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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Girls With Guns

What Do Guns Protect Against?

This Is Why Leftists And Globalists HATE Trump.....

I Have REALLY BAD News For Leftists....

The Reason For The Treason....

This Popular Comedian May Have Alienated Scores of Fans with His Dreadful VMA Trump Attack

He mostly stays away from politics (and reaps the benefits), but a performer rudely chose to blast the president on Monday night

Comedian Kevin Hart (pictured above left) used his time on the VMAs stage on Monday night to take multiple shots at President Donald Trump.

“This game you’re allowed to kneel,” Hart said while presenting a Video Music Award with Tiffany Haddish (above right), his co-star in the upcoming “Night School.”

The comedian seemed to be referring to the NFL athletes who kneel in protest during the national anthem — and the criticism they’ve gotten from the president.

“You can do whatever you want, there’s no old white men to stop you,” Hart, 39, continued from the stage.

The “Jumanji” star also said that the night of the awards show was similar to a typical day in the White House.

This Gorgeous Critter Almost Didn't Make It
This animal (and hundreds of others) is alive and well thanks to one amazing facility. Don't miss this.

“Beefs pop off, bad language, people run to the bathroom and send out crazy tweets,” Hart said bluntly. “It’s basically like a typical day at the White House. In your face, Trump — suck it,” he added harshly.

While it’s no surprise to see people at a Hollywood awards show go after the president, it’s shocking to see such an attack come from Hart — a comedian and actor who has...

The Cost Of Illegal Immigration In America...

Trump: 'Any Politician Who Puts Criminal Aliens Before American Citizens Should Find A New Line Of Work

President Trump blasted "leading members of the Democrat Party" who've "launched a campaign to abolish ICE" while speaking Monday at a White House event saluting the "heroes of ICE and US Customs and Border Protection."

"Leading members of the Democrat Party have even launched a campaign to abolish ICE," Trump said. "In other words, they want to abolish America's borders."

"Any politician who puts criminal aliens before American citizens should find a new line of work, because it's not going to work. It's not going to work," he said. "And any politicians that get up and say that our country was never great, you heard that — I think that's the end of that career."

Partial transcript via WhiteHouse.gov:

Sadly, in recent months — incredibly, I have to say; incredibly — a coalition of open borders extremists — and, to me, that means crime; people that don’t mind crime. They mind it when it happens to them. They don’t mind it when they have to watch it on television. Have waged an unprecedented assault on American law enforcement — our greatest people — threatening ICE and Border Patrol for performing their duties admirably and for defending our country from horrible people and horrible, horrible events and crimes.

In major cities across the nation, these open border radicals have blocked access to ICE buildings, defaced public property, and threatened public safety. And what you hear in the newspapers and on the news is nothing compared to the way it really is, and we’re stopping it very, very strongly. But that you have to go through what you’re going through, and for you have to be having to be demeaned by people that have no idea what strength is, is really very sad, and we fight it very hard. And I can tell you, all of these people right here and all of the people in this room, we will never let you down.

And I will also say — you’re talking about the vast majority — I don’t mean like 51 percent; I mean like 88 percent, 93 percent. I’ve seen numbers. They’re all with you. It’s just a small group that gets a lot of publicity because they have no courage, they have no guts; they just have big, loud mouths. And we don’t want...

The Leftist Agenda Becomes Clearer Every Day....

Flashback: Media Didn’t Care When Obama Scrubbed Security Clearances

The establishment media did not care when the Obama administration called for the aggressive scrubbing of security clearances back in 2013.

According to our media today, revoking security clearances of those who are no longer in government is the stuff of banana republics, of dictators, and a full-blown assault against the First Amendment.

But when President Obama sought to do the exact same on a massive scale, the media hardly blinked and the news only earned dutiful coverage.

“W.H. Looks to Scrub Clearance List,” was the November 21, 2013, headline at the far-left Politico.

In a directive obtained by POLITICO, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper questioned the booming rolls of security-clearance holders. At last count, more than 4.9 million people held clearances, of whom over 1.4 million were cleared for access at the “Top Secret” level.

“I write to express my concern about threats to national security resulting from the increasing number of people with eligibility for access to classified national security information, particularly Top Secret (TS) and Top Secret/Secure Compartmented Information (TS/SCI),” [then Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper wrote in a three-page memo, dated Oct. 31 and cited at a Senate hearing Wednesday.

Clapper asked agencies to perform a top-to-bottom scrub of the teeming rolls of people authorized to access classified information and to remove anyone deemed not to have a so-called need to know.

What’s more, Clapper specified his concern about contractors: “Agencies should debrief all government and contractor personnel who no longer require such access and update the appropriate national security database or repository.”

Obviously, Clapper and the Obama administration singling out contractors would result in job and income losses for all those former G-Men.

So where was the media uproar?

Here you have the Obama administration openly taking aggressive action for the exact same reasons the Trump administration is: a legitimate security concern over those no longer in government using their continued security access as a means to obtain wealth and position in the private sector (including anti-Trump media outlets).

But as you can see, when Obama did it no one in the media cared.

As you can see, back in 2013, no one in the media screamed, as our media repeatedly have throughput the last week, that the revocation of these clearances would risk national security, much less be the stuff of a banana republic eager to kill free speech.

The difference, of course, is that during the Obama administration, the establishment media (meaning anti-Trump outlets like CNN, NBC News, the New York Times, and the Washington Post) had zero desire to uncover anything negative about Obama; and so, in turn, they had no desire to put former-government officials on the payroll who would dish dirt on their precious Barry, or to use them as background sources.

Today, however, now that the media want to frame Trump as a Russian spy, hysterically dishonest partisans like former CIA director John Brennan (who just had his security clearances revoked), James Clapper, and Phil “The Screamer” Mudd are very useful to media, especially when the media can use the imprimatur of these in-the-know partisans to push fake news.

Better still, that same imprimatur allows the media to spread fake news by hiding behind anonymous “intelligence sources” who tell the media the fake news the media are so desperate to publish.

Not that we did not already know this, but the Politico piece from 2013 that no one cared about, once again proves the establishment media are not currently freaking over any kind of moral or professional principle. It is all about partisan politics, it is all about...

South Africa begins seizing white-owned farms

How long until South Africa Starts Begging For Food?

SOUTH Africa has targeted the first two farms for unilateral seizure after the owners refused an offer of one-tenth of the land’s value.

THE South African government has begun the process of seizing land from white farmers.

Local newspaper City Press reports two game farms in the northern province of Limpopo are the first to be targeted for unilateral seizure after negotiations with the owners to purchase the properties stalled.

While the government says it intends to pay, owners Akkerland Boerdery wanted 200 million rand ($18.7 million) for the land — they’re being offered just 20 million rand ($1.87 million).

“Notice is hereby given that a terrain inspection will be held on the farms on April 5, 2018 at 10am in order to conduct an audit of the assets and a handover of the farm’s keys to the state,” a letter sent to the owners earlier this year said.

Akkerland Boerdery obtained an urgent injunction to prevent eviction until a court had ruled on the issue, but the Department of Rural Development and Land Affairs is opposing the application.

“What makes the Akkerland case unique is that they apparently were not given the opportunity to first dispute the claim in court, as the law requires,” AgriSA union spokeswoman Annelize Crosby told the paper.
It comes as the South African government pushes ahead with plans to amend the country’s constitution to allow for the expropriation of land without compensation.

The seizures are intended to test the ability of the government to take land under existing laws, which the ruling African National Congress has previously stated is allowable if “in the public interest”.

Earlier this month, City Press reported the government had drawn up a list of 139 farms it planned to seize “to test out” section 25 of the constitution.

The newspaper said employees at the department had been ordered to press ahead with the process at the Land Claims Court.

If the seizures go ahead, it would be the first time the state refuses to pay market value for land. Since the end of apartheid in 1994, the ANC has followed a “willing seller, willing buyer” process to redistribute white-owned farms to blacks.

A 2017 government audit found white people owned 72 per cent of private farmland in South Africa. According to the 2011 census, there are about 4.6 million white people in South Africa, accounting for 8.9 per cent of the population.

ANC spokesman Zizi Kodwa would not reveal details of the farms targeted and attempted to play down investor fears, saying the proposed seizures were “tied to addressing the injustices of the past”.

“Over time I think the markets as well as investors will appreciate that what we are doing is creating policy certainty and creating the conditions for...