90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, August 10, 2015

More Leftist Tyranny In Obama's Cuba...

Havana (AFP) - With tense bilateral ties recently renewed after five decades, and top US diplomat John Kerry due in Havana in days, Cuba arrested some 90 activists on Sunday.

Cuban security forces rounded up marchers -- about 50 with the Ladies in White dissident group and around 40 other activists, some wearing masks with the image of US President Barack Obama, according to an AFP reporter.

One protester slammed Obama, and said the December announcement to normalize relations between the former Cold war foes had bolstered Havana's crackdown on dissidents.

"It's his fault, what is happening," said former political prisoner Angel Moya, speaking about Obama.

"The Cuban government has grown even bolder," he added before being detained.

"That's why we have this mask on. Because it's his fault," said Moya, husband of Ladies in White leader Berta Soler.

Uniformed police and plainclothes officers were...

Morning Mistress

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Girls With Guns


An Intruder Just Broke Into Your House...


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump deserves credit for forcing all 17 Republican candidates to talk about the social costs of illegal immigration, but it is not “Trump’s issue.” We will be making a fatal mistake if we let the media discuss it that way.

As Ann Coulter has pointed out, this is the most critical issue of the 2016 race because this is the issue that will define whether or not there will even be an American nation recognizable as the “home of the free and land of the brave.”

But illegal immigration is not “Ann Coulter’s issue” any more than it is “Tom Tancredo’s issue.” It is America’s issue — not only because it will define America in the 21st Century but because it also defines American elections and who will be voting in elections in 2020 and beyond. It also illuminates the power of the mainstream media to keep issues off the national stage.

Think of illegal immigration this way: If the liberal media can keep illegal alien crime out of the “kitchen table debate,” they can keep any issue out of the debate. And they will if they can get away with it. For those reasons, illegal immigration is much more than an issue of public policy; it is the poster child for media malpractice...

Morning Mistress

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Girls With Guns

The Essence Of Human Nature...

The End Justifies The Means?

More Hayek:

All The Difference In The World - Hayek

Police kill a white teen, and the silence raises questions

Many of us are just hearing about the police shooting that claimed the life of19-year-old Zachary Hammond on July 26.
The news lands with that familiar, convulsive ache that the death of young people brings. That a year of police-involved killings has given us.
The teenager, on a first date, was stopped in the parking lot of a Seneca, S.C., Hardee’s during a drug bust, and the officer contends he fired in self-defense as Hammond tried to run him over. His 23-year-old date was charged with possession of 10 grams (.35 ounces) of marijuana. And it feels like a life gone over so much nothing.
Yet Hammond’s killing, under cloudy circumstances — a police report never mentions the fatal gunshots — has not sparked national protests. It has not pricked us the way Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Tamir Rice, John Crawford, Brandon Jones, Eric Harris and Freddie Gray did. The way the killing of Samuel DuBose most recently and under the most similar circumstances did. (DuBose was also behind the wheel; the Cincinnati officer who shot him alleged that DuBose was dragging him as he was taking off.)
Hammond’s family contends that the unequal outrage is because Hammond is white.
“It’s sad, but I think the reason is, unfortunately, the media and our government officials have treated the death of an unarmed white teenager differently than they would have if this were a death of an unarmed black teen,” the family’s attorney, Eric Bland, told my colleague Abby Phillip this week. “The hypocrisy that has been shown toward this is really disconcerting.”
Unlike the high-profile cases, no video has surfaced, so there is no objective standard of truth to judge the shooting against. That aside,

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