90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Transitional Nature of ABSOLUTISM

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Info War

Girls With Guns

London, Murdered By Immigration...

Majority Of Muslim Students Think Brussels Terrorists Are ‘Heroes’ Say Teachers

Democratic Socialists Are Just Apparatchiks For Communism...

Ocasio-Cortez’s Previously Undisclosed Ties To George Soros Revealed

Democrats Have Always Maintained A Militant Arm Of Masked Enforcers...

Totalitarian, Violent, Intolerant And Supported By The Media...

Andrew Gillum Has A Message For Floridians:

Bernie Sanders Supports Andrew Gillum the Democratic Nominee For Governor.
Gillum's Motto should be "Make Florida Venezuela"

George Soros Picked And Funded Gillum.

Stay Motivated, Vote For President Trump's Choice: Ron DeSantis!

Soros Family Puts $250K Behind Democrat Running For Florida Governor

Garry Kasparov On Idiot Democratic Socialists...

More H-1B visas are going to U.S. tech companies. That is bad news.

Big U.S. tech firms received significantly more H-1B visas In fiscal year 2017 (which covers the end of the Obama administration and the first eight months of Trump's) than they did the year before, and that's bad news for American workers.

Foreign companies, particularly from India, are often scapegoated as the primary "abusers" of H-1B and other white collar guest worker programs but as UC Davis professor and H-1B watchdog Norm Matloff has often explained, the U.S. firms take advantage of the legal loopholes as well:

The two sectors are hiring different classes of people. I've made a car analogy on this in the past: The {foreign companies} are buying Toyota Corollas while the {U.S. companies} are buying Camrys - but both are getting a 20% discounton the classes of cars they are buying.And once again, the wages are not even the major point. A much bigger issue is loss of job opportunities for Americans. To suddenly lose one's career at age 35 or 40 is far worse than having to take somewhat lower wages. Both {sectors} are employing foreign workers in jobs that could be filled by Americans.

Take the case of Cisco. The U.S. technology company that was awarded $259 million in federal contracts last year alone was recently found by the Department of Labor to have "secured visas for foreign workers instead of hiring U.S. citizens for certain jobs and paid the visa holders at a lower rate than their American counterparts."

Chris Opfer, Porter Wells and Paige Smith of Bloomberg Law report:

The probe is one of several ongoing investigations into possible discrimination by federal contractors involving visa holders. The OFCCP considers preferences for or biases against workers in the country on visas a form of national origin discrimination, banned by an executive order first issued in 1965 by President Lyndon Johnson.

Cisco has a history of working to avoid hiring U.S. workers. In 2007, as tech companies were lobbying Congress to double H-1B visas, a qualified American engineer responded to a Cisco job ad only to be put in touch with an immigration attorney, whose job was apparently to screen OUT Americans....

How The FBI Handled Hillary Clinton's Crimes...

Opinion: NY Post Bombshell Report Means Rosenstein Massively Rigged Cohen Trial

Sometimes I wonder if Donald Trump knew what he was really getting himself into when he decided to run for president and drain the swamp.

Everywhere he’s turned he has met roadblocks, opposition and betrayal as he tries to infuse policy he thinks will make America great again.

And ever since he was accused of colluding with Russia to sway the 2016 election, the constant turn of events have played out like a bad daytime drama. The latest twist in the plot centers around Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and if reports are true, he could be in a heap of trouble.

On Saturday, Michael Goodwin wrote in the New York Post that Rosenstein ordered United States Attorney Geoffrey Berman to recuse himself from the investigation into the Michael Cohen case, which in turn would leave his office staffed with Obama administration holdovers from Preet Bharara’s tenure as Berman’s predecessor.

Berman was appointed to the Southern District of New York position by President Trump after he fired Preet Bharara, an Obama appointee.

Since his firing, Preet has made his feelings known that he is not a Trump supporter. The bias is clear. Looks like the president made a good call on that one.
Chris Strohm of Bloomberg reports the significance of this move as they allege the strings of this case are being pulled not by the Justice Department, but by prosecutors in the Southern District of New York.

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“Cohen’s guilty plea was secured as part of an investigation led by the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan, not by Special Counsel Mueller or Justice Department headquarters, another frequent target of the president’s derision. Instead, the deal was made by Robert Khuzami, deputy U.S. attorney for the New York office,” he wrote.

“But neither Rosenstein nor Mueller is calling the shots for the investigation in New York, according to two people familiar with the matter. The U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York, commonly known as SDNY, has the independence to take investigative steps and charge people without approval from Rosenstein, one of the people said.

So while Rosenstein was consulted about Cohen’s plea, which implicated Trump in campaign finance crimes, he didn’t sign off on it or approve it, the person said. It’s not clear whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s recusal from Mueller’s probe extends to...