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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query illegal alien. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2019

CA Dems Agree to Pay $100 Mil Per Year for Illegal Alien Health Care

California Democrats have reached an agreement to cover the costs for full health care benefits for low-income illegal immigrants, according to Fox News.

The agreement–part of the state’s $213 billion budget– would enable low-income illegal adults between the ages of 19 and 25 to sign up for California’s Medicaid program, Medi-Cal.

The state legislature must approve the agreement and a vote is scheduled for this week.

The plan is estimated to cost the state $98 million a year and be available to approximately 90,000 illegal immigrants.

In order to pay for the latest entitlement, California plans to start taxing people who don’t have health insurance.

In a stance to distance itself from President Trump’s administration, California is set to become the first state in the country to pay for tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to have full health benefits.

The plan would take effect in January 2020, the Sacramento Bee reported.State officials have estimated the benefits would be available to about 90,000 low-income illegal immigrants at a cost of $98 million per year.

“While it’s not all we sought, it will provide a real tangible difference for people, especially for those around and below poverty and for middle income families who don’t get any help under the federal law,” Anthony Wright, executive director of advocacy group Health Access, said. Indeed, a family of four earning as much as six times the federal poverty level -- or more than $150,000 a year -- would be eligible to get....

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sanctuary Jurisdictions Protect Nearly 12,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants in 19 Months

The recent murder committed by a twice-deported illegal immigrant gangbanger in a Maryland sanctuary county makes the following information both enraging and unbelievable; nearly 12,000 illegal immigrants with criminal histories were protected from federal authorities by sanctuary jurisdictions in the U.S. during a 19-month period, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) figures obtained by the Washington D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).

A few weeks ago CIS published a map identifying about 300 jurisdictions that have official policies shielding illegal aliens from federal authorities. During a 19-month stretch from January 1, 2014, to September 30, 2015, more than 17,000 federal detainers were rejected by these sanctuary jurisdictions, CIS found. Around 11,800 of the detainers, or 68%, were issued for individuals with a prior criminal history. “According to ICE statistics, since the Obama administration implemented the new Priority Enforcement Program in July 2015 restricting ICE use of detainers, the number of rejected detainers has declined,” CIS writes in a report accompanying the map. “However, the number of detainers issued by ICE also has declined in 2016, so it is not clear if the new policies are a factor.”

The bottom line is that hundreds of local governments across the nation shield illegal immigrants from the feds, even when they have engaged in criminal activity. In some cases they go on to commit heinous crimes that receive widespread media attention. Judicial Watch has reported many of them and launched investigations, obtaining public records from the jurisdictions that protected the criminal aliens. Back in 2008 Judicial Watch obtained records from the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department—an agency long renowned for offering sanctuary—related to Edwin Ramos, an illegal alien from El Salvador who murdered three innocent...

Friday, July 18, 2014

Sign the National Petition to End the Border Crisis Now!

No Funding for Illegal Aliens National Petition

To: Members of the U.S. House of Representatives

Whereas, thanks to Barack Obama’s pro-illegal alien policies, thousands of illegal aliens are right now pouring across our borders and overwhelming the Border Patrol, and;

Whereas, many of these immigrants belong to gangs or carry infectious diseases, and;

Whereas, if these people are allowed to settle in America they will demand welfare benefits and bankrupt governments, and;

Whereas, by allowing these immigrants to remain in the U.S. we are encouraging even more illegal immigrants to come pouring across our border, and;

Whereas, Barack Obama wants Congress to give him nearly $4 billion to pay for lawyers, food, and shelter for these immigrants as well as the cost of physically resettling them in America;

Therefore, Be It Resolved, that I do hereby DEMAND that the House of Representatives reject this “illegal immigrant slush fund” spending request and force Barack Obama to send these illegal aliens home.

Sign The Petition HERE:

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Tijuana Opens Muslim Migrant Shelter to Help U.S. Asylum Seekers as Illegal Immigration Soars

As the U.S. sets a record for illegal immigrant apprehensions along the southern border, a first-of-its- kind shelter opens in Tijuana, Mexico to accommodate a steady flow of Muslim migrants heading north via Latin America. A couple of years ago a San Diego-based group called Latina Muslim Foundation began raising funds to build the shelter “in response to the growing number of Muslim migrants south of the border,” according to a local news report. The 8,000-square-foot facility, which opened over the weekend, can accommodate “up to 150 asylum-seekers,” and will offer Muslim migrants housing, medical care, halal meals and legal services as they wait to enter the U.S. in the famously violent Mexican city that borders California.

Judicial Watch has for years reported on the increasing number of Muslim migrants—including from terrorist nations—entering the U.S. through the Mexican border and the timing of this influx could not be worse, during a record-breaking month for the U.S. Border Patrol. The latest agency figures show that more illegal immigrants—222,656—were apprehended at the southwest border in May than in any other month in history. The previous one-month record was set in March 2000, when the frontline Homeland Security agency reported 223,305 apprehensions. Additionally, federal agents have processed more than 1.5 million illegal immigrants this fiscal year. With three months till the end of the fiscal year, at the current rate the figure is sure to surpass the 2021 record of 1.7 million.

A quarter of the illegal alien encounters reported in May involved repeat offenders previously caught by federal agents this year, the latest government stats reveal. The breakdown shows that Mexicans account for the largest number of illegal border crossers in May, about 77,000, followed by Cubans (25,348), Guatemalans (21,382), Hondurans (19,491), Colombians (19,040), Nicaraguans (18,944), Haitians (10,418), Salvadorans (8,955), Brazilians (5,118), Venezuelans (5,078), Russians (3,394) and Ecuadoreans (3,045). This batch of records does not offer a breakdown that includes Muslims, but it has long been reported that the number is on the rise. Earlier this year an Arab news outlet reported that thousands of Muslims from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa try to reach the U.S.-Mexico border every month. In the story the head of a religious immigrant organization in Brazil estimates that 20% of all people...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Discover The Networks: Marxist LUIS GUTIERREZ - The Face Of Illegal Alien Amnesty...


Democratic Member of Congress
Member of the Progressive Caucus
Proposed legislation granting amnesty and increased benefits to illegal immigrants
Pressured President Clinton to free convicted FALN terrorists whose bombs had killed six people

Luis Gutierrez was born in Chicago on December 10, 1953, to parents of Puerto Rican ancestry. After graduating with an English degree from Northeastern Illinois University in 1977, he spent approximately seven years working variously as a cab driver, schoolteacher, community activist, and social worker.

From 1984-86 Gutierrez, a Democrat, served as an advisor to Mayor Harold Washington of Chicago. In 1986 Gutierrez was elected alderman of that city's mostly-Hispanic 26th Ward. At the time, he was a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, a Marxist-Leninist entity.

Barack Obama shares a laugh with Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill. during a meeting with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in the Oval Office, Dec. 21, 2010

In 1992 Gutierrez won a seat in the U.S. Congress, representing the newly formed Fourth District of Illinois. Gerrymandered from neighborhoods and suburbs west of downtown Chicago, this bizarrely shaped, 75-percent Latino district was designed by Democrats not only to guarantee the area a Latino Representative in Congress, but also to concentrate so many Latinos into a single district that they would pose little threat of unseating any black Democrat in the vicinity. Since then, Gutierrez has been re-elected every two years to the House of Representatives, where he is a member of both the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Congressional Progressive Caucus. His political campaigns have drawn significant support from the Democratic Socialists of America.

In the mid-1990s, Gutierrez developed close ties to the pro-socialist New Party in Chicago. In 1995-96 he was a board of directorsmember of Illinois Public Action, the state's largest public-interest organization, along with such notables as Robert CreamerLane Evans,Alice PalmerJan Schakowsky, and Quentin Young. And in 1997 Gutierrez served on the board of Citizen Action of Illinois.

In 1999 Gutierrez collaborated with fellow Progressive Caucus members Jose Serrano and Nydia Velazquez to pressure PresidentBill Clinton (through Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder) to free 16 convicted FALN terrorists. For details, click here.

During his years in Congress, Gutierrez has cultivated a reputation as the Democratic Party's leading strategist and spokesperson on immigration issues, and has been at the forefront of the effort to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation. In 2001 he became thefirst elected official to sponsor a version of the DREAM Act—legislation designed to create a path-to-citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the United States as minors.

In 2004 Gutierrez was a guest speaker at a “Take Back America” conference organized by the Campaign for America's Future, an organization dominated by the Democratic Socialists of America and the Institute for Policy Studies.

In 2008 Gutierrez was appointed to the National Latino Advisory Council of Barack Obama's presidential campaign, along with such notables as Xavier Becerra, Henry Cisneros, Raul GrijalvaEliseo Medina, Linda Sanchez, Hilda Solis, and 
Nydia Velazquez.

The following year, Gutierrez co-sponsored the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act, a bill tocreate a pathway-to-citizenship for non-criminal illegal immigrants. He also led a multi-city tour whose purpose was to draw public attention to the hardships that immigrant families and communities were experiencing as a result of deportations.

In 2010 Gutierrez threatened to oppose the Democratic healthcare-reform bill because it included provisions that would prohibit illegal immigrants from purchasing coverage through government-run exchanges. He ultimately decided to back the legislation, however, because he was confident that Congress would soon “move forward on a comprehensive immigration reform package.” But later that year, Gutierrez, dissatisfied with the pace of progress on immigration reform, openly encouraged acts of nonviolent civil disobedience to force Congress to act. “We cannot be a slave to the legislative process,” he said. “That’s what we’ve done, and it hasn’t served us very well.”

In late July 2011, Gutierrez was arrested for participating in a sit-in outside the White House to demand that President Obama stop the deportation of illegal immigrants.

At an August 2013 town hall event in Chantilly, Virginia, Gutierrez warned that if a comprehensive immigration-reform bill was not passed soon:

“[S]omeone is going to die in that [Southwestern U.S.] desert trying to return to their families.... Someone’s going to lose a finger, a hand, an eye, a life today because an unscrupulous employer is going to put them in harm’s way. Someone’s going to die. There’s a woman that’s going to be raped in a field somewhere in America today because she has no rights in this country, and we need to end that.... There are children who are going to cry and there are marriages that are going to be destroyed because someone is going to be deported, and there are going to be children that are going to be left orphaned in this country.”

On October 8, 2013, Gutierrez was one of eight members of Congress (all Democrats) who were arrested when they sat in the middle of Independence Avenue and blocked rush-hour traffic during an immigration rally on Washington’s National Mall. The 15,000-plusdemonstrators called for the passage of legislation allowing illegal immigrants to apply for U.S. citizenship. Also arrested were Representatives Joseph Crowley, Keith Ellison, Al Green, Raul GrijalvaJohn LewisCharles Rangel, and Jan Schakowsky.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Biden Admin flying illegal alien minors into Tennessee in the middle of night

As first reported by WRCB-TV, a video shows migrant (illegal aliens) children arriving late Saturday night at Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center. They were flown into the state! You can see them heading to board charter buses on the runway. in the video at the end

Tennessee’s governor and two senators want to know why.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about the governor’s reports that at least four planes, filled with unaccompanied minors landed in Tennessee some in the middle of the night.

“Well, as we have been very clear about, children– our objective is to unite these unaccompanied children, children under the age of 18 with families, with sponsor families. So children traveling–we’re traveling through, have been traveling through Tennessee,” Psaki said. “They are simply on their way to unite with relatives and sponsors, to meet sponsors in the state, or just traveling through Tennessee until they reach another destination to unite with family members or legal sponsors. As you know, geographically, it’s right in a place where you know, there’s a lot of states around it so it’s a place where some flights have gone through as children are moving to other destinations.

This is what Barack Obama did, but he’s still running the country, isn’t he? He’s turning all our states blue. These are future, permanent Democrat voters.

Governor Bob Lee turned down Biden’s request to house illegal alien minors. The administration did it anyway.
Instead of sending a letter to DHS Secretary Mayorkas, they should send them home.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Agents Arrest Another Illegal Alien Convicted of Rape

TUCSON, Ariz. – For the second time in less than a week, Border Patrol agents assigned to the Nogales Station arrested an illegal alien previously deported following a rape conviction in the United States.

In the most recent incident, agents patrolling west of Nogales Wednesday evening arrested Samuel Nungaray-Cons, a 35-year-old Mexican man, for being illegally present in the country. During processing, agents conducted a records check on Nungaray and learned he was previously deported following a rape conviction and incarceration in 2005 in Bonneville County, Idaho.

Four days earlier, on Jan. 8, agents from the Nogales Station arrested a 33-year-old Mexican man convicted of rape in the state of Washington.

Like the man arrested Jan. 8, Nungaray will remain in federal custody pending prosecution for criminal immigration violations involving re-entry of an aggravated felon.

All persons apprehended by the Border Patrol undergo criminal history checks using biometrics to ensure illegal immigrants with criminal histories are...

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Murder, Rape, Assault, Burglary: 6 Examples of California’s Sanctuary Policies Leading to More Crimes

Illegal immigrants released by local police in California after their arrests for minor offenses go on to be charged with more serious crimes such as murder, rape, and assault, according to a new government report.

Those crimes could have been prevented if these sanctuary jurisdictions had turned over those accused to federal immigration officials for deportation, the report suggests.

In one case, police in San Francisco arrested an illegal immigrant from Honduras again and again over nine months as he repeatedly was released and then booked again for more offenses rather than turned over to federal officials.

The cases are documented in the newly published quarterly Declined Detainer Report from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement covering January, February, and March 2018.

The report focuses solely on California jurisdictions, although most large municipalities across the country adopted “sanctuary” policies that prohibit local law enforcement from assisting federal immigration authorities. California is a sanctuary state.

When ICE determines an illegal immigrant accused of a criminal offense is in police custody, the agency issues a detainer. The paperwork is supposed to ensure the alleged offender will be transferred to federal authorities at the conclusion of his or her time in the local jail, instead of being released.

But sanctuary jurisdictions—as a matter of policy—ignore the detainers, which in some cases means the criminal illegal immigrants are released and able to commit new crimes rather than be deported.

The report says:

Additionally, some jurisdictions willfully decline to honor ICE detainers and refuse to timely notify ICE of an alien’s release, and may do so even when an alien has a criminal record. Unfortunately, a number of aliens who have been released under these circumstances have gone on to commit additional crimes, including violent felonies. ICE maintains that most of these crimes could have been prevented if ICE had been able to assume custody of these aliens and remove them from the country in accordance with federal immigration laws.

ICE released the report as the agency seeks to deport illegal immigrants whose cases were adjudicated and received final deportation orders.

Numerous mayors have vowed not to cooperate with ICE enforcement actions. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, with Police Chief Michel Moore at his side, told illegal immigrants over the weekend: “Your city is on your side.”

Critics of ICE’s current enforcement actions say, among other things, that the Trump administration should focus on criminal illegal immigrants.

The new report notes an irony to the outcome of sanctuary policies.

“Ultimately, a jurisdiction’s decision to ignore ICE detainers increases the need for ICE’s presence in communities and requires additional resources to locate and arrest removable aliens,” the report says.

Among local law enforcement agencies cited in the ICE report is the San Francisco Police Department.

“The San Francisco Police Department does not enforce immigration laws and department policy prohibits SFPD members from placing administrative immigration holds or detainers on...

Thursday, May 10, 2018


FORT BEND COUNTY, TX (Breitbart) – A jury in Fort Bend County, Texas, handed down a sentence of life in prison without parole to a Salvadoran national who is illegally present in the U.S. The jury convicted the illegal alien for continuous sexual abuse of a young child and sexual assault of a child under the age of 14.

The jury in the 458th Texas District Court deliberated for less than 20 minuted before handing down a conviction on April 27 against Gilberto Antonio Guillen-Hernandez, 38. The jury came back on April 30 with a sentence of life in prison without parole on the charge of continuous sexual abuse of a child. The jury tacked on an additional sentence of 20 years in prison for the sexual abuse of a child conviction, according to information provided to Breitbart Texas by the office of Fort Bend County District Attorney John Healey on Monday.

“The perpetrator, in this case, took advantage of his access to this child, and his actions warranted a life sentence,” Healy said in a written statement. “Since the month of April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, it is very fitting that this sentence was pronounced by the jury on April 30th, the final day of the month.”

Officials with the district attorney’s office told to Breitbart Texas that Guillen-Hernandez is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador. He reportedly lived illegally in the U.S. for about eight to ten years. The district attorney’s office said the victim is under the age of 14. They could not provide more specific information in order to help protect the victim’s identity.

The jury concluded that Guillen-Hernandez engaged in sexual contact with the child at various locations, including the family’s home, over a two-year period. He also took the young girl to a...

Friday, May 20, 2016

Expanded Health Benefits for Illegal Alien Kids in California

On Monday, California began covering health care for poor illegal aliens under the age of 19.

State enrollment estimates in the first year are expected to hit 185,000 of the 250,000 eligible minors, say state officials cited by the Associated Press. Legislative analysis of SB 4, the follow-up bill to shore up implementation of an earlier illegal alien public health care expansion bill, SB 75, details a budget allocation of $40 million toward the expansion. “Ongoing annual costs are estimated at $132 million General Fund.”

Among supporters of SB 4 were California’s most powerful unions and immigrant activist organizations. including the National Council of La Raza, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, the California Teachers Association and SEIU California.

Enrollment coordinator Claudia Carolina is working with schools in Los Angeles to publicize the program. The AP noted that outside the state Capitol, “health care and immigrant rights advocates celebrating the expansion turned their attention to their next goals. They want Medi-Cal – the state’s version of Medicaid – to cover income-eligible adults who migrated illegally …”.

An online KCRA 3 News poll via Facebook asked, “Should minors brought illegally to the U.S. be allowed to sign up for state-funded health care?” Respondents overwhelmingly said no: 62 percent rejected the idea, compared to...

Saturday, July 13, 2019


On July 12, 2012, Dominic Durden, a 30-year-old Riverside County, California sheriff’s dispatcher was on his way to work, when Juan Zacarias Lopez Tzun, 24, made an illegal left-hand turn in his pickup on Pigeon Pass Road, striking Durden’s motorcycle. Durden’s injuries were massive and he died at the scene.

Tzun, an illegal alien, was charged with vehicular manslaughter and for driving without a license. Despite the fact that Tzun killed an innocent young man, he was booked into the Robert Presley Jail in Riverside, on only $7,500 bail.

On April 3, 2013, Riverside County Superior Court Judge Raphael A. Arreola sentenced Tzun to 90 days in jail and to 180 days in a work-release program. Tzun had already spent 56 days in jail, and only served an additional 30 days, before being released on May 2, after which, he was eventually deported.

Not surprisingly, the crash that killed Durden was not Tzun’s first run-in with the law…what follows is Tzun’s criminal history in California:

• On May 13, 2012, he was arrested, and charged with suspicion of driving under the influence and not having a license.

• In November 2010, he pleaded guilty to driving under the influence and was sentenced to three years’ probation, 10 days in jail, and a $1,660 fine. Under the terms of his probation, he was required to obtain a driver’s license…he never did.

• In 2009, he was charged with grand theft auto.

Despite these charges, Tzun was never reported to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials for possible deportation, and was allowed to roam freely, continuing to place the citizens of Riverside County, in grave danger.

In fact, The Riverside Press-Enterprise reported that the California Highway Patrol refused to investigate Tzun’s immigration status, following his first DUI arrest.

Furthermore, the paper also reported:
The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department does not inform ICE of impending releases after receiving an immigration detainer, Sgt. Mike Manning said.
In addition to serving as a sheriff’s 911 dispatcher, Durden was a volunteer firefighter, and an accomplished pilot. “Dom,” as his mother, Sabine called him, loved animals and was the “ultimate prankster, …who would do anything to make you laugh.”

It was Durden’s lifelong dream to become a police officer, and he spent much of his 30 years on Earth helping others and...

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Teen Girl Missing from Kentucky Found Being Held Prisoner by Illegal Alien in South Carolina

A teen girl who is in the U.S. illegally and disappeared from Kentucky in December was discovered in South Carolina being held as a sex slave by another illegal immigrant, police say.

Police in Saluda County, South Carolina, discovered the girl confined in the bedroom of 24-year-old Florencio Gomez Saiche after a tipster told authorities that the 16-year-old missing teen was being held there, WIS Channel 10 reported.

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Here a first look at the neighborhood where Saiche was holding the 16-year-old girl. This is the 100 block of Hawks Way in Saluda. @WRDW_WAGT

Investigators said that the kidnapped girl had been able to contact family members through social media apps when her kidnapper was not looking or was out of the home.

Police say that they have suspicions that the teen never tried to contact police about her whereabouts because she is also an illegal alien.

When police confronted Saiche about the missing girl, he denied knowing her. But a search of his mobile home proved the lie to the claim.

“During the investigation, [officers] heard someone else in the residence,” said Saluda County Sheriff John C. Perry. “So, they did a protective sweep of the residence to find out and sure enough located the victim. He used intimidation factors, you know, because of the status of our victim.”

The sheriff’s office noted that illegals often prey on other illegals using their immigration status against them as a way to keep victims from reporting crimes to authorities.

Saiche was jailed without bond and charged with...

Monday, July 13, 2015


While outfits like the Immigration Policy Center say Americans ought to stop believing their lying eyes and understand that the more illegal immigrants stream across the border, the more crime rates fall, the reality is much darker.

On Thursday, Michigan police arrested a Mexican illegal alien, 23-year-old Aurelio Hernandez-Gomez, after finding him with a 13-year-old Florida girl who had last been seen two days before her ordeal.

Cops acted on a tip that led them to a Hartford home where Hernandez-Gomez hid the girl while assaulting her.

Michigan authorities charged Hernandez-Gomez with one count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct, meaning they believe he raped or otherwise penetrated the girl after incapacitating her or otherwise rendering her helpless. They have not...

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Illegal Alien Raped, Murdered Pre-School Teacher

Reno, NV – On Friday, Reno Police Department officials held a
press conference, at which they announced a suspect has been extradited from California and charged with the 2004 rape and murder of 28-year-old Kyla Annan.

In January, police received a tip that Francisco Merino-Ojeda, 32, committed the cold case murder, and a DNA test linked the illegal alien to the crime.

Annan’s brutalized body was found in her bed on Sept. 23, 2004. She had been strangled to death.

Her home was located on Qunicy Road, near a day labor center, largely used by illegal aliens.

Merino-Ojeda worked as a landscaper in Reno, and was frequently seen at the center.

KCRA reported:
The victim’s parents, Steve and Cheryl Annan of South Lake Tahoe, California, attended the news conference and fielded questions from reporters. They praised police for the arrest and said the suspect deserves the death penalty.
“A life for a life,” Cheryl Annan said.

Asked whether the arrest brings them closure, Steve Annan replied, “The idea of closure is not right. It’s a bogus concept. Closure is having your child come back to you.”

Annan worked as a teacher’s assistant at Golden Goose Preschool in Reno. She was a...

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Border Patrol Intercepts Previously Deported Rapists, Gang Members Breaching US Border

Border Patrol agents arrested several criminals, including a previously deported rapist and a gang member, at the US-Mexico Border.

In Texas, Border Patrol agents arrested two criminal aliens this past weekend, including a felon convicted for indecency with a child and an El Salvadorian national convicted for racketeering conspiracy.

A separate Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) press release reveals that Arizona officials identified, arrested, and charged an illegal immigrant who raped a fellow migrant.

And in California, CBP officials identified a previously deported, felon gang member attempting to cross the U.S. border:

“Agents conducted records checks, which revealed that the man, a 41-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, is a documented Paisas gang member with a criminal history. He has multiple felony convictions to include Grand Theft, Robbery, Evasion, and Re-entry of a Deported Felon, all of which are felony offenses. The illegal alien was sentenced to...

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

MUST SEE=> Mother of Son Murdered By Illegal Alien Tells Trump “YOU SAVED MY LIFE!” (VIDEO)

Sabine Durden is a legal immigrant from Germany. Her son Dominic Durden was murdered by an illegal alien who had two prior DUI charges.

Tonight Sabine and several other mothers of slain children by illegal aliens joined Sean Hannity and Donald Trump for a town hall event in Austin, Texas.

Sabine told Donald Trump on Tuesday, “You saved my life!”:

Sabine Durden: “I’m a legal immigrant from Germany. I did everything right and my son Dominic was called German chocolate because of his heritage. And I brought him with me. I brought his ashes with me to show what I have left of my family. I have no family left. That was my only child. The guy got 9 months, 5 years probation and served 35 days for killing my child. He had a prior felon and two DUIs. And Mr. Trump, you saved my life the day you ....

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Muslim who stabbed, shot NYPD officers yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ during riots is illegal alien, DOJ reports

The Justice Department said Wednesday that a man who allegedly stabbed a New York City police officer and shot two others in early June is an illegal immigrant from Bosnia-Herzegovina who was motivated by his support for Islamic extremism.

As race-related rioting and violence beset New York City, Dzenan Camovic targeted NYPD officers who were on an anti-looting patrol, the Washington Times reported, citing federal prosecutors.

According to surveillance video footage obtained by the Justice Department Camovic is seen stalking the officers before stabbing one of them in the neck with a kitchen knife and lunging at another, chasing him down a street.

Camovic then returned to the officer he stabbed, grabbed his firearm and shot at responding officers six times, striking two in the hand as he shouted “Allahu akbar,” which is Arabic that is understood to mean “God is great.”

Responding officers fired 16 times at Camovic wounding him before taking him into custody. Reports said Camovic was struck eight times.

Federal investigators later discovered that Camovic had been studying extremist materials that included some from the defunct Islamic State.

NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea roundly condemned the attack on his officers.

“It appears to be a complete cowardly, despicable, unprovoked attack on a defenseless police officer, and, thank God, we’re not planning a funeral right now,” he said during a news conference following the incident.

“Dzenan Camovic, an illegal alien and Bosnian national, is alleged to have used the cover of chaos during recent civil unrest in New York City to launch a premeditated and cowardly attack from behind against two New York City Police officers, brutally slashing one with a knife, stealing his weapon and opening fire, and injuring several responding officers,” added U.S. Attorney General William Barr, in announcing the charges.

NBC New York reported June 5 that “law enforcement sources” suggested Camovic’s actions were being investigated as a terrorist attack.

The New York Post’s Joe Marino reported that as well, via Twitter.

“Authorities are investigating whether the stabbing of an NYPD cop in Brooklyn by Camovic was a terror-inspired assault by an immigrant from the Balkans, according to sources and a report,” he wrote.

ABC New York reporter Candace McGowan noted on Twitter June 4 that Camovic is 21 years old, while also posting what appears to be a driver’s license a photo of him.

A report from CBS2 in New York provides more context:

Monday, July 18, 2016

Trump Has Invited Victims of Illegal Alien Crime To Speak At GOP

One of the things that convinces me of Donald Trump’s seriousness about making immigration legal again has been his attention to crime victims of illegal aliens. He has met with surviving family members, and now two parents — Jamiel Shaw and Sabine Durden — have been reported as being speakers at the Republican convention next week.

In April, Jamiel Shaw, standing at the podium, tells a Trump audience about the 2008 murder of his teenaged son who was shot and killed near his home by an exceptionally violent illegal alien gangster who nevertheless had been released onto Los Angeles streets instead of deported. Others on the stage are holding pictures of their relatives also killed by unlawful foreigners: one is Sabine Durden who is standing closest to Donald Trump.

Jamiel Shaw appeared on Fox News Sunday morning to discuss his upcoming talk in the convention: 


Wednesday, December 5, 2018


We be it to the productive taxpayers in the land of the Resistance, 7 of 10 illegal alien households in the Golden State are on the dole.

In a bit of news that should give pause to those clamoring to allow thousands of Central American migrants into the country, a new report shows an astounding number of “non-citizen” households are being subsidized by taxpayers.

According to the nonprofit group Center For Immigration Studies, 63 percent of all “non-citizens” are on some form of welfare, which places an enormous strain on social services programs that are in place to help the nation’s actual citizens.

Via The Washington Examiner, “Census confirms 63 percent of ‘non-citizens’ on welfare, 4.6 million households”:
A majority of “non-citizens,” including those with legal green card rights, are tapping into welfare programs set up to help poor and ailing Americans, a Census Bureau finding that bolsters President Trump’s concern about immigrants costing the nation.

In a new analysis of the latest numbers, from 2014, 63 percent of non-citizens are using a welfare program, and it grows to 70 percent for those here 10 years or more, confirming another concern that once immigrants tap into welfare, they don’t get off it.

The Center for Immigration Studies said in its report that the numbers give support for Trump’s plan to cut non-citizens off welfare from the “public charge” if they want a green card that allows them to legally work in the United States.

“The Trump administration has proposed new ‘public charge’ rules making it harder for prospective immigrants to qualify for lawful permanent residence — green cards — if they use or are likely to use U.S. welfare programs,” said CIS.

“Concern over immigrant welfare use is justified, as households headed by non-citizens use means-tested welfare at high rates. Non-citizens in the data include illegal immigrants, long-term temporary visitors like guest workers, and permanent residents who have not naturalized. While barriers to welfare use exist for these groups, it has not prevented them from making extensive use of the welfare system, often receiving benefits on behalf of U.S.-born children,” added the Washington-based immigration think tank.
The numbers are huge. The report said that there are 4,684,784 million non-citizen households receiving welfare.

But that number jumps on the left coast where 7 of 10 “non-citizen” households are sucking the backs of productive people like...