90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Women with Weapons

My Bug Out Vehicle

Ooh she's a killing machine
she's got everything Like a moving mouth,
body control and everything
I Love her, I need her, I seed her
Yeah she turns me on
Alright hold tight I'm a highway star

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Marxism - The Opiate Of The Asses

Little Jimmy was not fooled by the Jackasses bearing gifts and speaking with forked tongues.

Anime Girls with Guns

Women with Weapons

Firing automatic weapons exercises those tummy muscles....

Hottie Mugshot of the Day

Because laughing at Liberals is our Patriotic duty!

Felons vote Democratic, see here:

3D Printing - A Revolution

The World's first 3D printed gun.
Do you remember the Star Trek replicator?  That device that could just make things seemingly out of thin air?  It's here as 3D Printing and you can have one in your home.

Ok, you can't make food with it like on Star Trek, but you can make things to hunt with like guns, knives and cool stuff like that.

3D Printing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital model.  The printer creates objects by laying down successive layers of material.

There are websites to download 3D models that you can print and you can even get a device that will create a digital 3d model that can be printed later.

The 3D printer is used today in many industries to create prototypes and usable everyday oblects.

The picture on the left is some of the things you can make with a 3D printer.

Here is a website with downloadable 3d Objects, it is definitely worth a look!

The Terrifying, Dazzling Tools of Mexico's Drug Cartels

(via wired.com)
It can be a little deceiving to think of Mexico's drug cartels as simply gangsters. Instead, they've blurred boundaries between organized crime and quasi-military insurgents, seized swathes of territory and become some of the world's most dangerous criminal gangs. They've also acquired plenty of firepower to back it up.

The Zetas are one of the most disruptive and aggressive of them all. Formed by ex-military men who became armed enforcers for the Gulf

Cartel, the Zetas split with their former patrons nearly three years ago and have since become
one of Mexico's largest and most dangerous cartels. While most of those ex-military founding fathers of the cartel are now dead or in prison, they've retained a culture of military loyalties, if not so much the discipline and hierarchy. Or much in the way of taste. In September, Mexican police arrested Ramiro Pozos, the alleged leader of drug gang "The Resistance" and Zeta ally -- with his gold- and silver-plated AK-47.

Meanwhile, coming up on Saturday, incoming president Enrique Pena Nieto takes office, the first change in the presidency since the drug war exploded across the country more than six years ago. Aside from reducing the level of violence, one of his priorities will be wrenching back control of cartel territory, and putting it back under the control of the state.

more here: http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/11/cartel-weapons/

Scary Mugshot of the Day

Because laughing at Liberals is our Patriotic duty!

Felons vote Democratic, see here: