90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Iran’s Islamic Regime at Breaking Point

More than four decades after the tragic Islamic Revolution of 1979, the suffocating rule of Islam casts its death-bearing pall over Iranians. A proud people with an enviable heritage have been systematically purged of their sense of identity and forced to think and behave like barbaric and intolerant Muslims.

While the repressive regime suffocates the entire Iranian strata, the conniving mullahs are working overtime to obtain the ultimate death weapon—the nuclear bomb—the most efficient and economical way of inflicting death on the masses of infidels.

The modern manifestation of the Islamic Caliphate has been reincarnated into the “the Islamic Republic” of Iran, which has been holding the Iranian people hostage for the past 40 years. The Islamists ruling the country hope to realize their expansionist master plan after defeating the people of Iran, and ultimately unleashing their reign of Islamic terror on the rest of the world in succession. Hence the importance of world support for the Iranian people (not because of altruistic and an unselfish regard for others, but as self-interest) cannot be overemphasized.

In 2009 and after enduring more than four decades of the Islamic regime, the great majority of the Iranian people decided to cast their ballots in the hope of affecting change within the system. The Islamic government completely accustomed to doing whatever it wished and ignoring the people, stole the election and declared the incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the winner. Their blatant violation of this basic right to vote and choose the official infuriated the long-suffering masses who poured into the streets by the millions, demanding their votes be counted and honored. The response of the regime was to beat the demonstrators, arrest many and subject a great number to a raft of harsh treatment in prison.

Iranians deserve better than being manipulated by a bunch of devilish mullahs who have been riding on the back of the ignorant poor, while deceiving the poor and with empty promises of all the goodies that they are promised in the afterlife. Not a bad scheme for...

That's A Nice Economy You Got There...

Graphic Depiction Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Imposing Socialism On America!


President Donald Trump pardoned two Oregon ranchers forced back into prison in 2016 to serve out the rest of the mandatory minimum sentence required under an anti-terrorism law.

“The Hammonds are multi-generation cattle ranchers in Oregon imprisoned in connection with a fire that leaked onto a small portion of neighboring public grazing land,” the White House said in a statement. “The evidence at trial regarding the Hammonds’ responsibility for the fire was conflicting, and the jury acquitted them on most of the charges.

Dwight and Steven Hammond were convicted of committing arson on federal land in 2012 under an anti-terrorism law from 1996. The U.S. District Court judge who sentenced the ranchers believed the mandatory minimum sentence was too harsh, thus both men served short stints in prison.

The Hammonds served their time, but federal prosecutors appealed the case and a federal court overturned the 2012 judgement. The Hammonds were forced back into prison in 2016 to serve the rest of their sentences.

The Hammonds’ re-incarceration sparked an armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon by brothers Ammon and Ryan Bundy. An armed standoff between the Bundys and law enforcement ensued.

Protect the Harvest (PTH), agriculture advocacy group, has been lobbying the Trump administration to commute the Hammonds’ sentences, arguing forcing them back into prison was...

Socialism Success Stories:

Mystery as woman, 48, is found dead in the trash compactor machine at Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin's former Manhattan apartment block home

  • A woman's body was found inside trash compactor at New York apartment block 
  • The 48-year-old was a resident of the block, and was pronounced dead at scene 
  • Police are waiting for the medical examiner to determine her cause of death 
  • Disgraced former congressman Anthony Wiener owned an apartment in building 
  • He and estranged wife Huma Abedin put the property up for rent in May 2017 
  • The listing was published the same day he pleaded guilty to sexting a girl, 15 
A woman was found dead inside a trash compactor at a New York apartment block on Tuesday evening.

The 48-year-old, who police say lived at the premises, was found unconscious inside the machine, and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police had been called to the block at 1 Irving Place in Union Square, where Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin own an apartment, just before 5pm.

She was found by a building maintenance worker, and her identity has been withheld until police notify her family.

A spokesman for the NYPD told DailyMail.com the woman's cause of death will be announced by the medical examiner.

Police do not yet know how she ended up in the trash compactor, but NBC reports her purse was found nearby.

Security footage also shows the woman walking into the apartment building shortly before she was found inside the machine, PIX11 reported.

Weiner and Abedin have owned an apartment at the address for 16 years, which was listed for rent at $11,900 a month on the same day he pleaded guilty to sexting a 15-year-old girl.

Abedin also filed for divorce that same day.

The listing, posted on May 19, 2017, was taken down just days later, though it is unclear as to whether the estranged couple found a renter, or if...

Lady Liberty Also Groped By A Democrat...

LAUGHING STOCK Germany’s soldiers forced to use BROOMSTICK for a gun as Donald Trump blasts Angela Merkel over NATO spending

A German tank unit was forced to use broomsticks as mock weapons during a 2015 Nato exercise, pictured
The highly embarrassing episode, revealed in a leaked report, is just the beginning of the country's woes as it fights to reverse chronic army shortages

GERMANY'S military is so underfunded its troops used BROOMSTICKS painted black as mock weapons during a Nato defence exercise.

But the highly embarrassing episode, revealed in a leaked report, is just the beginning of the country's woes as it fights to reverse chronic army shortages.

It comes as Donald Trump has vowed to make Chancellor Angela Merkel increase her defence spending to reach the minimum spending obligations all Nato members must adhere to.

General Harald Kujat, a former chief of staff of the German armed forces, later described it as a "huge embarrassment".

The unit was supposed to be ready to deploy whenever a Nato member was threatened, he warned.

He added: "If that is not the case, then both for Nato, and for the Federal Republic of Germany, this is a huge embarrassment," The Telegraph reported.

And a spokesperson for the Defence Ministry stated: "In the case of the Boxer armoured vehicle, it was being used as a mobile headquarters, and a weapon is not foreseen and not necessary for a mobile headquarters.

"It was not a fighting vehicle. So we have no explanation why the soldiers would simulate a weapon."

In 2015 it also emerged the German military was using ordinary civilian Mercedes vans as stand-ins for armoured personnel carriers.

And The Times today reports all six of the country's submarines were recently put out of service at the same time due to various repairs.

Andreas Krause, the German navy's inspector, said: "It does not frustrate me but it is very...

Record Merchandise Trade Deficit With China...

Too Bad Someone Didn't Start Playing Hardball With China Sooner...

The U.S. merchandise trade deficit with China set a record through May, hitting $152,237,500,000 for the first five months of 2018, according to data released Friday by the Census Bureau.

From January through May, the Census Bureau reports, the United States exported $52,902,300,000 in goods to China while importing $205,139,800,000 in good from China.

That means the dollar value of the goods the U.S. has bought from China so far this year is 3.87 times greater than the dollar value of the goods China has bought from the United States.

Before this year, the largest merchandise trade deficit with China in the first five months of the year was in 2015, when it hit $148,499,390,000 in constant May 2018 dollars (adjusted using the Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator).

The month-by-month U.S.-China merchandise trade numbers going back to 1985 are posted on the Census Bureau’s website.

According to the Census Bureau, the last month that the U.S. ran a merchandise trade surplus with China was April 1986. That month, the U.S. exported $318,900,000 to China, imported $264,900,000 from China—and ran a monthly surplus of $54,000,000.

In the 385 straight months since then, the U.S. has run a merchandise trade deficit with China.

In 1985, the first year the U.S.-China trade balance is reported by the Census Bureau on its website, the U.S. ran a $445,030,000 merchandise trade deficit in January through May (in constant May 2018 dollars). The 2018 January-through-May U.S. China trade deficit of $152,237,500,000 is about 342 times that.

Through all of 2017, according to the Census Bureau, the top products the U.S. imported from China (by dollar value) were:

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #314

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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