90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, July 27, 2018

Why Radical INDIVIDUALISM in a TRIBALIZING Society Wont Work

Girls With Guns

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Presents:

What A Nut!

She Guevara...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Living Proof That Leftists Are Leftists Because They Cannot Understand Basic Economics...

A List Of What The Left Has Attacked Brett Kavanaugh For:

DANG!!! Four Vehicles Didn't Even Slow It Down!

More Amazing Gifs:

This Is What The News Media Looked Like Trying To Stop Trump From Becoming President...

Hitting A Truck At High Speed... BAD IDEA.

I Was Just Driving Along And...BOOM!

The Only Person We Know Who Paid Russian Agents Was Hillary Clinton...

Nunes: Redacted Sections Of Page FISAs Are ‘Really Bad, If Not Worse’ For FBI

The release of heavily redacted versions of the FBI’s applications for surveillance warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page has generated speculation about what’s behind the black boxes that cover up a significant portion of the government documents.

But House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes claimed in an interview that aired Thursday that what’s behind the redactions is “really bad” in terms of showing the FBI relied on flimsy evidence to obtain the spy warrants on Page.

“What’s in the redactions is equally bad, some would probably say worse than what the American people can see today,” Nunes said in an interview with Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton.

“I would argue that what’s left in there is really bad, if not worse, but also what’s not in there is even worse than what people can see, what people can’t see.”

The Department of Justice on Friday released heavily redacted versions of four applications the FBI submitted under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in order to obtain warrants to spy on Page, an energy consultant who joined the Trump campaign in March 2016.

The unredacted sections of the applications showed the FBI relied on the unverified Steele dossier to make the case that there was probable cause to believe Page was acting as a foreign agent of Russia. The documents have touched off an intense partisan debate over whether the FBI misled surveillance court judges by relying on the dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and DNC.

Page has vehemently denied the allegations in the dossier. In the 35-page document, former British spy Christopher Steele alleged Page met secretly with two sanctioned Kremlin insiders during a trip to Moscow in July 2016. He also alleged that Page was the Trump campaign’s contact to the Kremlin for an alleged collusion conspiracy.

The FISA applications sought against Page also relied on a Sept. 23, 2016, Yahoo! News article that was based heavily on Steele’s allegations. But the applications showed that the FBI did not disclose that Steele was a source for the article. The FBI erroneously stated that investigators did not...

An Inconvenient Truth....

Plastic Straw Ban in Santa Barbara Has Jail Time Punishment ...

GDP: 4.1 % - Trump: 'We're going to go a lot higher' than 4.1% GDP growth

  • "We're going to go a lot higher than these numbers, and these are great numbers," the president said.
  • Earlier Friday the government announced that the economy grew in the second quarter at the fastest pace in nearly four years. The nation's GDP grew 4.1 percent, in line with estimates.
  • Trump had previewed the economic data on Thursday, during a speech in Illinois. Trump said of the indicator, "If it has a 4 in front of it, we're happy."

President Donald Trump pitched his economic record to voters Friday, boasting that strong numbers released earlier in the morning were "sustainable" and blasting Democrats for wanting to "raise everybody's taxes."

"We're going to go a lot higher," Trump said, referring to the report that showed a 4.1 percent rise in gross domestic product during the second quarter. It was the highest quarterly jump in nearly four years.

During a speech on the White House South Lawn, he predicted that the country was on track for its highest annual growth rate in over 13 years.

"As the trade deals come in one by one, we're going to go a lot higher than these numbers, and these are great numbers," he said.

The president also championed the GOP tax overhaul passed late last year, saying that "as a result, more than 6 million Americans are enjoying new bonuses, better jobs, and far better paychecks." The president said that Democrats' efforts to turn back the tax cuts would be a "disaster for our economy."

"As you know, the Democrats want to end that and raise everybody's taxes," Trump said, referring to...

Jenna Jameson Wisdom...And Thank You Leftists!

The Newest, Shiniest Star!