90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, October 6, 2018

Girls With Guns

Woman Beater & Liberal Left Pro-Abortionist Hero Jordan Hunt Charged With 8 Counts Of Assault And 7 Counts Of Mischief

Read The Story HERE

...Let It Begin Here..

..If it must come, better to us than our children.

On November 6th, Let's Paint The Town Red Wave!

Spoken Like A True Fascist...

Kavanaugh Is Confirmed!


Remember When Americans Were Innocent Until Proven Guilty?

The Democrat Platform For Getting Elected...

Watch For A Red Wave If We All Vote Folks. 

Teenager forced to quit college after she defends Tommy Robinson

A British teenager, Alissa Cook-Gray, was forced to leave her new college – because she told her classmates that her favourite person was Tommy Robinson.

The 17-year-old from Crewe was attending the first day of her art course at the institution, when a political debate erupted among students.

Alissa said her classmates had been vocal in their support for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn when she said in response that she would rather support a conservative figure.

When asked who she admired, Alissa admitted that the liked Tommy Robinson, an Islam critic. But even the teacher turned on her.

“I said my opinion and the teacher said ‘get out, we don’t want people with your views’. I was given a final warning for being too right wing.” She says she was too “terrified” to return to her course and has taken the decision drop out, StokeonTrentLive reported.

“The class started asking everyone who their favourite person was and I said Tommy Robinson. I like what he is doing for our country and I follow all of his stories – I think he is a saviour,” she explained.

“I was given a final warning for being too right wing. It was the first day and we were all having a conversation when Jeremy Corbyn came up, I asked people not to get into it because it was filled with a room of lefties.”

She said she now felt threatened after having expressed herself. “Everyone should be allowed to have their own opinion but I felt mine was just shot down. I’m terrified and I don’t want to go back.”

Gareth Cook, Alissa’s father, said the training centre should not discriminate against people’s race, religion, or their political views.

He said he was extremely angry over the treatment his daughter had received. “I’m absolutely fuming at what happened and they should not have turned around and said she might not be able to continue with the course.

“She had to sit there and put up with opinions she doesn’t agree with and they only reacted like this because it’s Tommy Robinson. I’m a big fan and think the guy is a legend but this is how people react when they hear...

Traitors Allow/Condone This...

How many of these are not married under western law?
They marry under sharia law, they live alone with their children in an apartment paid for by the state. Their sharia law husbands visit them to produce babies. All of their and their children's bills get paid by the state which they will democratically overrun once they start pumping out over 20 children per male with your hard-earned tax dollars. 

...Be The Best I Can....