90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Remember This Guy?

Oh, but look who helped in 2014!

Donald Trump Quietly Helped Marine Left To Rot In Mexican Prison For 214 Days, Who Obama Ignored

Who Is This Donald Trump Guy?

Oh, Look What Trump Made Her Do....

Semi-Automatic Assault Straw Dispenser...

Sounds Legit To Me....

When Unstoppable Force Hits Unmovable Object...

When Leftists Run The Place, Loony Totalitarianism Is Liberated...


CNN's Most Credible Source Of The Day Has Proof Of Trump/Russian Ties...

Canada: Refugee Reports Seeing Her ISIS Slave Master on Ontario Bus — But Told to Keep Quiet

A woman who survived years of sexual slavery at the hands of ISIS was riding a bus in Ontario and saw her captor. But when she reported it to authorities, she was told to keep quiet. Why?

Canada is quite the country of Muslim sympathizers, it seems. Meanwhile, the woman — a refugee — wants to move on and move away, in terror she’s going to run once again into her ISIS captor.

From the National Post, a column by Barbara Kay describing the situation:
I’ll call her “Nada,” not her real name.Nada is a Yazidi woman from Sinjar, Iraq, now age 31. On Aug. 3, 2014, ISIL came for her people. The Kurdish Peshmerga, tasked with protecting them, fled, leaving them helpless. Nada and her two children — a boy, eight months and a girl, two — were separated from her husband and father-in-law, whom she never saw again.

The girls and women were taken to Mosul. As a married woman, Nada should not have been grouped with the girls, but she was. Their photographs were taken, overseen by an ISIL sex-slavery organizer (I’ll call him X; as you’ll learn, he remains newsworthy). They were taken to Raqqa in Syria, where Nada and her children were bought by an ISIL emir. For 10 days Nada was enjoyed by his soldiers.

Then she was resold. In all she was passed around to 13 men, including X for some months. Her first owner eventually bought her back. She fell pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl, who was given to her owner’s family. Nada was eventually made “wife” to an Iraqi fighter. He would put a gun to her head or mock “hang” her children to keep her submissive. He would constantly tell her, “You are an infidel,” and “You are dirty.” But all her captors said those things constantly, including their kinswomen.

At one gruesome point, Nada told me through an interpreter during our hour-long interview at an educational meeting on the Yazidi situation this past Sunday, Nada and her children were forced to watch four men...

All The Presidents Men.....

Should Go To Jail.

Greg Jarrett’s research shows Trump Was “framed…for crimes he didn’t commit.”

Martha McCallum, hosting her Fox News show, introduced Fox legal analyst Greg Jarrett, author of the new book, The Russia Hoax. She began by pointing out that both campaigns in 2016 wanted dirt on the other and were willing to get it from some sources in Russia. Clinton used sources in Russia who gave information to Christopher Steele [a former British spy] and there is a judge now who wants to know how it works on the Clinton side of the equation.

On the Trump side, you have the Trump Tower meeting. Michael Cohen says Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting before.

“Let’s start with the Fusion GPS side of this, Martha said. “They have been tight-lipped about who the sources were for the dossier. And the judge is trying to get them, have them deposed on it. What are we going to learn there?”


Greg Jarrett says the use of the dossier could be a civil violation or money laundering.

“The head of Fusion GPS testified he hired Christopher Steele to get dirt on Trump. The dossier with the product. 17 memos. I read them all and I laugh every time. It’s absurd, fabricated, anonymous, quadruple hearsay. The use of the dossier, paid for by the Clinton campaign and not properly accounted for. It could be at a minimum, a civil violation of the federal campaign election act. At worst, it could be money laundering.”

The dossier was used to frame President Trump

The President, Jarrett argues, was “framed…for things he didn’t do, for crimes he didn’t commit.”

“…I mean this dossier was the basis for the investigation of Donald Trump. On the day that Comey cleared Hillary Clinton, secretly his F.B.I. was in a building in London, meeting for the first time with the author of the dossier Christopher Steele. Armed with the totally phony, fabricated document, they launched the investigation. As I argue in my book, to frame Donald Trump for things he didn’t do, for crimes he didn’t commit. Collusion is not even a crime in a political campaign. It’s nowhere in...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #332

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.