90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

On The Traitorous FBI...

This Weeks Gun Control Argument In A Nutshell:

Quotes George Washington Never Said....

More George Washington:

Government Is A Dangerous Servant And A Fearful Master...

George Washington On The Evil Plans Of Government...

The Armenian Genocide Occurred Right After They Confiscated The Guns...

10 Disturbing Facts About The Armenian Genocide

Photo Evidence: Trump Met With Russian-Involved Agent...

6 Key Elements in Understanding the Tangled Uranium One Scandal

Creepy Or Creepy? Google Home Mini Found To Be Recording Everything 24/7 And Sending It To Google

The Home Mini, Google's donut-shaped Amazon Echo Dot rival, is cute, teensy, and adorable. Looking at its inviting fabric covered-design and the array of funky colors it comes in, one would think it's a pretty harmless piece of technology.

But it might be harboring an alarming privacy concern.

Google Home Mini: Why Is It Recording Everything?

Android Police's Artem Russakovskii was reviewing the Google Home Mini. Everything was going fine at first; the product was working perfectly as intended. That is until he noticed something pretty strange: It was waking up thousands of times a day, recording, then sending those clips to Google's servers. All this was done quietly, Russakovskii said, with the four LED lights on the unit firing on and off unbeknownst to him.

He came to this conclusion after experiencing certain mishaps with the Google Home Mini, in which the smart speaker would fail to pick up on commands. So, Russakovskii visited Google's My Activity portal on the web and made a startling discovery.

There, clear as day, were thousands of items, each with a play button and a timestamp — recordings. Russakovskii's Home Mini review unit was recording everything, and it all happened without his knowledge.

Smart speakers, the Google Home Mini included, are designed to respond to a specific wake word. The default wake words for Google's devices are "OK Google" or "Hey Google." Only when either of these two is uttered by the user will the speaker respond. This is also the only point where the device begins recording, and that clip will be sent to...

When Guns Save People, The Leftist Agenda Media Is Silent...

NAACP Helped Craft Sheriff Israel’s No Arrest Policy

Political motivations often lead to bad policy — in the case of the Broward County School District, political motivations led to deadly policy.

A look at the past seven years since Scott Israel became the head of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office reveal his agenda for self-advancement by making the school district in his jurisdiction appear safer. His actions proved to do the exact opposite.

During his reelection campaign in 2016, Israel proudly toted his accomplishments of “sharply reduc(ing) violent crime and burglary rates,” as well as his “innovative initiatives” to keep students in school and out of jail, the Sun Sentinel reported. Those statistics were nothing more than a smokescreen.

In 2013, a year after Israel was elected to head of the department, The Broward County School Board and District Superintendent made an agreement with Broward County Law enforcement officials to essentially stop arresting students for crimes, American Thinker explained.

Aside from the school district and sheriff’s office, a politically motivated third part got involved. More specifically, a political group: The NAACP.

“One of the nation’s largest school districts has reached an agreement with law enforcement agencies and the NAACP to reduce the number of students being charged with crimes for minor offenses,” read a 2013 Associated Press report.

Rather than base the school’s disciplinary policies on keeping students safe, Broward County School District adopted an NAACP-advised, social-justice “PROMISE” program. Thanks to then President Barack Obama, politically motivated, race-based school policy wasn’t unusual. As noted by American Thinker, “In Obama era … considerations of race routinely shaped educational policy.”

“(A)cross the country, students of color, students with disabilities, and LGBTQ students are disproportionately impacted by school-based arrests for the same behavior as their peers,” read the agreement between...

Muslims Were America’s Top Mass Shooters in Last 2 Out of 3 Years

Turn on CNN and you get the impression that mass shootings are mainly carried out by mentally unstable teenagers with assault rifles in high schools. But the data points to a very different picture.

In the last 5 years, five major mass shootings were carried out using AR-15 or similar rifles.

The perpetrators of the Parkland school massacre, the Las Vegas massacre and the Texas First Baptist Church massacre were Americans. Muslim terrorists however were responsible for the mass shootings at the Pulse nightclub and in San Bernardino. While the Vegas shooter was responsible for the deadliest attack last year, the deadliest attacks of 2015 and 2016 were both carried out by Muslim terrorists.

While the media has emphasized Dylann Storm Roof’s racist attack on a black church in Charleston, he was only 1 of 3 racially motivated mass shooters in the past 5 years

Two of the last three years were dominated by mass shootings carried out by Muslim terrorists.

In the last decade, there were only 10 major mass shootings where the death toll went into the double digits. Three of those were carried out by Muslim terrorists. That’s all the more remarkable since Muslims make up less than 1% of the United States population, but account for 33% of major mass shootings. Proportional to their representation in the population, Muslims are responsible for far more mass shootings than Americans.

The trend is worrisome. Since 2015, not a single year has passed without a Muslim mass shooting. While 2017’s Muslim mass shooter Kori Ali Muhammad only managed to kill three people in Fresno, his expressions of racial and religious hatred make it clear that we are dealing with a hateful pattern.

Muhammad had sought to kill “as many white males as possible”. He shouted, “Allahu Akbar” when captured by the police. While the media has emphasized Dylann Storm Roof’s racist attack on a black church in Charleston, he was only 1 of 3 racially motivated mass shooters in the past 5 years, 2 were African-Americans, Muhammad and Micah Xavier Johnson, the Black Lives Matter protester who murdered 5 Dallas police officers. Johnson’s massacre of police officers and September 11 were the deadliest attacks on American police officers in this century. Both were carried out by Muslim attackers.

Johnson and Muhammad allegedly both had Nation of Islam ties. As did Gavin Long, who shot six police officers (three fatally), in a spree of racist violence. The funeral of...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #181

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.