90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, June 25, 2018

He Just Needed A Snickers Bar!

Don't Give MS-13 Anything, Deport Them.

Fearful Of "Triggering" Trump, China Begins Downplaying "Made In China 2025"

Trump's unorthodox policies appears to be bearing fruit.

Amid a barrage of constant tit-for-tat escalations which are finally beginning to spillover into markets - a necessary condition for Trump's negotiating strategy to be taken seriously by America's trading partners as Goldman explained at the start of the month - Reuters reports that Beijing has begun "downplaying" Made in China 2025, the state-backed industrial policy that has provoked alarm in the West and is the core reason behind Washington’s complaints about the country’s technological ambitions.

Halting China's relentless technological advance, much of which is on the back of reverse-engineered, "merged & acquired", or simply stolen US technologies, is the reason for the latest developments out of Washington, which according to media reports will see the Trump administration enforce rules that bar companies with at least 25% Chinese ownership from buying U.S. firms with “industrially significant technology."

To be sure, Trump's attempt to reduce the Chinese trade surplus with the US is just one aspect of Trump's complaint over US-Chinese relations: with a full-blown trade war looming amid U.S. President Donald Trump’s threats to impose tariffs on up to $450 billion in Chinese imports, his administration has fixed on Beijing’s signature effort to deploy state support to close a technology gap in 10 key sectors.

And, in what is a sign that these threats and diplomatic bluster are working, Beijing is increasingly mindful that its rollout of the ambitious plan has triggered U.S. backlash.

In the Reuters report, which quotes a senior western diplomat, in meetings Chinese officials have recently begun downplaying Made in China 2025.
The officials have stressed that the aspects that have raised the most ire abroad were simply proposals by Chinese academics.
In an attempt to prevent further provocations of the Trump administration, the state news agency Xinhua, which made more than 140 mentions of Made in China 2025 in Chinese language news items in the first five months of the year, has not done so since June 5, according to Reuters calculations.

According to the report, Chinese officials have gone so far as to suggest it was a mistake for the government to have pushed the plan so forcefully and publicly because it had increased pressure on China.

“China is apparently starting to adjust to the blowback caused by the heavy propaganda,” said the diplomat, who declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter.

Three state media journalists told Reuters they had been instructed not to use the term Made in China 2025. Two others said they received...

Stunning CBS Poll! Build the Wall, Deport or Detain Illegal Entrants

The CBS News 2018 Battleground Tracker Poll conducted by YouGov June 21-22 during the midst of the controversy over migrant families and unaccompanied children flooding the southern border shows a shift toward President Trump’s views. In March, the CBS poll showed 60 percent opposed a wall.

Now 51 percent support a wall being built but they are split on whether it can be completed. 32 percent say the wall is a good idea and can probably be completed while another 19 percent say the wall is a good idea that should be tried even if it can’t be completed.

Migrant families need to be returned to their countries as a family, say 48 percent; 11 percent think the parents should be arrested and their children detained with them; 4 percent said the parents should be arrested and their children kept in a separate facility. A total of 63 percent either want the migrant families deported or detained.

Only 21 percent think the families should be released into the U.S. with a promise to appear for a hearing at a later date. [Almost none return for the court dates.]

There were other surprises too....

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #298

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, June 24, 2018

The "Anti-Hate" Group That Is a Hate Group

Girls With Guns

US soldiers at the North Korean border bring 100 coffins and prepare to retrieve remains of American soldiers missing since the war after Kim Jong-un agrees to return the bodies

  • Kim Jong-un agreed to send home US war remains from the 1950-53 war after his historic June 12 meeting with President Trump 
  • US military moved 100 wooden coffins to the Korean border Saturday to retrieve the remains
  • Kim said after the meeting last month that it was time to 'leave the past behind' and promised that the world will see a 'major change.'

The US military has moved 100 wooden coffins to the Korean border to prepare for the return of the remains of American soldiers who have been missing since the 1950-53 Korean War.

North Korea agreed to send home US war remains during the June 12 summit between leader Kim Jong-un and President Donald Trump.

Spokesman Colonel Chad Carroll said Saturday that the military sent 158 metal transfer cases to a US air base near South Korea's capital and will use them to send the remains home.

Earlier Saturday, Carroll had denied a report by South Korea's Yonhap news agency that U.S. military vehicles carrying more than 200 caskets were planning to cross into North Korea.

US Forces Korea said in a statement later that day that 100 wooden 'temporary transit cases' were sent to the Joint Security Area at the border to 'receive and transport remains in a dignified manner when we get the...

The Democrat Agenda:

9 Times MS-13 Gang Members Posed as Minors, Used Kids to Enter U.S. Illegally

President Trump has repeatedly asked the Republican-controlled Congress to close immigration loopholes in order to end the trafficking and smuggling of children across the border by illegal aliens who hope to be released into the interior of the United States.

While Trump has enacted a “zero tolerance” policy at the border — where all adult border crossers, no matter if they are traveling with children, are criminally prosecuted — Democrats have rallied around ending all immigration enforcement.

As Breitbart News noted, every Senate Democrat has signed onto legislation that would end all border enforcement, a plan that Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said should be called the “Child Trafficking Encouragement Act,” as it sets free every adult border crosser so long as they smuggle a child across the border with them.

In detail, the White House provided Breitbart News with nine examples where MS-13 gang members — the murderous El Salvadorian gang that Democrats defended last month — used these immigration loopholes to try to enter the U.S. in hopes they would eventually be released.

Here are the nine times MS-13 gang members smuggled children across the border to try to eventually be released into the country:

1. MS-13 Gang Member Smuggles Himself and Child into U.S.

On May 2, 2018, Border Patrol apprehended an adult male who was traveling with his one-year-old son. He is a known MS-13 gang member who was previously removed from the country in 2012. The minor child was released to his uncle.

2. MS-13 Gang Member Who Posed as ‘Unaccompanied Minor’ Accused of Murder

On December 7, 2013, Border Patrol apprehended an unaccompanied alien child. He was given a Notice to Appear and released into the interior of the United States. On September 2016, the subject was one of 11 MS-13 gang members involved in the killing of teenage girls in Long Island, NY.

3. MS-13 Gang Member Uses Her Child to Try to Enter U.S. Illegally

On May 1, 2018, Border Patrol apprehended a known female MS-13 gang member, who was traveling with her minor daughter. After being processed, both mother and child were released under their own recognizance on May 19, 2018.
