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Thursday, September 13, 2018

How Anti-Trump Leakers Moved From Offense to Defense

A trail of evidence appearing in major news outlets suggests a campaign to undermine President Trump from within the government through illegal leaks of classified information, and then thwart congressional investigators probing the disclosures.

On Monday the Justice Department released a handful of texts and other documents that included two former officials known for their anti-Trump bias – Peter Strzok and Lisa Page of the FBI – discussing the DOJ’s “media leak strategy.” Strzok now says, through his lawyer, that that strategy was aimed at preventing leaks. Nevertheless, days later he and Page approvingly mention forthcoming news articles critical of Trump associates.

“The leaks that have been coming out of the FBI and DOJ since 2016 are unconscionable,” said retired FBI supervisory special agent James Gagliano. “There’s a difference between whistleblowing and leaking for self-serving or partisan purposes.”
The leaks that have been coming out of the FBI and DOJ since 2016 are unconscionable
Past and present U.S. officials say the template for the leak campaign can be traced back to the Obama administration’s efforts to sell the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which made the press reliant on background conversations and favorable leaks from government officials. Obama adviser Ben Rhodes told the New York Times in 2016 that “we created an echo chamber” that “helped retail the administration’s narrative.”

“That same configuration,” said Michael Doran, a senior official in the George W. Bush White House, “the press, political operatives, newly minted experts, social media validators—was repurposed to target Trump, his campaign, transition team, then the presidency.” The echo chamber’s primary instrument in attacking the current White House said Doran, “is the Russia collusion narrative.”

RCI has found that the anti-Trump leaks fall into two broad categories or phases. Initially, the leaking was an offensive operation aimed at disrupting Trump’s agenda, especially through leaks alleging connections between his campaign and the Russians. Its early successes included leaks of highly classified material that led to the firing of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions from overseeing that probe.

The second phase – which began roughly a year into the Trump administration – has been more defensive, pushing back against...

A Succinct Summary Of Obama's Speech...

Antifa groups are using Twitter and Facebook to advocate for the assassination of President Trump

While social media companies collude to silence right-of-center influencers, violent far-left extremist groups appear to be given a pass. This NYC based antifa group has been using their “leftist privilege” to freely violate Twitter and Facbook Terms of Service. In another glaring example of “non existent social media bias”, this extremist group is apparently allowed to use their social media account to advocate for murder.

The Base is a NYC based “anarchist center” that is run by the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement, a violent extremist group that we have covered extensively. The extremist group is currently offering downloadable poster and stickers that include images of guns and other calls to violence but the most concerning was an image that depicted the murder of President Donald Trump.

Advocating for the murder of your political opposition is very prevalent in far-left circles. Another prominent antifa website, It’s Going Down, is also currently using Twitter and Facebook to distribute a poster that depicts the murder of President Trump. We published a detailed report about this poster almost a year ago and have reported this tweet to Twitter multiple times but it is still live and the extremist group that created it is still free to recruit and radicalize new members on both Twitter and...

‘Insidious’: John Kerry reportedly engaging in ‘rogue diplomacy’ with Iran, urging them to wait out Trump

Former Secretary of State John Kerry has been meeting secretly with Iranian officials without President Donald Trump’s permission for what some have termed “rogue diplomacy.”

NEW YORK, NY – APRIL 27: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif at the United Nations April 27, 2015, in New York City. The two were meeting at the opening of a UN conference on a global anti-nuclear weapons treaty, attempting to make progress in talks on a long-term nuclear deal. (Photo by Jason DeCrow-Pool/Getty Images)

This “rogue diplomacy” has reportedly centered on the disastrous nuclear deal implemented by former President Barack Obama in 2015 that the current president withdrew America from earlier this year.

What remains unclear is what exactly Kerry has been telling the Iranians. According to intelligence officials who spoke with Fox News host Dana Perino, the former secretary of state has been telling them to wait out the Trump presidency.

When asked by Perino during an interview Wednesday whether this allegation holds merit, Kerry declined to offer a direct answer, instead saying, “Everybody in the world is sitting around talking about waiting out President Trump.”

What does it mean though to wait out the president? The belief by some, including conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh and Fox News contributor Ari Fleischer, is that Kerry has essentially been urging the Iranians to not work with Trump to iron out a real nuclear pact, the point being that it’d be beneficial to the mullahs in Iran if they’d wait for a Democrat to retake the White House.

“John Kerry … has been talking to the Iranians and has been telling them to hold the line, to wait out Donald Trump and his administration,” Limbaugh said Wednesday afternoon on his radio show. “Meaning: Any deal that you make with Trump is gonna be bad for you, the...

THE GOOGLE TAPE: Google Executives Applauded Employee’s Rant About ‘White Privilege’

Google executives including the CEO, CFO, the VP for People Operations, the VP for Global Affairs and Chief Legal Officer, and both co-founders can be seen applauding a speech on “white privilege” in a video leaked to Breitbart News by an anonymous source.

The video is a full recording of Google’s first all-hands meeting following the 2016 election, featuring CEO Sundar Pichai, co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and several other Google executives. It can be watched in full below.

“Speaking to white men, there’s an opportunity right now to understand your privilege in this society. Take the opportunity to go through the bias-busting training, read about privilege, read about the real history of oppression in this country.”

The employee told his colleagues to “discuss the issues you are passionate about during Thanksgiving dinner and don’t back down and laugh it off when you hear the voice of oppression speak through metaphors, and...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #378

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

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Girls With Guns