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Thursday, July 16, 2020

This Wayfair Thing Is Really Weird - Real Or Not Real?

Wayfair, They've Got Just What Hollywood Needs...

Oprah Joins Plot To Convince Americans Their Country Is Racist

This effort to extend the 1619 reeducation program into popular culture is particularly dangerous because stories have the power to change minds through emotion instead of reason.

Oprah Winfrey is partnering with Lionsgate to turn The New York Times’s 1619 Project into feature films and television programs.

The 1619 Project is a series of essays and multimedia creations produced by The New York Times and one of their leading writers, Nikole Hannah-Jones. The purpose of the project is to reframe American history by claiming that America’s founding is based on racism instead of equality and liberty. Hannah-Jones’ goal in creating the project was to show how slavery and racism have had a lasting effect on all of America’s institutions.

Much of the 1619 Project is repackaged critical race theory, which argues that America and its laws, systems, and institutions are innately racist. This effort to extend The New York Times’s reeducation program into popular culture is particularly dangerous because stories have the power to change minds through emotion instead of reason.

The campaign to legalize gay marriage is a perfect case study in how entertainment can change the minds of a generation on a particular topic more quickly than any legislation or social protest movement. According to the Pew Research Center, in 2004 polls showed that 60 percent of Americans opposed same-sex marriage privileges, but by 2019 that number shrank to 31 percent.

Many social scientists agree it was the growing visibility of gay people in popular culture that was responsible for the shift, reports the Washington Post. Once people began to relate to and feel compassion for either fictional gay characters on shows like “Will and Grace” or actual gay people like Ellen DeGeneres, it wasn’t long before their minds swayed on related policies.

This is the power of pop culture. As is often said, it is more important to write the songs of a nation than its laws. As historian Wilfred McClay writes in “Land of Hope: An Invitation to the Great American Story,” “We need stories to speak to the fullness of our humanity and help us orient ourselves in the world. The impulse to write history and organize our world around stories is intrinsic to us as human beings. We are at our core, remembering and story-making creatures, and stories are one of the chief ways we find ...

This Is A Giant Leftist Power Grab And We Are The Targets Of It!

 Releasing Criminals And Murderers To Create Havoc And Jailing People Willing To Defend Against The Violence...

Roger Stone unbound, ungagged: Mueller prosecutors 'satanic'

You were expecting the perpetual bad boy of GOP politics would emerge from his long ordeal at the hands of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors chastened, housebroken, mellowed? Fat chance.

Newly delivered by President Trump, with just days to spare, from the 40-month prison sentence that had been looming before him, Roger Stone is wearing a t-shirt blaring the words, "Roger Stone Still Did Nothing Wrong."

You were expecting the perpetual bad boy of GOP politics would emerge from his long ordeal at the hands of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors chastened, housebroken, mellowed?

Fat chance.

"I can guarantee you, I don't intend to become boring" says Stone.

"I really do believe that those who are trying to undo this president, those who are trying to destroy me, trying to destroy Michael Flynn — who's a very good man and great American patriot war hero — I do believe they're satanic," Stone tells Just The News in a podcast interview for The Pod’s Honest Truth. “I don't believe that any of these people involved in my prosecution are really believers in God."

Stone’s recent biblical talk is no surprise, given his decision earlier this year to follow Jesus. After a rough 2019 that saw him convicted of lying to Congress and obstructing a congressional investigation into the now-debunked Trump-Russian collusion narrative, Stone drew closer to God. Now, President Trump has commuted his sentence, and it has freed Stone to speak out against a prosecution team he believes was stacked against him from the start.

"The prosecutors in my view were not honest," Stone says. "I think they were politically motivated. They wanted me to lie, to bear false witness against the president in return for some kind of leniency … I know of no illegal or inappropriate actions by the president whatsoever. They went through every email, every text message, and every phone call. There is no evidence to...

Let's keep Supporting Brands That Support Our Values!

Fight Against The Racist, Marxist Agenda Of The Left!

White Student Government Leaders Resign from Their Positions Because of White Guilt

The President and the Vice President of the University of Connecticut’s Undergraduate Student Government recently stepped down from their posts.

And they did so because of white guilt.

VP Alex Ose stepped down last week, according to a report from The Daily Campus. She alluded to “the climate and incidents of racial injustice across the country and at the university.” But as Greg Piper of the College Fix noted she did so “without elaborating on what’s wrong at UConn (or why she can’t address the perceived problem as an elected official)”.

Ose stated:

I feel that it is my duty to step down from my position to make space for BIPOC (black, indigineous and people of color) voices to truly rise and be heard. It is my responsibility to make space, not to create an echo.

Ose also called on the rest of the white members of the student government to resign. She challenged her white colleagues to think about the “intent” they have in holding leadership positions and consider making space for BIPC students.

President Joshua Crow wasn’t as radical when he resigned.

“It is important in this time to ensure that marginalized groups have the platforms they need,” he declared, according to The Daily Campus.

Funny enough, Piper pointed out that “Crow’s temporary replacement is … another white guy, Will Schad.”

None of what we see taking place at UConn is occurring in a vacuum. It’s all a part of the cultural revolution that has taken place since...

Well We Can't Blame Democrat Mayors Or Governors!

Conservatives Believe Twitter Hack Has Revealed Secret ‘Blacklist’ Tools

Mysterious screenshot shows tabs labeled “SEARCH BLACKLIST” and “TRENDS BLACKLIST”.

Conservatives believe that an unprecedented hack targeting Twitter has confirmed suspicions that the tech platform is using secret ‘blacklist’ tools to shadowban certain accounts and prevent certain subjects from trending when they do not fit the company’s agenda.

The hack has affected hundreds of prominent accounts, including those of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bil Gates, Kanye West, Elon Musk, Wiz Khalifa, Apple, Uber, and Jeff Bezos, to name but a few.

Tweets purporting to be from those accounts urged people to send money to a Bitcoin address, with more than $100,000 having been sent at time of writing.

The hack is believed to have originated from a compromised Twitter employee with access to the user management panel.

Effectively, whoever did it was able to hack into a Twitter account that had access to every other Twitter account.
While there may be more fallout to come, the most interesting aspect of the hack appears to be the emergence of a partially redacted screenshot purporting to show...

Know Your BAGS!

Timeline: Mitt Romney’s History of Backstabbing Donald Trump

Mitt Romney Cozies Up to Pelosi on Impeachment

Donald Trump Calls for Pompous Ass Mitt Romney to Be Impeached

How Is Junior Senator Mitt Romney Just Like Stormy Daniels...

Select All Images That Contain A U.S. President:

Coronavirus Not Spreading Among Students, Swedish And German Health Professionals Say

Studies in Germany and Sweden suggest that coronavirus is not spreading among children attending school, numerous sources reported.

Sweden’s public health agency released a report that found that between February 24 and June 14, there was no measurable direct impact on the number of coronavirus cases among school-aged children in Finland, which closed schools, and Sweden, which kept schools open, Reuters reported.

The report has not yet been peer reviewed. Severe cases of coronavirus were very rare among both Swedish and Finnish children aged 1 to 19, and no deaths were reported, per Reuters. In Finland, children made up 8.2% of the total number of coronavirus cases while Swedish children made up 2.1% of national cases.

HALMSTAD, SWEDEN – FEBRUARY 08: Swedish students are seen in a classroom of a school on February 8, 2016 in Halmstad, Sweden. 

German study released Monday also found that the virus doesn’t spread easily in schools, and children may actually as as a “brake” on chains of infection.

“It is rather the opposite,” Prof Berner told a press conference according to the Telegraph. “Children act more as a brake on infection. Not every infection that reaches them is passed on.”

The study tested 2,045 children and teachers at 13 schools, and found antibodies in 12 of the people who took part. Students and teachers who were from schools with cases of the virus were among those tests, and 5 of those tested had previously...

Smithsonian Pushes Racist Material Claiming ‘White Culture’ Is ‘Nuclear Family,’ ‘Self-Reliance,’ Being ‘Polite’

The National Museum of African American History & Culture (NMAAHC) is promoting material about “whiteness” and “white culture” on its website in an effort to “discuss race, equity, and inclusion.”

“Issues of race are sometimes blatant and obvious, sometimes subtle and nuanced, and often difficult to confront. However, with commitment and caring, we can all play an important role in dismantling racism to create a more inclusive, just, and safe society. By committing to understanding and talking about race, all our lives will be better,” the NMAAHC wrote.

Using various graphics, videos, and quotes from so-called race experts such as Toni Morrison, Robin DiAngelo, Bell Hooks, Michael Welp, and others, the website lays out why and how white people should address their own race.

“Since white people in America hold most of the political, institutional, and economic power, they receive advantages that nonwhite groups do not,” it reads.

The page, which is labeled “Talking about Race”, outlines its definitions for “white privilege”, “white racial identity,” “white supremacy,” and “white nationalism” while promoting a variety of resources on how to address “white fragility.”

“Whiteness and white racialized identity refer to the way that white people, their customs, culture, and beliefs operate as the standard by which all other groups of are compared,” the website reads. “Whiteness is also at the core of understanding race in America. Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal.”

“Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color. Acts of microaggressions include verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults toward nonwhites. Whether intentional or not, these attitudes communicate hostile, derogatory, or harmful...

Morning Mistress