90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Girls With Guns

This Is Really Gross....

He Needs A Purple Heart!

VA whistleblowers say Denver office did no work for a year

VA whistleblowers say Denver office did no work for a year

DENVER -- Imagine making close to $100,000 a year and having nothing to do at the office.

It's what Denver whistleblowers say was reality for employees at the local Office of the Inspector General for Veterans Affairs.

That's the very division in charge of wiping out waste, fraud and abuse for the medical system that serves the nation's veterans.

"These are your tax dollars that are paying the salaries of these individuals to sit in an office and do absolutely nothing all day," said one anonymous whistleblower to the Problem Solvers.

"After a while it became a joke," is how a second whistleblower described it.

"Come into work and pretty much staring at the wall all day kind of just hanging out every day pretty much with nothing to do."

Both whistleblowers filed complaints with the Office of Special Counsel in Washington, stating an office of 11 employees basically did no work from April 2017 to April 2018.

The combined salaries of those employees during that time frame totaled more than $1.2 million.

"Long lunches, I mean watching movies, reading books. I mean I was doing school work. I`m not going to lie I did not have any work assigned. I spent the majority of my time doing school work," said whistblower No. one, who happened to be a paid intern making $47,214 a year to help conduct information technology audits.

The Problem Solvers obtained copies of the complaints filed with the Office of Special Counsel and the one from whistleblower No. 2 states, "I would have filed this sooner but this office has already had two investigations into management and nothing has happened. The office has actually gotten worse and now you throw in no work.

In mid-June the Office of Special Counsel released a letter to the whistleblowers admitting the Denver OIG office "did not have sufficient work to keep all employees fully engaged on active projects," though it only acknowledges this for a nine-month period from July 2017 to April 2018, instead of the one-year time frame alleged by the whistleblowers.

"It really gives you no confidence in the system," said Rep. Mike Coffman, who represents Colorado's 6th Congressional District.

Coffman said he wants the Veterans Affairs Oversight Committee to investigate how it's possible an office doing almost no work would then hire three more auditors in May of 2018, each making $95,000 a year.

"It`s a big deal to the taxpayer of United States. It`s a big deal to the veterans that aren't getting the resources that they should be getting because they're being wasted in...

Deport Them Together!

Reunite Them With Their Extended Families In Their Home Country!

Putting Obama's Pathetically Horrible Legacy Out To The Trash!

Nigel Farage Wants America To Lend England Trump For A Day!

Obama And Putin???

Philippines Pres. Caves to Extremist Muslims, Grants Extremists Autonomous Region To Quell Violence

How long until they demand their own muslim state?

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte signed legislation to create a Muslim autonomous region in the south to quell violence from Islamic State rebel groups.

Philippines presidential spokesman Harry Roque said Thursday evening that Duterte signed the bill, called the Bangsamoro organic law, bringing fruition to an autonomy deal that four successive presidents have negotiated for over 20 years.

Islamic rebel groups that have been fighting for control over the region for decades agreed to disarm as part of the deal to create the autonomous region, which will be called Bangsamoro.

The new autonomous region will replace the current five-province Muslim autonomous region, created after the 1996 peace deal between the government and the Islamic rebel group called the Moro National Liberation Front.

That autonomous region has largely been labeled a failure, as it wracked with poverty and ongoing violence between government forces and various rebel groups, some of whom are linked to ISIS.

Muslim fighting in the region has killed more than 120,000 people over the years.

Government troops supported by U.S. and Australian surveillance aircraft squared off with ISIS-linked rebels in 2017 and ultimately defeated their attempt to create a stronghold in the region in the city of Marawi, in which they took at least 40 hostages including a Catholic priest.

That conflict alone accounted for over 1,200 deaths, most of whom were Islamic militants.

Al Haj Murad Ebrahim, chairman of the Moro National Liberation Front, said Tuesday at a press conference that 30,000 to 40,000 militants would disarm in response to the signing of the bill and that the remainder of the guerrilla soldiers would disarm once...

Up, Up And Away!

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #331

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.