90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Is America Great?

Russian feminist attacks men with bleach for crime of “manspreading”

Saturday, September 29, 2018

4Chan Ends Michael Avenatti's Career

Girls With Guns

When A Strong Man, Fully Armed, Guards His Own House...

The Witch Hunt Was Not About Kavanaugh...

Muslim migrant in Germany stabs three people with knife for “unknown reasons,” not being treated as terror-related

“Unknown reasons”? Do they really think anyone still believes that? The Islamic State (ISIS) has called upon Muslims in the West to attack random civilians. Do German authorities think they will be able to cover up jihad activity forever? Has it ever occurred to Angela Merkel that the Alliance for Germany (AfD) has arisen so quickly and gained such a massive following precisely because of obvious official dishonesty such as what we see in this case? Why do she and her lapdogs among the political and media elites think that it is their first and most important job to protect the image of Islam and not make anyone think that terror attacks are occurring? This strategy is going to lead Germany, and all of Europe, into chaos.

“Ravensburg stabbing: Three injured after knife attack in German town square,” by Neil Murphy, Mirror, September 28, 2018:
Three people have been stabbed following an incident in Ravensburg, Germany.

Police arrested one man in connection with the attack at the town’s Marienplatz square at 4.20pm on Friday.

The alleged assailant is a 19-year-old asylum seeker from Afghanistan and is reported to have attacked two young Syrian men, aged 19 and 20, and a 56-year-old German citizen.

One of the victims is being treated for life-threatening injuries.

A police statement said the incident was carried out for ‘unknown reasons’ and is not being treated as terror-related.

Footage from the scene showed a man gesticulating and waving a knife as another man stood nearby.

The attacker is believed to have stormed the square where he began his attack, according local news website Schwaebische.

The Lord Mayor of Ravensburg is believed to have intervened in the attack and urged the 19-year-old to drop the knife.

After complying with the demands, the Afghan male was...

South Africa Calls for 300,000 Gun Owners to Turn Over Their Weapons

South Africa is opening the door for tyranny.

The Constitutional Court of South Africa recently ruled that 300,000 gun owners must turn in their firearms.

This judgement came in response to the North Gauteng High Court’s ruling in 2017 which said Section 24 and Section 28 of the Firearm’s Control Act were unconstitutional.

A report from The Citizen explains what Section 24 and Section 28 entail:

“Section 24 of the Act requires that any person who seeks to renew a licence must do so 90 days before its expiry date Section 28 stipulates that if a firearm licence has been cancelled‚ the firearm must be disposed of or forfeited to the state. A 60-day time frame was placed on its disposal, which was to be done through a dealer.”

Now that the High Court’s initial ruling has been overturned, gun owners who failed to renew their firearms licenses must hand in their firearms to the nearest police station, where authorities will then proceed to destroy them.

Many naïve political observers will paint this event as a casual gun control scheme, but any astute student of politics will recognize that the floodgates are now open for further encroachments – not only on the gun rights of South Africans, but also on others facets of theirs lives.

A look at South Africa’s current political climate will give us an idea of the potential ramifications of this gun control scheme.

Political Trouble Brewing in South Africa?

Though South Africa witnessed rising levels of economic freedom shortly after Apartheid ended in 1994, the country has taken a more interventionist path to economic development in recent years.

This situation is becoming more pronounced with the South African National Assembly recently voting 241-83 to amend the South African constitution to allow for land expropriation without compensation.

The socialist-leaning African National Congress (ANC) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) parties are leading the charge for expropriation under the banner of fixing racial disparities that have supposedly remained intact since Apartheid’s conclusion.

While land confiscation has not been officially finalized, South Africans should worry about the direction their country is going.

And how does gun control fit into this equation?

Gun Control: A Tool for Tyranny

No matter how socialist apologists rationalize it, the redistributionist agenda the South African government is pursuing will not be implemented passively. Ultimately, it must be carried out by force.

The kind of force socialists seek is a monopolized kind, which extreme forms of gun control like gun con-...

Florida Governor Candidate, Andrew Gillum Had Intimate Relationship With Male Lobbyist

By Jacob Engels

Our sources in Florida’s capital city of Tallahassee, where Gillum has served as a Commissioner and now Mayor, say he was intimately involved with Adam Corey.

It is 2018. Nobody should be afraid to embrace their sexuality and be who they are. I am openly gay. We all come to terms with our sexual preference in different ways and at different times in our life.

Over the past week, a photo of Democratic gubernatorial nominee Andrew Gillum and his lifelong friend Adam Corey has been circulating online with a lot of debate over just how “close” the two had become. Corey, like myself, is openly gay.

Our sources in Tallahassee have confirmed that it is well known among capitol power-brokers that Andrew Gillum and Adam Corey were engaged in a long-term intimate relationship. Corey was once Gillum’s campaign treasurer and appeared before Gillum as a lobbyist during his time on the Tallahassee City Commission.

Corey is now the subject to and FBI corruption probe that has ensnared the Tallahassee City Commission, according to multiple news reports. As is Gillum, depending on what you are reading. Both deny being the subject of the probe. The FBI is reportedly aware of the special nature of their relationship.

As Gillum has drawn heat over failing to reimburse Corey for lavish vacations to New York and Costa Rica with a cadre of other lobbyists, he has swiftly thrown his friend of over 20 years under the bus quicker than quicksand.

They are no longer friends and have seemingly excommunicated one another from each other’s lives. So… what does it matter if Corey and Gillum did in fact engage in a long-term intimate relationship?

I would argue that Floridians deserve to know the full scope of the men or women who run for high-public office, especially any relationships that speak to their character and how they interact with those close to them who benefit financially.

In the past, Charlie Crist faced similar rumors alleging that he was either bi-sexual or gay. It started with a whisper campaign and articles similar to this one, ending with several men coming forward. Crist would go on to marry Carol Rome (they are now divorced), however the rumors still persist and remain prevalent among Florida politicos to this day. The former Governor is now a Congressman in the Tampa area.

These rumors and alleged relationships with other men caused Crist legal trouble in 2012 when he was sued by former Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer. For Crist, most of the allegations were during his single years, and make his case quite different than Gillum’s.

Given the fact that Gillum is a married man and father, these alleged interludes with Corey over a long period of time present several problems for not only his campaign, but his potential governorship.

What if Mr. Corey has compromising information on Gillum that he could use to influence his actions as Governor if he were elected? More importantly… IF these allegations are indeed true… why would we want to elect someone who is not being honest with us about who they...

Democrats Are So Disgusting..