90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lenin Obama

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Women with Weapons

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Obama's Plan To Seize Control Of Our Economy And Our Lives

Wow, this is really scary.  The main stream media (the propoganda arm of the democrat party) completely ignored this.  Imagine if George W Bush had signed THIS executive order, there would have been chaos in the streets as the Democrats would have (correctly) protested this naked grab of power.

Please read this article: com/sites/jimpowell/2012/04/29/obamas-plan-to-seize-control-of-our-economy-and-our-lives/2/    

Tyranny is at hand.  Government exists to serve the people, it must remain small and do everything it can to not interfere, interject or impose itself on individuals.  Government is FORCE, it must be kept in check, it must be humbled, it must be subservient to the individual. 

If we continue to remain silent as Goverment grows beyond its intended role, we will no longer have individual rights, no freedom of choice, no liberty, no pursuit of happiness, and if the Government so deems, no life.

Government is the Leviathan, the wriggling serpent. We must "break the heads of Leviathan in pieces".

Do whatever you can to vote the Leviathan out of the Whitehouse.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Women with Weapons

New Sketch for Saturday Night Live Revealed!

SNL, (Saturday Night Live) will be airing a new sketch on November 3rd centered around a school lunchroom. SNL will be introducing a new cast member in this Glee like production done to the tune of Hips don't lie. The new cast member will be playing Michelle Obama in the sketch. In an interview, Lorne Michaels stated, "We didn't have to worry much about those haunches because we can just add padding for that, the hard part was finding someone who could make her weird mouth expressionisms" (sic). The new skit will feature New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg himself getting caught sneaking out of a janitors closet drinking a 64 oz. Big Gulp and then launching into a rendition of the Soda

Song: Coca-Cola came to town. Diet Pepsi shot him down. Doctor Pepper picked him up. Now they all drink Seven-Up. Michelle Obama then chases Michael Bloomberg while bludgeoning him with a large clump of celery stalks. The backdrop to all of this is the students singing about how they are starving with the new Michelle Obama lunch menus. As the students slowly succumb to starvation, they fall on the floor and pass out as Michelle chases Michael offstage. The scene then cuts to an interview with Debbie Wasserman Schultz where she categorically denies that Michael Bloomberg was actually holding a big gulp soda as the video of it plays behind her. The interviewer gives up in total frustration and walks off stage as Michael, Michelle and Debbie all high five each other. The confidential source for this article was Senator Harry Reid.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Women with Weapons

How teachers unions reward bad teachers and punish good teachers.

 Only one out of every 1000 teachers are fired for performance related reasons compared to one out of 97 lawyers and one out of every 57 doctors. This is because of anti-learning, anti-student contracts made by teachers unions. This criminal gang doesn't care if a teacher cannot teach or even is the teacher is a child molester as long as the teacher is on the unions side and is available to extort union dues from in order to pay off their political cronies thus funding and perpetuating the criminal activity.

In Sacramento, the teacher of the year, Michelle Apperson had to be laid off of due to Union tenure and seniority rules. Imagine if a private company laid off their best salesperson? The company would deserve to go out of business and so do teachers unions. In New York City, over 700 teachers were being paid to do nothing. Many of these teachers are sexual molesters, pedophiles, malcontents and miscreants; however, they cannot be fired due to union contracts, so your taxes continue to pay for them to do nothing which is actually an improvement over having these loyal union members in the classroom. 66 year old millionaire Pedophile Alan Rosenfeld sits in a New York City "rubber room" today collecting a six figure salary plus benefits because the school system cannot fire him, union rules stipulate that there is no mandatory retirement age and the school system cannot allow this pedophile into the classroom to molest and harass young girls. Why do teachers unions protect and reward pedophile teachers? Loyalty to the cause: perpetuating the corrupt unions.

What is happening in our schools today is a NATIONAL EMERGENCY! Involuntary teachers unions dues go to pay off politicians that then vote for pro-union, anti-student legislation. We need to begin to diminish the power of these anti-learning unions by recognizing that federal and state government unions are unnecessary and counter-productive to good government and good schools.

The excellent, motivated teachers receive nothing from their hard work and dedication. Shouldn't we compensate and reward those teachers that inspire and motivate our children? We WANT these teachers to stay in the system and create a legacy of students that are inspired and stimulated. These teachers have the potential to fundamentally change the lives of students in the most fundamental and meaningful ways yet the current system only punishes them and treats them the same or worse than moribund clock watchers.

What can you do? Become informed and vote for politicians that are not paid off by the teachers unions.

Here are three great documentaries to watch:
The Lottery                The Cartel                 Waiting for Superman