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Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Girls With Guns

Commies Get What Commies Deserve...

The Only Good Communist...

Only Cucks Submit...

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What Is The Price For Saving America?

Intentionally Blinding People Is EVIL

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New ‘Woke’ Wonder Woman Slammed As ‘Overweight, Badly-dressed Frump’

Why is she wearing the “kind of mom-jeans worn by middle-aged mid-western chicks at Shania Twain concerts”?

DC comics has continued to bow to pressure from ‘woke’ trolls online, unveiling a “variant cover of the Wonder Woman 1984” on which the superhero is overweight, has a weird purple skin colour, and sports really bad mom jeans.

The new version of Wonder Woman has seemingly also had a massive breast reduction, following complaints that the superhero’s large mammaries contributed to an overtly sexualised image that sends the wrong message to young girls.

Writing for RT, Nicholas Sheppard comments “The image exemplifies everything the comic-book industry has succumbed to in recent years – the latest example in an ongoing trend of agenda-driven identity politics, in which classic themes of heroism and sacrifice have been superseded by themes of diversity and inclusivity and the avoidance of anything that could be interpreted as problematic.”

“In place of a dynamic flowing costume, her ensemble consists of an orange boob-tube and the kind of mom-jeans worn by middle-aged mid-western chicks at Shania Twain concerts,” Sheppard adds.

“Her thighs have been rendered so large it is as if the performer Lizzo had spent the entirety of quarantine bingeing on deep-fried Mars Bars and eschewed any fitness regime beyond schlepping between the fridge and the couch,” he adds.

Critics of the variant Wonder Woman questioned why promoting obesity is somehow a more ‘body positive’ image than a fit and...

The Honey Pot....

President Trump's Growing List of Foreign Policy Successes

It’s long past time for President Trump’s detractors to admit he has had quite a string of successes when it comes to foreign policy, and some are finally relenting.

The Washington Post’s David Ignatius, for example, had to admit President Trump hit a home run with the deal he helped negotiate for Israel and the United Arab Emirates to normalize diplomatic relations.

“This was, as he tweeted, a ‘HUGE’ achievement,” Ignatius wrote. It is viewed as an “icebreaker” that could open the door to other countries, such as Bahrain, Omar and Morocco, opening diplomatic relations with Israel.

Trump will go down as perhaps the most consequential president in terms of the Middle East in American history. He not only has stitched together this deal, he has gotten Israel and Saudi Arabia to cooperate on operations against Iran. He became the first president ever to fly from Riyadh to Tel Aviv.

He has defeated ISIS, moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and taken out Qasem Soleimani, the Iran major general whose Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans and punished Syria – as opposed to the disappearing “red lines” of the previous administration – for using chemical weapons on its citizens.

He has withdrawn from the disastrous Iran deal and stopped sending plane loads of cash to the world’s leading state sponsor terrorism, and he has begun to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Syria.

And the Middle East peace plan his son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner has developed is said to be the best hope for resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict since at least Oslo.

And that’s just the Middle East.

In this hemisphere, President Trump has withdrawn the U.S. from the disastrous NAFTA deal and replaced it with the US-Mexico-Canada trade deal, which opened new markets for...

Too Close To Call...

BBC staff will be given diversity lessons to stop 'microaggessions' in bid to make corporation more welcoming to black programme makers

Pictured: Spineless Cuckold

  • Piers Wenger has been in ‘discussion’ about how to remove 'unconscious bias’
  • £250k-a-year Drama Commissioning Controller said it was now 'ground zero'
  • Told Edinburgh TV Festival now is ‘the moment where we have to get it right’
  • Executive staff are being advised to have unconscious bias training, reports say
The BBC’s drama boss has vowed to get rid of inadvertent instances of racism known as ‘microagressions’ among staff at the Corporation.

Piers Wenger told the Edinburgh TV Festival that he has been in ‘deep discussion’ about how to ‘eradicate unconscious bias’ to help improve the representation of ethnic minorities.

The £250k-a-year Drama Commissioning Controller said it was now ‘ground zero’ and ‘the moment where we have to get it right’.

His comments come amid reports that executive staff at the BBC are being advised to have unconscious bias training to make sure they don't inadvertently offend anyone, according to The Times.

The BBC’s drama boss Piers Wenger (centre in 2017) has vowed to get rid of inadvertent instances of racism known as ‘microagressions’ at the Corporation

Mr Wenger said: ‘It’s also the role of commissioners to really get it right because we know that we are at the very beginning of the process.

'If talent isn’t being protected and nurtured and empowered, if ethnic minority stories aren’t making their way on to screens then we have a big part to play in that.’

He added: ‘Over the last few months as a department we’ve been in deep discussion around how to eradicate unconscious bias and microaggressions.

‘We just can’t deny that those things exist.’

A microaggression is a remark or action which unintentionally reveals a prejudice towards a minority group, such as asking someone: ‘So where are you really from?’

Mr Wenger said that he wanted the BBC to be ‘radical’ and it was ‘the moment to act’. He added in recent months people had been trying to ‘drill down into the...

We Destroyed Millions Of Lives For This?