90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, February 3, 2017

BREAKING REPORT: Secret Service Managers Fired, Escorted from White House Grounds

At least two manager level Secret Service officials were fired and escorted from the White House complex, according to a report by reporter Steve Clemons.

The Secret Service has been accused of slow-walking an investigation of an agent based in Denver who publicly stated she would not ‘take a bullet’ for President Donald Trump.

“Reports coming in that some Secret Service mgr level personnel forced 2 resign 2nite & escorted out of EEOB. Two out but source says more…Repeat. Two (& perhaps more) @SecretService Mgr level staff abtuptly forced to resign tonight & escorted out of EEOB #trump #whitehouse”

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

After Berkeley: A Right Wing Call to Self-Defense

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Girls With Guns

This Does Not Belong In America...

Trump Is Exactly Right About This...

Don't Allow Muggles To Destroy Hogwarts!