90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, April 9, 2018

EXCLUSIVE: Diamond and Silk Call on Trump to Probe Social Media Giants

NEW YORK — The YouTube sensations known as Diamond and Silk, former Democrats who left the party to support President Donald Trump, called on the Trump administration to probe social media giants over allegations of singling out certain political viewpoints.

The outspoken pro-Trump duo made the call two days after they took to their Facebook page on Friday to say that they were informed by Facebook that the Internet giant deemed their content and videos to be “unsafe to the community.”

Diamond and Silk allege their reach on Facebook has been minimized and that a large number of their followers on the platform no longer receive notifications for new posts.

Facebook did not immediately return a Breitbart News request for comment on the issue.

Like other Internet giants, Facebook is a private company and users are subject to the platform’s content policies. Diamond and Silk, however, alleged that they are being singed out due to their pro-Trump views.

They addressed the issue Sunday in an interview on this reporter’s talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and NewsTalk 990 AM in Philadelphia.

With Silk chiming in approvingly, Diamond suggested a government investigation of social media giants.

“I don’t believe in big government, but I do believe that maybe our government should look at the social media platforms,” Diamond said. “Because let me tell you something, they dominate about 90% of the world now. Think about that. I’m talking about the world. Not just the United States. I’m talking about the world. So that means that they can silence your voice and it will only be one point of view and that is...


Last week President Donald Trump signed a memorandum that ordered an end to “catch and release,” an insane Obama-era and Bush-era protocol that forced U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to release illegal immigrants caught crossing the porous southern border.

The program allowed illegals caught by ICE to avoid detainment so long as they agreed to appear in court later for formal deportation hearings. But barely any illegals ever showed up.

Last week’s move by the president marked the second time he ordered an end to “catch and release.” He tried stopping it last year, but due to a lack of resources, the program continued.

What makes the president’s most recent attempt to halt “catch and release” notable is that this time he “asked Defense Secretary Jim Mattis to produce a list of military facilities that could be used to detain illegal immigrants,” according to Reuters.

Cue the New York Post:
The federal government currently uses 109 facilities across the country to hold about 40,000 immigrants threatened with deportation, including six in New Jersey and one in upstate Orange County.
More than a third of these centers — which include county jails, for-profit lockups run by private contractors, and ICE’s own facilities — are already clustered along the southern border in Texas, Arizona and California.
But they contain far too little space to house the more than 300,000 border crossers who were apprehended in the southwest in 2017 alone.

Trump’s order could add an unspecified number of additional holding areas. Some of them, the order said, may be created in modified or re-purposed military facilities.

Because of Trump’s praiseworthy willingness to really tackle illegal immigration (versus just spouting talking points but never following through), illegals are now terrified.

“People are panicked,” Stephanie Teatro, the co-executive director of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, said recently to The Washington Post. “People are terrified to drive. People are terrified to leave their homes.”

Many actual Americans are likewise horrified at the prospect of being murdered or raped by an illegal immigrant, but who cares, right?

The Post’s story specifically concerned a federal raid on a meat-processing plant in Tennessee that nabbed 86 illegals. Coupled with Trump’s decision to deploy the National Guard to the southern border, end “catch and release” and now push for the launch of Club Pablo (as I call them), illegals have every reason on Earth to be terrified.

And you know what? I ain’t one bit bothered by it. Those who choose to flout our laws deserve...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #221

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Female driver easily smuggles illegals into US, until horse trailer overturns in middle of California highway

A band of illegal bandits wound up in police custody Saturday afternoon after the horse trailer that had been carrying them crashed into the ground along Interstate 8 near the southern California border town of Campo.

The crash specifically occurred after the smuggler-driven Ford F-250 truck pulling the horse trailer began to fishtail, the California Highway Patrol told the The San Diego Union-Tribune.

The smuggler lost control of the truck, causing it to drift off the highway and come unfastened from the horse trailer.

When CHP officers arrived at the scene, they discovered that a number of illegals and the driver had fled. Enough remained that the officers dialed up U.S. Border Patrol.

Two illegal immigrant women and four illegal immigrant men were subsequently transported to local hospitals for treatment. Others were treated at the scene and put into custody.

It’s unclear exactly how many illegals were arrested. CHP claimed 18 were arrested, while Border Patrol put it at 19.

The use of tractors to smuggle illegals has become commonplace.

Just three months earlier Border Patrol agents working near the Texas border town of Laredo discovered a tractor-trailer with an astonishing 76 illegals from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, as reported at the time by the San Antonio Express-News.

Border Patrol agents confirmed to San Diego station KGTV that the illegals had been Mexican nationals intent on...