90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The State Of U.S. Media Today:

Pew: US media bias ranks worst in the world


The one fly in the ointment for the Democrats and their full-court blitz to grant amnesty to millions of illegals by using children as human shields is the reality that the country is already overflowing with criminal illegals.

Nancy Pelosi may find MS-13 gang members to be picked on by President Trump because they have feelings too but the Democrats’ need for voters leaves them with a massive blind spot when it comes to the thugs who are here illegally and rape, beat or murder someone. This never makes it to CNN and MSNBC but the local news outlets are chock full of horrific tales of innocent people whose lives have been cut short by animals and scum.

One of them struck last week at Belmont Park in New York. The legendary racetrack that had only a week before hosted the race in which the horse Justify won the Triple Crown and bragging rights to the evil Hungarian ghoul George Soros who is a part owner of the winning thoroughbred.

The festivities were long over and the television trucks had gone home when a 51-year-old track worker named Maria Larin was attacked early in the morning as she was performing her duties and walking one of the horses. She was savagely hacked to death and the murderer was – you guessed it – an illegal alien.

Via The New York Post “Woman fatally stabbed by ex at Belmont Park race track: cops”:

A Belmont Park stablehand was fatally stabbed by her former boyfriend as she was walking a horse at the famed Nassau County racetrack early Sunday, authorities said.

The worker — identified by police sources as Maria Larin — was cooling down racehorse Our American Star following a workout around 6:30 a.m. when former flame José Franco-Martinez ran up to her in a barn and allegedly knifed her multiple times, according to...

James Woods Has Great Advice On What To Do Now That Congress Members Are Advocating Political Violence Against You...

Rep. Maxine Waters claimed the favor of the Almighty during a speech at a Capitol Hill "Keep Families Together" rally on Saturday. She said cabinet members and highly visible Trump enablers should expect harassment at restaurants, gas stations, shopping places, and even their homes until they change their immigration policy. Several have already been confronted at public places.

More Marvelous Madness From Maxine The Muckraker....

Know Your Ticks And The Diseases They Carry..

She's A Real Jealous Ass....

Ben Franklin On Maxine Waters...

Protests In Iran Erupt While U.S. Sanctions Loom

The World Without This Terrorist Theocracy Would Be Amazing To Behold...

A fresh wave of protests erupted in Iran over the weekend against the plunging value of the local currency and rising prices, in what some observers and analysts describe as the biggest protest in the capital Tehran since 2012, just before the previous sanctions on Iran were imposed.

After U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and re-imposed sanctions on Tehran—including on its oil industry and exports—expected to kick in later this year, the value of the Iranian rial has plunged to record lows against the U.S. dollar on the black market.

On Sunday, one U.S. dollar was being offered for as much as 87,000 Iranian rials, compared to around 75,500 rials on Thursday—the previous trading day before the Iranian weekend.

Demand for dollars has been high in recent months among Iranians because they fear that the renewed U.S. sanctions would reduce oil exports and exports of other goods. The plunge of the rial against the dollar has angered Iranians who see prices of imported goods rising.

On Monday, protesters clashed with police in front of the Parliament in Tehran, the Associated Press reports, citing videos posted on social media networks.

According to the BBC, thousands of people took to the streets and shops were shut, while riot police fired tear gas at protesters.

Iran’s economy is in difficulty as U.S. sanctions loom and threaten to reduce part of its oil exports.

Tehran doesn’t see its buyers obtaining waivers from the U.S. sanctions, Iran’s Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said in an interview with Bloombergon Friday.

“I don’t believe they can receive waiver from the United States,” Zanganeh said. “We are going to find some other way,” said the minister, adding that Iran’s oil exports are close to 2.5 million bpd for June.

Most buyers are still buying Iranian oil, “but some of them have difficulty because of the pressure from the United States on bank transfers, transport insurance and...

Because They Are Fake News...

How The Theory Of White Privilege Leads To Socialism

In 1989, sociologist Peggy McIntosh penned a famous essay that propelled an ideological movement well beyond the ivory tower and into political discourse, pop culture commentary, and workplace seminars. It is now part of our modern lexicon.

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” listed 50 examples of struggles white people don’t usually have, or perks of being the majority race, from being able to “see people of my race widely represented” in media to never being asked “to speak for all the people of my racial group.” These examples, according to McIntosh, are how “privilege” manifests.

Yet white privilege theory, even as McIntosh conceived of it nearly 30 years ago, is far from benign. The danger this essay poses is not in acknowledging that the 50 occurrences McIntosh mentions do happen and can frustrate the efforts of black Americans and lead to feelings of being in the “out-group,” but in the surrounding commentary. It lays the groundwork for how white privilege theory is supposed to change our thought processes and economic systems.

Acknowledging the 50 examples in themselves can help us be more charitable and sensitize us the disadvantages blacks still often face, but that was only a small part of McIntosh’s goal. A closer look at the rest of the “knapsack” essay reveals a system of thought that, at best, runs counter to traditional Western ideas of individual justice and personal merit:
‘I have come to see white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that I can count on cashing in each day…’

‘My schooling gave me no training in seeing myself as an oppressor, as an unfairly advantaged person.’

‘The pressure to avoid [white privilege] is great, for in facing it I must give up the myth of meritocracy. If these things are true, this is not such a free country; one’s life is not what one makes it; many doors open for certain people through no virtues of their own.’ (emphasis mine)
McIntosh advocates for a “taxonomy of privilege” and sees many of her examples as indicative of “conferred dominance.” When she says she sees “unearned advantages” as a type of “oppression,” she’s employing the language of neo-Marxism.
What Is Neo-Marxism?

Briefly, neo-Marxism divides the world between oppressor and oppressed and identifies a system, or systems, by which the oppression takes place. In classical Marxism, the oppressed were the proletariat, the oppressors were the bourgeoisie, and the system of oppression was capitalism. The Marxist framework has been adapted to categorize and pit against each other various group identities, all toward the end of ...

"Look, there's a smuggler."


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD (Fox News) – An illegal immigrant in Maryland has been accused of raping a non-verbal special needs girl while he was supposed to be babysitting her at her home.

Reynaldo Mora, 41, was arrested April 19 in Montgomery County and charged with sex abuse of a minor, in addition to two counts of second-degree rape, according to WJLA.

Mora was reportedly babysitting the 13-year-old girl in February at her home in Kensington, where he allegedly forced the victim into having sex with him.

The girl, whom police said has the “intellect of a first grader” and can only communicate using “gestures and writing,” tested positive when she took a pregnancy test in April, the news outlet reported. Staff at a nearby medical center confirmed she was 11-weeks pregnant.

Mora reportedly was held for seven weeks at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility in Clarksburg after a district court judge denied his bond.

In May, his defense attorney filed a “motion to reconsider bond,” and on June 1, Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge Steven Salant granted Mora a personal recognizance bond, according to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #299

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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