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Thursday, October 4, 2018

TWITTER: Destroyers of Intellectual Heresy #FreeWoes

Girls With Guns

Some Hats.....Are Better Than Others...

Exploiting Women To Hate America, Or Simply Loving America.

Happiness Is A Warm Trailer Of Guns!

The Hysterical Media And The Dems Will Believe ANYTHING At This Point...

Hillary Gets A Presidential Alert!!!

She's Not President Because Everyone Knows She Is A Crook!

MarketWatch: “Another Key Barometer of U.S. Economy Hits Postrecession High: ISM Service Index Soars”

The numbers: A survey of business executives pointed to the strongest U.S. growth in September in more than two decades, suggesting the economy is primed for a strong finish in 2018.

The Institute for Supply Management’s survey of non-manufacturing firms climbed to a 21-year high of 61.6 last month from 58.5. It’s the highest mark of the current nine-year-old expansion and the second strongest reading in the history of an index whose roots stretch back to 1997.

Numbers over 50% are viewed as positive for the economy, and anything over 55% is considered exceptional.

All 17 industries tracked by the ISM reported growth in September. Many companies saw an increase in new orders and they hired more workers. A gauge measuring employment rose to a record 62.4.

The economy is going strong and appeared primed for a strong holiday season to finish out the year. The latest ISM survey shows little likelihood that growth will slow anytime soon, and the recent trade agreement with Canada is sure to further ease the worries of corporate America.

...To Kill A Mockingbird...

RED WAVE? Trump Rallygoers Say They're Voting in Midterms for First Time Ever

At the packed Trump rally in Johnson City, Tennessee on Monday, Infowars reporter Millie Weaver found a host of Trump supporters saying they're planning to vote in the midterms for the first time ever.

"I've never voted in my life," one man in his 30's said. "I'm a business owner, and been struggling for a long time, and it's really turned around in the last couple of years, the economy's great, I'd imagine Trump had something to do with that."

Another man said, "To be totally honest with you, I'm 35, but I guess technically I'm still a millennial even though, you know, I don't identify in that manner and I wasn't so politically active until Trump came along, so no I haven't voted before."

Another said he's voting for the first time because of all the establishment's "corruption" and "using our intelligence agencies" for "politically motivated" ends.

A middle-aged man told Weaver he's voting "to keep folks like Maxine Waters and the rest of the tribe out of power."
"All the crazy people!" his young daughter interjected.

Asked if they think there will be a "Blue Wave," one young man said, "I think the blue wave actually isn't going to happen because all of the moderate Democrats are going to flee because of the social wave that's going on."

He pointed to his friend who exclaimed, "I was a Democrat, Trump changed my mind!"

According to a report Tuesday in The Hill, a record...

If Leftists Found The Scroll Of Truth...

Report: FBI Holding Onto 37 Pages of Potentially Key Uranium One Deal Documents

Thanks to the national fever over the Kavanaugh hearings, a report that the FBI is holding onto documents that are potentially damning for the Clintons has been able to slip under the radar of the establishment media.

In a recent bombshell report by The Hill, investigative journalist John Solomon wrote that the FBI has identified 37 pages of documents that may offer information about what FBI agents told the Obama administration preceding the Uranium One deal about the criminal wrongdoing found in Russia’s nuclear Industry.

Those suspicious of the deal pointed to evidence that bribery may have been at play in the deal. For example, the fact that Russians paid former President Bill Clinton $500,000 to give a speech at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock a few weeks before then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton had to vote on the acquisition.

Or you could bring up the $145 million that went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One. Or the fact that Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager, was paid $180,000 by Uranium One to encourage Clinton’s approval of the deal.

And more evidence of Clinton-Russia collusion may exist in these FBI documents. At least, there is reason to believe that the documents would inform the American people about what information the Obama administration was working with before the Obama-led Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States made the highly controversial deal with...