90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead is on right now. Watch it!

Women with weapons

China's Eminent Domain laws are stronger than Americas?

(from Reuters (member of corrupt media))
A car stops beside a house in the middle of a newly built road in Wenling, Zhejiang province, China, November 22, 2012. An elderly couple refused to sign an agreement to allow their house to be demolished. They say that compensation offered is not enough to cover rebuilding costs, according to local media. Their house is the only building left standing on a road which is paved through their village. REUTERS/China Daily

(from Ninety Miles (not a member of corrupt media))
So it seems China has stronger Eminent Domain laws than the U.S.?  Currently if a company wants to build condominiums on your property, a city can deem this an economic benefit and use Eminent Domain, yes for a private company and China can't use Eminent Domain to build a road?  We need to start firing Government in the U.S.

Should I or shouldn't I?

Proof of time travel

The proof here is irrefutable, someone time traveled
back in time to participate in this ancient battle of unknown foes.
I wonder if the ancient photographer noticed this?

Rule #243 of the Urinal

No, no no no no.  According to rule #243 of the Urinal, you never, ever touch shoes.

Women with Weapons

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gun Egg Fryer

You wake up in the morning and you need a good meal.  Get your gun egg fryer out and cook up some second amendment eggs.  Mmmm mmm mmm tastes like freedom!

Electric duck bath

Now that the democrats have vote frauded their way to another four more years and treated the U.S. economy to an electric duck bath, they too should reap the rewards they have sewn.  All democrats, socialists and Marxists should run a nice hot bath, put plenty of bubbles in it, get in and then plug in their electric duck.  Perhaps for a moment, the synapses in your brains will find a proper path to reasoning, logic and enlightened self interest.

Obama Scream

President Obama finds out that he inherited the current economy from the last president...himself....

The de-evolution of the modern day liberal

Selective outrage, identity politics, racial division for political gain, political duality and blatant hypocrisy, this is your modern day liberal.