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Monday, July 24, 2017

SHOCK POLL: Kid Rock up by 4 over incumbent in Michigan Senate race!

Senator Kid Rock?

That’s a very real possibility, according to a new poll.

Delphi Analytica has released the findings of a survey of 668 Michigan voters, which shows Robert Ritchie leading incumbent Sen. Debbie Stabenow, 30 percent to 26 percent.

The poll, which was taken between July and July 18, found 44 percent of voters preferred not to answer.

As Delphi Analytica notes, “Of respondents who stated a preference between Debbie Stabenow and Robert Ritchie, 54% stated they would vote for Ritchie while 46% said they would vote for Debbie Stabenow.

“These results could indicate that Ritchie is a popular figure in Michigan, Debbie Stabenow is unpopular, or some combination of concurrent trends.”

Despite not being a formally declared candidate, Kid Rock is...

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Al Gore Just Embarrassed Himself In A Way That Has Everyone Laughing At Him Today

Former Vice President and climate change fanatic Al Gore failed to directly answer a question recently about some of his controversial climate change claims during recent press availability for his newest documentary on the environment.

In his life post-White House, Gore has spent much of his time advocating against global warming. He released a world-famous documentary in 2006 titled “An Inconvenient Truth.”

Many of Gore’s predictions in the documentary never came true, so 11 years later Gore decided to release a sequel to his first film.

The movie, which is set to release this week, is titled, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.” According to a synopsis: “The film follows the efforts made to tackle climate change and Al Gore’s attempts to persuade governmental leaders to invest in renewable energy, culminating in the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016.”

PJ Media recently confronted Gore over his 2006 claim that “the world would reach a point of no return within 10 years” if countries around the world didn’t ....

Morning Mistress

The MILO Interview NPR Refuses To Broadcast

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MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Is No Longer Even Pretending To Be On The Planet

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Girls With Guns

Kellyanne Conway Gets The President's Accomplishments Out Despite The Best Efforts Of CNN

What Coexist Really Means...

De Blasio Compared to ‘Cowardly Lion’ After Fleeing Confrontation With Angry Queens Woman

A CBS New York reporter compared Mayor Bill de Blasio to the "cowardly lion" from The Wizard of Oz after he fled a confrontation on Thursday with an angry 63-year-old Queens woman.

Vickie Paladino and her husband were driving through their neighborhood when they spotted the far-left mayor, who was there to announce a $16 million initiative to fix sidewalks damaged by tree roots. Paladino was so upset over de Blasio's trip to Germany to speak at a G-20 protest in lieu of attending a vigil for slain New York police officer Miosotis Familia that she left the car to berate him.

As de Blasio approached her and a group of others to shake hands, she started to ask about his trip. He turned around with his security detail and went to his car.

"I want to know why you let your police officers down and our country down by going to Germany and protesting against our country," she yelled at de Blasio. "I want to know why you're...

Vice President Mike Pence: Trump's triumphs are many after only six months and he's just getting started

In the first six months of this administration, President Donald Trump has fought every day to deliver on his promises to the American people. At a historic pace, this president has taken bold action to restore prosperity, keep Americans safe and secure, and hold government accountable.

President Trump has signed more than 40 bills and nearly 40 executive orders on everything from health care to energy, infrastructure and more.

While the previous administration turned to federal agencies to enact its agenda, President Trump has signed more laws to slash through federal red tape than any president in American history and has saved businesses up to $18 billion a year in costs.

And whereas the last administration stifled the use of America’s vast energy resources, President Trump has put a renewed emphasis on American energy – approving the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, rolling back the Clean Power Plan, and putting America First by withdrawing from the Paris climate accord.

President Trump inherited an economy that would barely budge – but under his watch, American businesses small and large have already created more...