90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, July 23, 2018

President Trump Hits Highest Approval Rating Ever In WSJ/NBC Poll

 President Donald Trump has hit his highest approval rating ever in Wall Street Journal and NBC News' latest poll, despite unprecedented negative media coverage. 

In the same week Trump was widely accused of "treason" by hysterical media pundits, deep state operatives and Democrat hacks for daring to question the same intelligence agencies which lied about WMDs in Iraq, Trump's overall approval rating moved up 1 point to 45 and those saying they "strongly approve" of the job he's doing jumped 3 points. 

"The more Trump gets criticized by the media, the more his base seems to rally behind him," one Democratic pollster told NBC News.

This is what getting BTFO'd looks like:

Trump hasn't even begun to fight back. He told Tucker Carlson last week he's open to declassifying evidence of the deep state's crimes in the coming months (the president can declassify anything for any reason without...

Confirmed: DOJ Used Materially False Information To Secure Wiretaps On Trump Associate

Newly released documents confirm House and Senate investigators' claims that the Department of Justice and FBI used materially false and misleading information to secure wiretaps on Carter Page.
Newly released documents confirm House and Senate investigators’ claims that the Department of Justice and FBI used materially false and misleading information to secure wiretaps on Carter Page, a former volunteer foreign policy advisor to President Trump. The highly redacted documents released in response to Freedom of Information Act requests show how the FBI was able to convince the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to surveil the Naval Academy graduate and energy consultant for a year of his life.

The wiretap was applied for and granted in October 2016, shortly before the end of the presidential campaign. Approved applications last for 90 days. The Department of Justice requested and received three renewals, for a total of one year of surveillance. Despite claiming to the court in 2016 that “the FBI believes that Page has been collaborating and conspiring with the Russian Government,” the government has yet to charge Page with breaking any of the serious laws it alleges he knowingly transgressed.

Here is what the highly redacted FISA applications show us thus far:

The Dossier Provided an Essential Part Of Application

As members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and Senate Judiciary Committee previously reported, a salacious and unverified dossier was essential to the government’s case for spying on Page. The information from the dossier is presented to the court as if it’s believable.

For instance, the application states, “the FBI has learned that Page met with at least two Russian officials during this trip.” The only way it learned that was through the dossier. Steele’s claim that Page had a “secret meeting with Igor Sechin, who is the President of Rosneft [a Russian energy company] and a close associate to Russian President Putin” to lift sanctions is included.

Another secret meeting with Igor Nikolayevich Divyekin to discuss releasing dirt on “Candidate #2” to “Candidate #1’s campaign” is mentioned. Also, while Page had left the campaign by the time the wiretap was sought, it is clear that the FBI believed its wiretap would find information on the Trump campaign, stating that the “Russian government’s efforts are being coordinated with Page and perhaps other individuals associated” with the Trump campaign.

The Dossier Was Not Verified

As House and Senate members reported, there is no evidence the dossier was verified before being used in the applications. For instance, there is no evidence as of July 2018 that either of the two meetings above that Steele claimed happened ever occurred. There was obviously no verification of these claims in 2016, or even an indication that the FBI desired verification. Page has repeatedly denied that he met with...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #326

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

What this small California town reveals about immigration

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Dysfunctional & Disunited: The Coming CRASH of the EU

Girls With Guns

Who Wore It Better?

Submitted by Hank!

Stunning Hypocrisy From The Left....

Congressman Steven Cohen Kissing Peter Strzok's Ass (GRAPHIC)