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Sunday, July 1, 2018

‘An embarrassment, on multiple levels’: Fmr. CNN producer rips Acosta for giving journos a ‘bad name’

CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta made such a fool of himself Friday in screaming across the room a politically driven question for President Donald Trump that even a former CNN employee called him out for the “embarrassment.”

The president appeared at a ceremony commemorating the six month anniversary of the GOP’s historic tax reform bill, when the reporter tried to spin the shooting in Annapolis, Md., by a man who had a longstanding feud with a local newspaper, into an event centered around Trump

“Mr. President, will you stop calling us the enemy of the people, sir?” Acosta yelled, as people around him tried to hush him.

Jim Acosta shushed, shamed for interrupting WH ceremony to yell at president, sparks new ‘Dear Diary’ game http://dlvr.it/QZ1r9H 
Acosta then reported on Twitter: “I tried to ask the president if he would stop calling us the enemy of the people. He did not respond.”
I tried to ask the president if he would stop calling us the enemy of the people. He did not respond.
Even though Trump likely never heard the question as Bloomberg reporter Jennifer Jacobs noted:
Trump didn't appear to hear any of the questions we called out to him at the end of the tax reform anniversary event. Notably, when the very friendly audience realized reporters were yelling to Trump, they increased the volume of their applause and whooping to override the press.
Amid wide scale ridicule over the stunt, former CNN senior digital producer Steve Krakauer took to Twitter to rip Acosta’s “self-serving antics,” describing his actions as “an embarrassment, on multiple levels.”

“Truly an embarrassment, on multiple levels. Jim Acosta’s self-serving antics give all good journalists a bad name,” Krakauer tweeted.

“On a day journalists could honor the memory of fellow reporters tragically killed due to a deranged person with a vendetta going back years,” Krakauer tweeted in a follow up, “Acosta tries to shift the blame to Trump, thus validating many Americans’ feelings about the Acela Media (that existed long before Trump).”

On a day journalists could honor the memory of fellow reporters tragically killed due to a deranged person with a vendetta going back years, Acosta tries to shift the blame to Trump, thus validating many Americans’ feelings about the Acela Media (that existed long before Trump).

Any regular watcher of CNN can tell you, if they were being honest, that Acosta long ago got personal in his coverage of the Trump presidency — aided along by stinging criticism from the president.

But Krakauer was right on the money when he said the CNN reporter validates the feeling people have about the media.

Here’s a sampling of responses from Twitter:

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #304

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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