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Friday, February 3, 2017

Girls With Guns

Smuggling Migrants to Europe Now a Major Funding Source for Islamic State

Islamist terror groups including Islamic State are now getting much of their revenue from smuggling migrants into Europe, Italy’s intelligence chief has said.

Information gathered by intelligence agencies shows that criminal gangs in Africa who work to traffick migrants into Europe have developed “partnerships” with terrorist organisations in the Middle East including Islamic State, Alessandro Pansa told La Stampa on Tuesday.

“ISIS is facing serious setbacks. Its biggest sources of income — smuggling oil products and antiquities, are at the edge of drying out. We think terrorists are resorting to human trafficking as a new source of revenue,” Pansa told the newspaper.

Pansa, the Director General of the Department of Information Security, revealed the intelligence agency’s findings at a talk in Naples about Africa and the ‘risks and opportunities’ of immigration.

Describing the involvement of Islamic terror groups in human trafficking as a major challenge for Italy, the security chief said it’s vital that Italy works with governments in Africa to “attack...

The fascists of the future will be called anti-fascists

More Churchill:

Churchill Wisdom...

It Is Always Ok And Correct When Democrats Do It...

The leftist media must be usurped!

It Is Time To Revisit The Arab Spring In Iran...

Free the people of Iran from the totalitarian Theocracy..

No Benefits To Illegal Aliens..

Didn't Get Your Way?

It is time to rein in these idiots.

Wilders: Trump Has Already Done More Than Europe Ever Has To Curb Mass Migration

Dutch populist leader Geert Wilders praised U.S. President Donald Trump for his executive order to temporarily ban immigration from seven countries, saying he has already done more to curb mass migration than the entire European continent ever has.

“Here there is a politician who does not only keep his promises and fulfills his promises in the election campaign, but has done more to beat the mass immigration in two weeks time than the whole European governments [have] in their whole existence,” Wilders said during a book release in The Hague Thursday. “I’m sure if we would have had that kind of policy for instance in the Netherlands and other countries in Europe, that a lot of turmoil, a lot of terrorism would have been spared.”

Populist leaders from across Europe recently met in Koblenz, Germany to set up a game plan for the key election in 2017. Wilders said he was inspired by Trump’s election victory and...