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Friday, December 23, 2016

Look What Boeing Just Did to Air Force One Because of Trump

What is President-elect Donald Trump up to these days? Oh, he’s just making America great again and whatnot. Kind of a big deal… Trump recently tweeted that the new Air Force One was way too expensive, and Boeing responded that they will make it for less.

Trump tweeted recently that the cost for the new Air Force One was way too much, and in response, Boeing’s CEO told the president-elect on Wednesday that they would build the fleet for less than the quoted price.

Boeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presidents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order!
Fox News reported:

Boeing’s Dennis Muilenburg, who met with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla., addressed the media after the meeting and said, “We’re going to get it done for less than that, and we’re committed to working together to make sure that happens.”
Anthony Scaramucci, a Trump adviser the founder of SkyBridge Capital, tweeted about the price reduction and called it a “big win for taxpayers.”
Trump also met Wednesday with...

Snopes CEO Accused in Divorce Proceedings of Embezzling Company Money to Spend on Prostitutes

The CEO of Snopes.com, the fact-checking website that was recently named as one of Facebook’s “fake news” arbiters, has been accused in divorce proceedings of appropriating company funds which he allegedly spent on expensive holidays and prostitutes.

It was announced last week that Snopes would be helping Facebook to determine and label “fake news” with the help of ABC News and Politifact. The Daily Mail reports that the CEO of Snopes, David Mikkelson, is currently embroiled in a vicious legal battle with his former wife and Snopes co-founder Barbara Mikkelson. The couple divorced sometime around 2014, but legal proceedings have continued between the couple.

Barbara has claimed that her former husband embezzled money from the company. Court documents obtained by the Daily Mail state that Barbara accused David of “raiding the corporate business Bardav bank account for his personal use and attorney fees.” Barbara also claims that David embezzled $98,000 over four years, which “he expended upon himself and the prostitutes he hired.” Barbara claims that David spent $10,000 from their business accounts between April and June of 2016 to fund an expensive 24-day holiday for him and his “girlfriend.”

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Girls With Guns

Germany: Tolerant Today...Dead Tomorrow...

This Game Will Last Until The Next President Ends It...

So That's Why They Call Them The Reds!!

Liberal Creativity ERR.. Delusion Is Astounding...So What's Next?


Hillary Makes Histroy Again!

Glass Ceilings Broken Everywhere!

Maine Propane Dealer Who Refused to Sell to Trump Supporters NOT LICENSED to Sell Propane

After Donald Trump won the presidential election in November Maine propane dealer told Trump supporters he would no longer sell them propane in the winter.

Now this…
Turner has not had a license to sell propane since 2012.
Central Maine reported:
Michael Turner, who said he would not sell fuel to anyone who voted for President-elect Donald Trump, has not been licensed since 2012.
A local propane dealer who said in a recent message that he won’t sell to anyone who voted for President-elect Donald Trump has been delivering and dispensing gas without a state license for at least two years, state officials said this week.
Michael Turner, who operates of Turner LP Gas Service on Canaan Road, left a message for would-be customers on his company’s voice mail, saying “If you voted for Donald Trump for president, I will no longer be delivering your gas. Please find...

Al Qaeda Boss: Saudi Terrorist Rehab Praised by Obama is “Hidden Radicalization Program”

An Al Qaeda operative incarcerated at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo has confirmed what Judicial Watch has been reporting for years, that a Saudi Arabian “rehabilitation” program that supposedly reforms jihadists is really a terrorist training camp. The U.S. has released dozens of Gitmo captives to the comical jihadist rehab and earlier this year considered sending another, senior Al Qaeda boss Ghassan Abdullah al-Sharbi, a dangerous Saudi national with a U.S. college education.

During a hearing before President Obama’s Gitmo parole board, al-Sharbi said “you guys want to send me back to Saudi Arabia because you believe there is a de-radicalization program on the surface, true. You are 100 percent right, there is a strong externally…a strong de-radicalization program, but make no mistake, underneath there is a hidden radicalization program.” The testimony was delivered months ago, but was recently declassified by the Department of Defense (DOD), which maintains that al-Sharbi is a committed jihadist and threat to the U.S., its interests and allies. The panel denied al-Sharbi’s petition for release, but has granted many others recently.

In his quest to clear out the prison and close it, Obama has embarked on a frenzy releasing droves of terrorists jailed at the U.S. Naval base in southeastern Cuba. More than 100, including Osama bin Laden’s bodyguards, have been released to the Saudi rehab program, officially known as the Prince Mohammed bin Naif Counseling and Care Center. It specializes in “spreading the concept of moderateness and rejecting immoderate way of thinking” by using art therapy, video games, exercise and sports to de-radicalize terrorists. Obama has praised the bogus Saudi terrorist rehab program, even though the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency disclosed years ago that many of the Gitmo detainees who rejoin terrorist missions after leaving the military prison returned to “the fight” after graduating from Saudi rehab.

Among them is Al Qaeda leader Ibrahim al-Rubaysh, the poster child for the Saudi rehab’s failures. Years after releasing al-Rubaysh from Gitmo, the U.S. offered a $5 million reward for information on the whereabouts of the Saudi rehab grad. The State Department coined the “senior leader” of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) a Specially Designated Global Terrorist, revealing that “he serves as a senior advisor for AQAP operational planning and is involved in the planning of attacks.” Judicial Watch reported this two years ago, citing the State Department announcement describing al-Rubaysh as a senior AQAP sharia official since 2013 who has made public statements calling on Muslims to wage war against the United States. Many others have returned to terrorism after completing terrorist reform school.

This hasn’t deterred Obama from sending more Gitmo terrorists to...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Girls With Guns

Philosoraptor On Denying Hollywood Funds To Destroy America...

This Is How We Cure The Cancer Of Communism...

Congress: Obama Admin Fired Top Scientist to Advance Climate Change Plans

A new congressional investigation has determined that the Obama administration fired a top scientist and intimidated staff at the Department of Energy in order to further its climate change agenda, according to a new report that alleges the administration ordered top officials to obstruct Congress in order to forward this agenda.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R., Texas), chair of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, released a wide-ranging report on Tuesday that shows how senior Obama administration officials retaliated against a leading scientist and plotted ways to block a congressional inquiry surrounding key research into the impact of radiation.

A top DoE scientist who liaised with Congress on the matter was fired by the Obama administration for being too forthright with lawmakers, according to the report, which provides an in-depth look at....

Just Kick Back And Think Of All The Obama Executive Orders that Will Be Eliminated In the First 72 Hours Of The Trump Presidency...

Just Three Per Cent of Newly Arrived Migrants Have Found Work

Fewer than three per cent of the 1.2 million migrants who came to Germany in the last two years have found employment, newly released government figures show.

Of the 34,000 who have managed to find a job within the last 11 months, nearly a quarter (22 per cent) are on temporary contracts, according to statistics from the German government’s Institute for Labour Research (IAB).

A further 20 per cent are on zero hours contracts. 57 per cent of those falling into these two categories are employed in the hospitality industry, Süddeutsche Zeitung has reported.

The figures pertained to migrants from the eight major asylum countries of origin including Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

406,000 jobseeking migrants are currently registered with employment agencies and job centres, of whom 160,000 are recorded as unemployed.

Joachim Möller, director of the IAB, said: “If we manage to get 50 per cent of them into work which pays for their lives in five years, that’d certainly be a success.

“But it would be an illusion to believe that we will...

Heading out the door, Obama bans offshore drilling in Atlantic, Arctic Oceans

He’s only got a few weeks left to damage America’s energy independence. Obama needs to work fast, and he is. Ever the creative one, Obama has found a way to twist the original intent of a law passed in 1953 to enact bans on offshore drilling in massive sections of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The law was never intended to facilitate any such action, as The Hill explains, but since when does Obama consider himself constrained by the law?

Obama will use a section of the 1953 Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to implement the protections, Bloomberg and The New York Times reported, citing...

O’Reilly: The Left Wants To Marginalize White Voters [VIDEO]

Fox News host Bill O’Reilly argued Tuesday night that the Left’s desire to eliminate the Electoral College is based on an agenda dedicated to taking power away from white voters.

In his opening comments on “The O’Reilly Factor,” the political commentator stated his belief that liberals want the Electoral College gone in favor of a system that would favor diverse cities over white rural areas.

“They know that neutralizing the largely white rural areas in the Midwest and the South will assure liberal politicians get power — and keep it,” O’Reilly said. “This is all about race. The Left sees white privilege in America as an oppressive force that must be done away with.”

“Therefore, white working-class voters must be marginalized, and what better way to do that than to center the voting power in...

Morning Mistress

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Girls With Guns

The Consequences Of CoExist

It Is Impossible To Coexist With People Who Want To Kill You...

Walking On Sunshine!

There is a new hope in America, a new enthusiasm and energy. The great waning of America has ended and our future is bright again. The possibility of jobs, confidence in America, beating back the tyranny of the big government leftists, to thwart the Statist actors that seek to curtail the rights of the individual: all is now possible again.

Let's grab this bull by the horns and once again make America the shining city on the hill, the beacon of hope, the protector of freedom, the reminder of the possiblilties of the greatness of mankind. Let's make America great again!

Stealing Hope...

Fake News...

The Universal Scapegoat...

Hollywood Idiots Should Keep Their Filthy Mouths Shut.

Shut Up and Act: ‘The Perfect Idiot’s Profession’

The American people have spoken. Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, in a free and fair election (despite cybertampering by DHS…). But ignoramus Hollywood actors are urging members of the Electoral College to select someone other than Donald Trump.

A person’s true character and grit becomes evident when they face real adversity or fail at something. We know Democrats are sore losers, and Hollywood epitomizes this.

It’s so much easier to be liberal, but especially in liberal Hollywood.

“An actor’s a guy, who if you ain’t talking about him, ain’t listening.”—Marlon Brando

The latest attempt by vacuous actors to impact politics comes in a star-studded video PSA starring actors Martin Sheen, Debra Messing, Richard Schiff, James Cromwell, BD Wong, Noah Wyle, Freda Payne, Bob Odenkirk, J. Smith Cameron, Michael Urie, Moby, Mike Farrell, the unrecognizable Loretta Swit, Christine Lahti, Steven Pasquale, Dominic Fumusa and Emily Tyra.

The Russian Ambassador’s Assassin Shouted Muslim Brotherhood Slogans You Stupid Worthless Media. This Means He Is Muslim Brotherhood.

“Allah Akbar” yells Mevlüt Mert Altıntaş, a former police officer after he shot the Russian ambassador “Andrei Karlov” at the Turkish capital Ankara. He then shouts the popular Muslim Brotherhood favorite Nasheed (hymnal) “Nahnu Allatheena Baya’u Mohammedan A’lal-Jihadi Ma Baqqayna Abada”.

English: We are the ones who gave our allegiance (Bay’at) to Muhammad to continue our Jihad. We will never fail forever”

Well, the exact slogan comes from the Muslim Brotherhood.They were inspired from Islam’s Battle of the Trench (Al-Khandaq) in 627 against the Qurayza Jews who were charged with treason they surrendered and all the men, apart from a few who converted to Islam were beheaded, while the women and children were enslaved.

Here it is:

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, December 19, 2016

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
American Power has: Sunday Rule 5
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Thank You Electors For Voting Donald Trump As Our Next President!

Rich, vapid Hollywood Idiots tried to convince you to create a constitutional crisis, radical leftists threatened to kill you, the leftist poroagandist news media had twisted fantasies of you not doing your duty, but you did your duty and America has been saved from the totalitarian leftists that wish to destroy us.

Thank You.

Leftist Totalitarians Changing Strategy...

Trump Reaches 240 Electoral Votes; Texas Expected to Put Him Across 270 Next Hour

Donald Trump has reached 240 electoral votes this hour. Texas, with its 38 votes, is expected to push the president-elect across 270, making this all official, in the next hour.

Florida's 29 electors have voted for Donald Trump

Idaho's 4 electors have voted for Donald Trump

Michigan's 16 electors have voted for Donald Trump

Minnesota's 10 electors have voted for Hillary Clinton

North Dakota's 3 electors have voted for Donald Trump

Oregon's 7 electors have voted for Hillary Clinton

Utah's 6 electors have voted for Donald Trump

Wyoming's 3 electors have voted for Donald Trump

Electors Continue to Vote as Trump Moves within 100 of 270

December 19, 2016

Electoral votes continue to come in during the 1PM (ET) hour. Donald Trump is within 100 of the required 270, as no faithless electors have yet materialized.
Alabama's 9 electors have voted for Donald Trump
Kansas' 6 electors have voted for Donald Trump 
Louisiana's 8 electors have voted for Donald Trump
Maryland's 10 electors have voted for Hillary Clinton
Wisconsin's 10 electors have voted for Donald Trump
South Dakota's 3 electors have voted for Donald Trump

How To Influence American Politics...

Obama Press Conference Distracts From What He Just Did With The Civil Rights Commission

The day before President Obama’s last press conference of the year, the White House quietly announced his presidential appointments of Dego Adegbile and Catherine Lhamon to six-year terms on the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. Both appointments are aggressive moves for a president on his way out the door.

Obama previously nominated Adegbile to head the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, but a bipartisan group of senators blocked the nomination in 2014 due to Adegbile’s defense of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Adegbile’s appointment, which will not require congressional approval, left pro-police groups crying foul.

John McNesby, president of the Philadelphia chapter of the Fraternal Order of...

Father: My Son Was Murdered in Cold Blood by an Illegal Alien Criminal

Above is Spencer Golvach, before he was shot in the head as he sat in
his truck
 waiting for the light to change in Houston.
One of the early problems facing President Trump after his inauguration will be dealing with sanctuary cities where illegal aliens including violent criminals are protected from prosecution and deportation by liberal governments. Many are doubling down with their pro-crime policy, most egregiously San Francisco, responsible for the preventable deaths of four people during the last decade because of the city protecting dangerous illegal aliens. Certainly President Trump can cut millions of dollars in federal funding to get their attention. But some liberal cities seem really stuck on the upside-down idea that protecting violent foreign criminals from law enforcement is somehow a 21st century version of human rights. Go figure.

Trump spoke often during his campaign about the crime victims of illegal aliens, including in his acceptance speech where he remarked, “Of all my travels in this country, nothing has affected me more deeply than the time I have spent with the mothers and fathers who have lost their children to violence spilling across our border.”

There are likely to be more of those tragic stories yet to come because of so many criminal aliens simply released from prison onto American streets during the current administration. A recent number for criminal aliens on the loose is 820,000: 84 percent with felonies, serious misdemeanors which sounds low after eight years of Obama immigration anarchy, but...

HuffPo’s Syrian Refugee Columnist: ‘Women to Blame’ for New Year’s Sex Attacks for Being ‘Out Alone at Night’

A Syrian refugee columnist for the Huffington Post has said that women are mostly to blame for the New Year’s Eve sex attacks across Germany last year. Aras Bacho, 18, tweeted that women should not be out alone at night.

In a perhaps revealing statement about the attitudes of Syrian refugee men, Bacho — who writes frequently for the Huffington Post’s German website — said: “Most of the time the women are to blame. To be alone at night. On the other hand, the refugees should behave”.

He tagged the tweet “Silvester” or “New Year’s” in German.
Daran sind meistens die Frauen schuld. Nachts alleine zu sein. Andrerseits sollten sich die Flüchtlinge benehmen. #Silvester
— Aras Bacho (@ArasBacho) December 12, 2016

His tweet, on his verified account, has been live for over 5 days at the time of publication, and the Huffington Post shows no signs of relieving him of his duties as a columnist, with his latest column being filed 5 days after ....

It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Democrats who are having trouble getting out of the first stage of grief — denial — aren't being helped by the fact that, now that all the votes are counted, Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote has topped 2.8 million, giving her a 48% share of the vote compared with Trumps 46%.

To those unschooled in how the United States selects presidents, this seems totally unfair. But look more closely at the numbers and you see that Clinton's advantage all but disappears.

As we noted in this space earlier, while Clinton's overall margin looks large and impressive, it is due to Clinton's huge margin of victory in one state — California — where she got a whopping 4.3 million more votes than Trump.

California is the only state, in fact, where Clinton's margin of victory was bigger than President Obama's in 2012 — 61.5% vs. Obama's 60%.

But California is the exception that proves the true genius of the Electoral College — which was designed to prevent regional candidates from dominating national elections.

In recent years, California has been turning into what amounts to a one-party state. Between 2008 and 2016, the number of Californian's who registered as Democrats climbed by 1.1 million, while the number of registered Republicans dropped by almost 400,000.

What's more, many Republicans in the state had nobody to vote for in November.

There were two Democrats — and zero Republicans — running to replace Sen. Barbara Boxer. There were no Republicans on the ballot for...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Girls With Guns