90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

When Is The Weekend Again?

A school apologized after a teacher banned students from wearing 'Make America Great Again’ shirts

A Georgia school district issued an apology after one of its teachers told students they weren't allowed to wear "Make America Great Again" shirts in her classroom.

Video of the incident: Fascist Georgia Teacher Orders Students To Leave For Wearing Trump Shirts

The River Ridge High School teacher, who hasn't been named, incorrectly told students on Aug. 31 that the shirts violated the school's dress code.

"Her actions were wrong, as the 'Make America Great Again' shirts worn by the students are not a violation of our School District dress code," Cherokee County School District spokeswoman Barbara P. Jacoby said in a statement.

Jacoby said the teacher also "inappropriately" shared her personal opinion about the campaign slogan during class.

Although it is unclear who reported the incident to school officials, video taken by students was circulated on social media, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. It even caught the attention of Georgia state Rep. Earl Ehrhart who told the newspaper, "That’s so wrong on so many levels. That individual doesn’t need to be anywhere near a classroom ever again.”

The school's principal immediately met with and apologized to the students and their families, Jacoby said.

While the school district said it could not discuss disciplinary action taken against the teacher, Jacoby said the superintendent has asked all principals to "meet with their teachers and staff to review the dress code and remind them that their political opinions should...

10 Dumbest Gun Control Laws That Need To Be Repealed Right Away

Gun grabbers will try anything to limit our constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. While we appear to be taking back ground lost in previous decades–usually with data to prove that new laws have done nothing to make us any safer–there are a handful of laws in place that are particularly stupid.

Today, let’s take a look at those laws and just why they need to be killed.

What this is not is an in-depth, legalese description of these laws, just a brief overview. I am not an attorney, after all.

1. The Hughes Amendment

This was something tacked on to an otherwise pro-gun bill during the Reagan Era. Even if you’re unfamiliar with the name, if you’re a gun nut, you’re familiar with the ramifications of this bit of legislation. You see, this is the reason the machine gun market is what it is. This law banned machine guns manufactured after 1986 to go to private hands.

All this law did was assign an arbitrary cut-off date that had nothing to do with anything in and of itself. There was no indication that guns manufactured after that date would be more deadly (they aren’t), nor that legally held weapons were being used in crimes (they weren’t). Instead, it was a petulant child of a politician who tried to throw in a poison pill into a pro-gun law.

And it backfired on pretty much everyone.

2. Suppressor Regulation via The National Firearms Act of 1934

Suppressors, contrary to what the gun grabbers argue, aren’t an aid to illegal activities. Instead, they’re safety devices. They protect people’s hearing when they’re firing weapons. Period.

However, in the anti-gun hysteria surrounding gangland violence during Prohibition, suppressors were seen as the Boogeyman’s favorite took of choice. After all, a suppressor would allow him to kill in absolute silence.

Unfortunately for all of us, suppressors aren’t the silencers of Hollywood. They’re not even silencers. Instead, they’re mufflers for the end of your gun so you can shoot without needing ear plugs or muffs.

Further, in the gun-restricted Utopia of Europe, many gun grabbers seek to emulate, those who are blessed to own firearms in some countries are required to use suppressors. Apparently, the one thing Europeans get right on guns are the benefits of suppressors.

3. Magazine Limits

So-called high-capacity magazines seem to be the thing most likely to send a gun grabbing politician into apoplexy. Several states have limited magazines to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #5

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, September 4, 2017

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Girls With Guns