90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, July 9, 2018


It happened back in April, although it was reported only in the German media; apparently the English-language media didn’t find it newsworthy that a Muslim migrant beheaded his one-year-old daughter on a Hamburg train platform. But the sheer horror of this incident has been compounded now by Angela Merkel’s government, which has reportedly banned further reporting on the incident. Anything to keep as many Germans as possible ignorant and complacent regarding just how devastating the Muslim migrant influx into Germany really is.

“According to eyewitnesses,” says one news report on this incident, “the 33-year-old suspect, Mourtala Madou, beheaded his one-year-old daughter in front of a horrified crowd of commuters at Jungfernstieg station on Thursday April 12, and then stabbed his German girlfriend, the mother of the child. The suspect allegedly stabbed the infant from behind, while she was sitting in her stroller, and then severed her neck. He then allegedly stabbed his girlfriend in the chest before fleeing the scene, dumping the murder weapon in a train station trash can. He was later arrested…. Eyewitnesses can be heard saying that the suspect cut the babies [sic] head off.”

Police spokesman Timo Zill said the murders were “very targeted”; eyewitnesses described them as an “honor killing.” In beheading the baby, Madou also utilized a form of killing especially favored by Islamic jihadis, heeding the Qur’anic injunction, “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (47:4).

In response, the Merkel government did not open an investigation of honor killing, or of Muslim migrant crime. It did not commission a study of Islamic theology and culture, and the effects of importing a large number of people from a culture of violence into Germany. Instead, “German media has been allowed by the government to report on the murder of the mother, but Angela Merkel’s pro-migrant government banned German media outlets from reporting on the decapitated baby. Germany’s largest newspaper, Bild, report on the death of the mother of four, without mentioning the details regarding the barbaric murder of her child.”

Why the gag order? Clearly the Merkel government, facing a strong challenge from the Alliance for Germany, which opposes its suicidal policies regarding the mass Muslim migrant influx, wants to tamp down dissent. The fewer Germans know just how devastating this influx has been...

They Are Not....

They Are Not Citizens, They Have No Rights In This Country.

Imagine if someone found an unlocked window open in your house and then moved into your spare bedroom.  Kick them the fuck out. Their criminal behavior should barr them from ever seeking residence or visitation to the U.S.

Corrupt FBI and DOJ Not Only Caught Redacting Their Criminal Acts – They’re Now Caught CREATING Fraudulent Documents

Over the past few years the DOJ and FBI redacted documents in the name of national security but their real reason was later uncovered as an effort to hide their crimes. They also will not allow Congress to obtain copies of records and instead only allow Congress to review documents maintained at an FBI or DOJ location. Now this too is catching up to them as their efforts to swap documents or create two versions of documents are being uncovered.

During the recent Hearing in front of Congress some excellent questions were asked of corrupt Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein by Representative Matt Gaetz from Florida –

Here’s a transcript of the Gaetz/Rosenstein Exchange. First the buildup:

Rep. Gaetz: Did you read the FISA application before you signed it?


The Left is leading blacks to slaughter, viral video affirms.

The Left is using blacks and the compromised Black Lives Matter movement to launch a violent civil war in the United States, according to a popular viral video by a former Black Lives Matter activist.

The video has been receiving a great deal of attention from conservatives because it gives voice to concerns and anxieties expressed by Trump supporters in this time of escalating hostility and physical violence against those who support the Trump administration.

The speaker in the video dated Oct. 4 gives his name as Chaziel (pronounced Cha-zee-ell) Sunz and says he is “not a big Trump fan.” It is unclear if that is his real name or what his current connection to BLM is. What Sunz says should be taken with a grain of salt. At times in his video, he ventures off into vague conspiracy-theorizing about the Rothschilds and the Las Vegas massacre last Oct. 1.

But just because Sunz isn’t eloquent, that doesn’t mean he is wrong. In his remarkable video, he is speaking truth to power. He needs to be listened to.

Well-informed conservatives won’t learn much they didn’t already know by watching the video, but Sunz still performs a valuable service by reminding us how the Left uses blacks as cannon fodder in their unending quest for so-called social justice.

Whatever his misgivings about conservatives, Sunz warns fellow blacks that trusting leftists could get them killed.

“However you feel about the Right, they are straightforward. The people on the Left are lying to you and trying to get you to do their dirty work and get slaughtered.”

Black Lives Matter was infiltrated and compromised almost three years ago, Sunz explains.

Probably the end of 2015, somewhere in there going into 2016, I began to notice infiltrators coming in to the movement, which is already, it’s been like this for a long time, but I actually started to see it, all online, making fake pages, and basically these fake people part of the black movement or whatever you want to call it, were basically feeding off our emotions, trying to get us involved in things that we’re not involved in, trying to believe in things that we weren’t familiar with and basically pushing us to be more left and Democratic.

Black leaders don’t have the best interests of black Americans at heart...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #312

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, July 8, 2018


Girls With Guns

ESPN.com Discontinues Comments Sections, Cutting off Conservative Criticism

Progressives from Berkeley to Bristol would rather shut down a debate than stomach opposition views. Fascists at California and other universities have perfected the strategy of shutting down free speech. No longer willing to endure conservative opposition to its progressive social and political posts, ESPN.com has just joined the club by shutting down its comments section.

The liberal Deadspin and Awful Announcing blogs are both applauding ESPN's decision.

Awful Announcing's Jay Rigdon says the sports world is better without the comments section:

"To some people, predictably, this move is a sign of something much more sinister: censorship of a free-flowing conversation where people weren’t afraid to call out ESPN on their obviously over-the-top liberal agenda."
Rigdon's blog message included examples of people who have written comments in opposition to ESPN story points.

Posting on RedditSports, "Ivan Drago" commented, "Only a matter of time when they couldn’t properly control groupthink. Pretty much every narrative they tried to control went haywire on them." One person responded to Drago: "Site went to shit a few years ago when they stopped focusing on sports and started focusing on politics."

An Auburn fan posting on a college football board, "The Rig" expressed more of the same: "They realized the best way to silence their critics is not to give them a voice at all." The Rig inspired 61 up votes in agreement.

Rigdon will not miss the reader comments, writing, "While these commenters will no longer have the ability to directly reply to posts in comments that no one but the commenters ever really read, it is certainly the end of an era. The ESPN comments brought us so much, uh, well, nothing really, over the years. ... It is fun that ESPN chose a holiday week to pull the plug with very little fanfare, though. RIP, comments."

Samer Kalaf, of Deadspin, said ESPN is now unfairly "silencing thousands of morons":

"No longer will you be able to read an ESPN.com article and then underneath receive the dumbest possible reactions to it. The Worldwide Leader has phased out its Facebook-hybrid comment sections, as confirmed by a company spokesperson this week. None of the keyboard mashing will be archived—they will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
"This is an abomination. Chintzy Instagram memes are no substitute for jokes that were plagiarized from somewhere else, or completely indecipherable opinions on Colin Kaepernick."

Kalaf said the only good thing those commenters ever did was "Saying Tim Tebow sucked by comparing him to literally everything else.

Rigdon claims the decision to do away with comments makes sense. ESPN will save the money previously paid for its Facebook-based comments system. Now it's clearing the comments after each story and trying to guide readers from the original story to the next story appearing immediately below.

ESPN excused away the removal of reader comments by saying, “...

Hey, NeverTrumps, Where Would We Be with Hillary Clinton Right Now?

Will the NeverTrumps ever come to the realization that President Trump is executing the conservative agenda most of them have been dreaming about for the past three decades? Finally, the answer to their prayers is here, yet many NeverTrumps like Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin continue to slam this administration.

What will it actually take to get these nitpicking resisting NeverTrumps to taper down their sour-grapes anti-Trump rhetoric? Please, we implore you to look in the mirror and maybe just come to grips with reality. Your fellow conservatives on the right are asking you kindly to please stop going after a president who is doing positive things for our country.

Reality tells us President Trump is governing well right of center. The unemployment rate is low, consumer confidence is high, and the stock market has soared to record highs. In addition, Trump has placed a stellar constitutional conservative in Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court with another conservative justice on the way.

GDP growth is now exploding. President Trump is standing up to the globalists in the European Union while also attempting to denuclearize North Korea. America is no longer apologizing to the world, but again leading the world with a president who believes in American exceptionalism.

Massive numbers of job-killing Obama EPA regulations have been reversed. The U.S. is now actually on track to become number one in oil production very soon, another positive thing that will promote more U.S. job growth. Trump has also instituted an economy-revitalizing phase-one tax cut with more ensuing phases on the way. Are you paying attention, NeverTrumps? The forty-fifth president of the United States has made the U.S. respectable again, crushing the terror group ISIS in less than a year. The U.S. border is no longer wide open, and, slowly but surely, a wall is being built.

Where would we be with Hillary Clinton right now? Probably still stagnating within the two-percent GDP growth Obama attempted to make the "new normal." Is it far-fetched to think Loretta Lynch would be a current justice on the Supreme Court with another leftist justice on the way? Would James Comey now be the sitting U.S. attorney general and possibly...