth to remake our society. His latest area of focus is criminal justice. From Texas to Philadelphia to Virginia, Soros has reportedly spent millions in backing candidates for district attorneys or prosecutors.

“Philadelphia is the laboratory where this experiment of Soros funded prosecutors is playing out,” said William McSwain the US Attorney for Eastern District of Pennsylvania on Tucker Carlson Show. “Now the returns are in. Larry Krasner, the Philadelphia District Attorney has been in office for about a year and half, funded by Mr. Soros, and we can look at the data and we can see what is happening to Philadelphia, where homicides have skyrocketed, shooting have skyrocketed, the worst types of violent crimes have really gone up. And in addition to that some of the low level and mid level crimes have also gone up but they aren’t being...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #649

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, June 10, 2019

Left-Wing Fail at Glacier National Park

RUSH: Folks, I have to share with you something. This is great. This is a gigantic left-wing fail. Are you ready? “Glacier National Park Quietly Removes” signs throughout the park that say, “Gone by 2020.” The glaciers are not melting, and they’re not getting smaller. The glaciers are growing. “Officials at Glacier National Park (GNP) have begun quietly removing and altering signs and government literature which told visitors that the Park’s glaciers were all expected to disappear by either 2020 or 2030” because of climate change.

But the glaciers are growing.

They’re not disappearing.

They’re not melting.

They’re not shrinking.

They’ve had to take down the signs — and they used all this to ramp up tourism and try to get more people in there before there wasn’t a glacier anymore!

Now they’ve had to admit that it’s all BS.

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Monica Bellucci
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
EBL has: Rule 5 And FMJRA
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

POTUS - Keeping It Real....

Voter Suppression?

Voter Suppression Is Code For People Who Want To Stuff The Ballots With Fake Votes.