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Friday, July 17, 2020

Girls With Guns

This Is What You Get When Schools Teach Our Kids To Hate America...

Is Chrissy Teigen A Pedophile?

Chrissy Teigen recently deleted over 60,000 tweets and blocked 1 million followers because they started to question her sick tweets.  Both her and John Legend Flew on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express.

Looks Like Satan Worshipers To Me.

Anti-Trumper Crissy Teigen Would Eat Human Flesh...

How To Move Up In Modern Day Corporate America...

I Would Hate To be Starting Out Today In A Career Knowing No Matter How Much I Achieve I Would Not Promoted, Rewarded Or Ever Given What I Have Earned. That People Who Are Not As Talented As I, Will Get Rewarded, Promoted And Made My Boss For Purely Racist Reasons.

The Communist Pedigree of the Clenched-fist Salute

Riots, protests, demonstrations, rallies; pick the issue — police brutality, racism, Occupy Wall Street, oil and gas fracking, minimum-wage legislation, education funding, etc. — it’s a sure bet a certain symbol will be ever-present.

When Baltimore erupted in flames, riots, and looting, the “protesters” — from unknown teens to infamous agitators — prominently displayed the clenched-fist salute. The same clenched fist appeared on rally posters and banners, along with “#BlackLivesMatter” and “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” Malik Zulu Shabazz, the hate-spewing former head of the New Black Panther Party (and current national president of Black Lawyers for Justice) conspicuously employed the clenched fist salute while leading chants and rallies in Baltimore. (See picture below.) It was a repeat of the violence-promoting rallies that exploited the “racial justice” theme and fomented racial turmoil nationwide following the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida and the Michael Brown police shooting in Missouri.

In Ferguson, Missouri, black rioters and looters went on a rampage, spurred on by the media, which falsely portrayed Michael Brown as “the gentle giant,” another unarmed young black man shot down in cold blood by a white police officer, according to the media storyline. Protesters took to the streets with their clenched fists raised, led by the professional organizers of the Black Lives Matter movement, the New Black Panther Party, the Communist Party USA, and the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP).

Black protesters with their clenched fists raised in the air were photographed and displayed on the cover of Revolution, the official newspaper of the Revolutionary Communist Party. Elaborating about the many “great things that are happening” in the Communist Party USA, party chairman John Bachtell told Gawker.com in an interview, posted on August 15, 2015, “Black Lives Matter has played an important role.” This is not surprising, since, as The New American has reported, the co-creators of the #BlackLivesMatter slogan that suddenly appeared on posters, T-shirts, Tweets, and protest banners are Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi, three radical lesbian Marxists who identify themselves as “queer Black women” and who idolize former Communist Party leader Angela Davis and communist terrorist/cop-killer Assata Shakur.

It is much the same story in more localized mob actions, such as the violent and disruptive protests staged in...

High Speed Train Vs. Truck:

More Great Gifs!:

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE
Animated Gif Collection #2 HERE
Animated Gif Collection #3
Animated Gif Collection #4
Animated Gif Collection #5 -OR- Motorcycles And Bulls Don't Mix..
Animated Gif Collection #6 or Bet She Lost Some Teeth...
Animated Gif Collection #7 -OR- This Is What Happens When You Fall Asleep While Driving...
Animated Gif Collection #8 -OR- Fish: 1, Dog: 0
Animated Gif Collection #9 -OR-Out Of Control Bus -OR- 
Animated Gif Collection #10 -OR- How To Launch An Oil Truck Into The Air 
Animated Gif Collection #11 -OR- Man That Must Have Hurt 
Animated GIF Collection #12 -OR- This Is Brutal 
Animated Gif Collection #13 -OR- This Guy Was Inches From DEATH!
Animated Gif Collection #14
Animated Gif Collection #15
Animated Gif Collection #16 -OR- Make It Rain!

BLM Organizer Chris DeVries Charged On Six Counts Of Child Sex Abuse


DeVries, a resident of Jackson, New Hampshire, served on the Municipal Budget Committee for the town of Conway in the Granite State.

In addition to child abuse charges, he was also charged for falsifying physical evidence after he threw his cellphone from his porch when law enforcement arrived.

The child abuse images allegedly show underage girls either in “lewd exhibition” of private parts, or engaging in sexual activity. He was also charged for possession of psilocybin mushrooms, a Class B felony, which is punishable by up to seven years in prison.

The ‘Skate Away the Hate’ protest took place on June 21st and involved fellow protesters riding bikes and skateboards down Route 16 in New Hampshire.

Throughout the protest, DeVries utilized a loudspeaker where he rattled off demands that he claimed were conveyed to him by local chapters of Black Lives Matter:

“If we divest funds from police and prison systems we all benefit,” said DeVries.

Ahead of the protests he told local news: “I feel like this is one of the best things I can do as a father on Father’s Day… I want to live in a world where racism is not accepted or tolerated, and I don’t want to live in a community or know there are communities in this country where people are afraid of their local police.”

Jackson Police Chief Chris Perley stated after the arrest: “generally speaking, people should be very cautious about listening to voices suggesting defunding of the police because their motives are not always in the best interest of...

The Lying Hypocrisy of The Left...

Rare Reveal: Mass Asylum Fraud at the Southern Border

Indian nationals migrating through Costa Rica toward the U.S. southern border in December 2018

Never mind H-1B Visas, NPR reports how thousands of Indians illegally cross from Mexico

Presidents and Congress can pull levers and push buttons all they want on legal immigration, opening and closing spigots on visas like the H-1B and H-2B used to import cheaper workers from abroad.

But the dirty little secret is that any nationality or visa category a president might choose to restrict always has a viable end-run option readily at their disposal: illegal entry through the U.S. southwest border, where visa-denied migrants simply defraud America's asylum system and get in permanently anyway.

A few of us at CIS have reported how migrants dodge official rules to achieve the American Dream anyway, with a border crossing and asylum claim, with little permanent reform resulting. But maybe the policy- and law-maker set on both sides of the aisle will listen to NPR reporter Lauren Frayer. She published a report July 9 that is rather remarkable in that it lays bare for a broad listening (and reading) audience exactly how thousands of Indian migrants, all largely coming for jobs and lifestyle, game the asylum system by posing as persecuted torture victims at the border.

For her piece titled "The Long, Perilous Route Thousands of Indians Have Risked For A shot At Life in U.S.", Frayer traveled to India and interviewed deported migrants and aspiring migrants, as well as Indian and U.S. officials, triangulating how it all works from the inside.

It helps first to understand that Indians make up one of the largest "extra-continental" nationality groups apprehended at the southern border every year, especially in recent years, which is why Frayer reported the story. In 2018, Border Patrol agents apprehended approximately 8,997 Indians. Last year, 7,675 were caught. In total, the Border Patrol has apprehended more than 32,000 Indian nationals at the southern border between 2009 and 2019, CBP apprehension data shows.

CIS readers should take stock of Frayer's report on their own. But key takeaways follow:

A Little Hard Truth From Candace Owens...

More Candace Owens:

Owens On The Intellectual Dishonesty Of Leftists...

Modern Feminism Is A Verified Joke....

AG Barr’s stinging rebuke of US businesses appeasing Maoist China

Attorney General Bill Barr’s China speech at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum was amazing and something you never would have heard four years ago. Our past administrations have fallen in line with the Chinese Communists until now and this administration.


Barr stated, “The ultimate ambition of China’s rulers isn’t to trade with the United States. It is to raid the United States. If you are an American business leader, appeasing the PRC may bring short-term rewards. But in the end, the PRC’s goal is to replace you.”

“The CCP has long used public threats of retaliation and barred market access to exert influence,” Barr said. “More recently, however, the CCP has also stepped up behind the scenes efforts to cultivate and coerce American business executives to further its political objectives.”

Barr continued, “Efforts that are all the more pernicious because they are largely hidden from public view.”

This presents a significant threat because “hiding behind American voices allows the Chinese government to elevate its influence campaigns and put a friendly face on its pro-regime policies.”

Barr also called out U.S. universities that take money from China and bow to the CCP by silencing speech or canceling events on topics considered “controversial” by Beijing.

“The CCP surveils its own people and assigns them social credit scores, employs an army of government censors, tortures dissidents, and persecutes religious and ethnic minorities, including a million Uighurs detained in indoctrination and labor camps.”

“If what happened in China stayed in China, that would all be bad enough. But instead of America changing China, China is leveraging its economic power to change America.”


Barr explained, “The Chinese Communist Party thinks in terms of decades and centuries, while we tend to focus on the next quarterly earnings report,” Barr said. “America’s big tech companies have also allowed themselves to become pawns of...

No Country Can Survive Being Ruled By People Who Hate It...