90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

TARANTULAS — Narrated by Jordan Peterson

Girls With Guns

What Did Socialists Use Before Candles?

Socialism is regressive, destructive, and dangerous to life.

The Largest "Official" Army Vs. The Real Largest Army In The World....

Corrupt Politicians And Deep State Operatives Fear Gun Ownership...

Happy Che Day!

On this day, 9 October 1967, Che Guevara was executed by the Bolivian army.

“Soldiers trained and equipped by the U.S. Green Beret and CIA operatives. He was an asshole. He was homophobic, racist, and a murderer. He was anti union, anti free market, anti America. He killed 1000’s and hated everything we as a nation of laws and liberty stand for.”

Everyone In Hollywood Knew....

Everyone Knew Harvey Weinstein Was Harassing Women While They Took His Donations

Trump On Giving Matches To Mad Men And Mad Women...

Whistleblower Details ‘Withering Information Campaigns’ in Intelligence Being Utilized to Take Down Trump

It’s a high-level, coordinated effort. The Deep State conducts “withering information campaigns” to take down President Trump. The intelligence agencies are the worst, but they’re not alone.

So claims intelligence expert Richard Higgins, in a memo last year. The Deep State compaign is designed to do three things. First, undermine. Second, delegitimize. Third, remove the President. It is “political warfare at an unprecedented level.” They manipulate the news cycle. The attacks are coming 24/7.

When Higgins’ memo came out, he served in the National Security Council’s strategic planning office. Then-national security adviser H.R. McMaster’s deputy fired him over it. Trump saw the memo and was reportedly furious at the firing.
Trump saw the memo and was reportedly furious at the firing.
But Higgins got it right. An anonymous writer for The New York Times, who identifies as a senior official under Trump, confirmed it. He (0r she) wrote an op-ed last month claiming to be part of the effort.

Higgins says adding to the problem is Trump allowing the GOP establishment to pick his staffers. They kept Obama holdovers and pushed out Trump supporters.

Cultural Marxism

Their agenda leads to “cultural Marxist outcomes,” Higgins says. They want to destroy America as an ideal and a political identity. And our Judeo-Christian heritage. “As a Judeo-Christian culture, forced inclusion of post-modern notions of tolerance is designed to induce nihilistic contradictions that reduce all thought, all faith, all loyalties to meaninglessness.” Higgins compares it to forcing the country to believe 2+2=5.

Islamists are part of this effort, he believes. They realize that the far left cultural Marxists seek to destroy Western civilization. This benefits them. They want to force Islamic objectives on society. “Islamophobia” is labeled as racism. They leverage Islamic terrorism threats to justify the creation of a police state. They force people into...

One Man Alone Cannot Drain The Swamp...

Register Today.

Vote In November.

The Genius Of Pence...

1 in 5 births in U.S. are born to Immigrant Mothers

Taxpayers pay for 67% of births to illegal immigrants, 47% to legal

WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 9, 2018) – A new report by the Center for Immigration Studies finds that one in five children born in the United States in 2014 had an immigrant mother. Based on an analysis of Census Bureau data, the Center estimates that nationally one in 13 births is to an illegal immigrant, totaling 300,000 births a year. One in eight births is to a legal immigrant. We also find that more than half of the births to immigrants (legal and illegal) are paid for by taxpayers, including 67 percent of births to illegal immigrants.

One of the most obvious and enduring impacts of immigration occurs through immigrants' children. Long after immigrants pass on, their descendants will continue to shape the political, economic, and cultural life in the receiving society. Examining births to immigrants is thus a way of measuring the scale of immigration and its impact on the United States. Because the United States automatically awards citizenship to all persons born in the country, including those born to temporary visitors or illegal immigrants, the overwhelming majority of these children will stay in the United States.

This analysis looks at births to immigrants based on an analysis of the Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS). It provides a good picture of births to immigrant mothers, including the mothers' demographic characteristics.1These characteristics allow us to estimate the likely number of births to illegal immigrants nationally, as well as births by state and by large metropolitan area.
(You can also download the Excel spreadsheet showing births by state and metro area here.)

National Picture

  • In 2014, one in five births (791,000) in the United State was to an immigrant mother (legal or illegal). Our best estimate is that legal immigrants accounted for 12.4 percent (494,000) of all births, and illegal immigrants accounted for 7.5 percent (297,000).
  • The 297,000 births per year to illegal immigrants is larger than the total number of births in any state other than California and Texas. It is also larger than the total number of births in 16 states plus the District of Columbia, combined.
  • The estimated 28,000 births to illegal immigrants in just the Los Angles metro area is larger than the total number of births in 14 states and the District of Columbia.
  • Among the native-born, a large share of new mothers (42 percent) are either uninsured or on Medicaid. The rate is even higher among new mothers who are legal immigrants (47 percent) and higher still for new mothers who are in the United States illegally (67 percent). Almost all of these births are likely paid for by taxpayers.
  • Of all births likely paid for by taxpayers, about one in four (429,000) was to an immigrant (legal or illegal). Illegal immigrants account for 11 percent (198,000) of all publicly funded births, and legal immigrants are another 13 percent (231,000).
  • We estimate that the cost to taxpayers for births to immigrants (legal and illegal) is roughly $5.3 billion — $2.4 billion of which is for illegal immigrants.
  • Although immigration adds enormously to the number of births, it raises the nation’s overall birth rate by only 4 percent, partly because immigrant fertility is not that much higher than that of natives.


  • In California, New Jersey, and New York, immigrants (legal and illegal) account for about one-third of all births. In Massachusetts, Nevada, Florida, Texas, Hawaii, Maryland, and Washington, immigrants account for one in four births. Immigrants account for one in five births in Virginia, Connecticut, Illinois, Arizona, Rhode Island, and Oregon.
  • The states with the largest numbers of births to illegal immigrants are California with 65,000, Texas with 51,000, Florida with 16,000, Illinois with 14,000, Georgia with 13,000, New York with 12,000, and New Jersey and North Carolina with 11,000 each.