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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Happy Thursday, This Will Make It Epic!!!!

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Another "We'll Have More Flexibility After The Election" Moment...

BREAKING: Deep State Unmasked, U.S. GAO Auditor Admits “I Break Rules Every Day”

  • United States GAO (Government Accountability Office) Auditor Pushes Socialist Agenda During Work Hours: “No one knows I spent six hours yesterday doing social media for DSA.” (Democratic Socialists of America)
  • Resistance Against Administration’s Agenda: “If you’re in an Executive Branch agency, you can slow ball things to a degree… maybe you get fired or resign or whatever, but you slowed [Trump’s agenda] down.”
  • On His DSA Membership: “…it’s a socialist organization and we want to destroy capitalists.”
  • “We have a bunch of just like communists, like no prefix, and that’s basically me.”
  • GAO Auditor: “Do I care more about having this job, or do I care more about the [DSA] movement, and I was like… obviously the movement.”
  • GAO Auditor Admission: “I break rules every day… at any point I can get fired.”

(Washington DC) Project Veritas has released the next in a series of undercover reports which unmask the Deep State. This report features a Government Accountability Office (GAO) employee and self-proclaimed Communist actively engaged in potentially illegal political activity. Natarajan Subramanian is a government auditor for the GAO and a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America (Metro DC DSA).

Metro DC DSA is a socialist group that works to advance progressive issues in the Metropolitan DC area. Subramanian’s political activism may directly violate federal statutes as well as the “Yellow Book” rules which apply specifically to government auditors.

Subramanian says that Federal employees in executive branch agencies can deliberately work less efficiently in order to slow down the implementation of the President’s agenda:

“If you’re in [an] executive branch agency you can slow ball things to a degree, that it’s like ineffective, and maybe you get in trouble, or maybe you get fired or resign or whatever, but you slowed [Trump’s agenda] down for a certain period of time.”Secretive Socialist Activism in the Federal Government

In conversations with Subramanian this year, Project Veritas discovered that in addition to being a Federal employee he manages social media and communications for...

New York Times Admits Experts Were Wrong About Trump’s Iran Policy. America Is Winning.

There are those who believe that The New York Times is biased against President Donald Trump. Some would even say it is a source of “fake news.”

To them, this gem from The New York Times may come as quite the shocker. In a tweet referring to an article they published, The New York Times actually gives Trump some credit for a smart policy move:

In the article, they note that there were two particular concerns when Trump announced a withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal.

“If Mr. Trump’s approach worked too well, oil prices would spike and hurt the American economy. If it failed, international companies would continue trading with Iran, leaving the Islamic Republic unscathed, defiant and free to restart its nuclear program.”

They go on to state that “the policy has been effective without either of those nasty consequences, at least so far.” They have come to the conclusion that Trump was right, “so far,” based on certain observable factors.

First, oil prices. “Remarkably, the price of oil in the United States has risen only modestly while gasoline prices have essentially remained flat. The current global oil price hovers around $80 a barrel, $60 below the highs of a decade ago.”

This may be related to the fact that Iran’s own exports are declining. Even oil companies in counties that still want to work with Iran on the nuclear deal have been “bailing out of deals with Tehran.”

According to CNBC, French energy giant Total CEO Patrick Pouyanne said, “Large energy companies cannot risk doing business in Iran in light of U.S. sanctions on the country.”

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He told CNBC, “There’s not a single international company like Total who can work in any country with secondary sanctions. I don’t have the right. It’s just the reality of the world. The reality is that the capital of the world today is in the hands of the U.S.”

“Is it right that in this world the U.S. (is) using that … to impose some rules for other countries? That’s a debate.”

Total is not the only company that sees working with Iran without a waiver from the U.S. wouldn’t make financial sense. The New York Times wrote, “The Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a conservative Washington think tank, found that 71 foreign companies planned to withdraw from Iran, 19 intended to stay and...

Deep State Unmasked: Leaks at HHS; DOJ Official Resists "From Inside" and "Can't Get Fired"

Project Veritas has released the second installment in an undercover video series unmasking the deep state. This video features a Department of Justice paralegal Allison Hrabar reportedly using government owned software and computers to push a socialist agenda. Also featured is Jessica Schubel, the former Chief of Staff for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the last Obama administration. Both Schubel and Hrabar make admissions revealing that federal employees are using their positions in the government to resist or slow the Trump administration's policies, some breaking laws in the process. Featured in this video are: 

Richard Manning of https://www.firetheswamp.com

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #385

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Why Democrats Are DESPERATE to Stop Kavanaugh

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

#ImWithNorm (Too Bad He Isn't)

Girls With Guns