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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

"Precious" Capitalism...

Ocasio-Cortez’s Previously Undisclosed Ties To George Soros Revealed

She Guevara...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Living Proof That Leftists Are Leftists Because They Cannot Understand Basic Economics...

That's A Nice Economy You Got There...

Graphic Depiction Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Imposing Socialism On America!

Democrats Go Full Socialist With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Leftists Love Communism Until They Get Communism...

Students Fight Back After Bar Blocks Them from Celebrating Kavanaugh Confirmation

Following a lengthy and outrageous confirmation process, Brett Kavanaugh was finally confirmed by the Senate to be the next associate justice of the Supreme Court.

The Daily Caller reported that a group of College Republicans at the University of Washington in Seattle wanted to host a celebratory event in honor of the conservative jurist’s confirmation, and arranged for an event called “Beers 4 Brett” to be held at a popular local named Shultzy’s.

The event was advertised on social media with a line that read, “Let’s celebrate our newest Supreme Court Justice, and the failure of the lies and false claims against him!”

Needless to say, leftists still angry over Kavanaugh’s confirmation wasted no time inundating the social media advertisement with vile threats, not to mention numerous complaints lodged with the venue for hosting the event. The threats and complaints prompted the bar to contact the group and plead with them to cancel the event and not come to the bar.

KTTH conservative talk radio host Justin Rantz reported that Shultzy’s posted a message to Facebook aimed at the group, which read, “Shultzy’s is a sports-themed bar & grill that welcomes everyone. We do not promote or endorse any one religious or political viewpoint. As such, due to the political nature of your planned event, we request that you find another venue to celebrate.”

Chevy Swanson, president of the UWCR group, told Rantz, “I thought that the left wing activists who took notice of our event had lied to the restaurant about the nature of our event. It seemed incredibly odd to deny service for a quiet gathering of college republicans and guests.”

So Swanson contacted an attorney who’d successfully sued the school on their behalf previously — Bill Becker of Freedom X — who suggested the student group threaten to sue the bar for discrimination if they refused to host the event, citing a Seattle ordinance that specifically prohibits businesses from discriminating based on political ideology.

That gambit may have worked, as the group proceeded to show up at the bar as originally planned and held the event without incident. Swanson told Rantz, “We asked for a table and they served us.”

Of the ideological discrimination directed toward his group, Swanson said, “It’s shown that it’s clear that the tension against conservatives around here has hit a boiling point where even the smallest public showing of support of conservative ideas is a point of contention and that there is no reason to roll over to hostility like that.”

A liberal-leaning local media outlet named Crosscut reported that despite all of the tension, the celebration at the bar was relatively quiet and uneventful, even as a small group of liberals upset over the Kavanaugh confirmation looked on in disdain, one of them even admitting he had considered attempting “to start some s—” prior to deciding not to out of fear of repercussions.

“I think showing how far people on the left will go to defame someone has united the right,” said Swanson, a 21-year-old senior at the University of Washington, who asserted that the Democrats had run with the smear campaign against Kavanaugh to cynically...

What's Next Leftists?


A man protecting his 21-year-old daughter against a bottom groping African will be charged with causing bodily harm.

At the Munich Hackerbrücke train station, a drunk 28-year-old migrant from Eritrea grabbed a German woman under her skirt on Tuesday.

When her father saw the sexual assault, he punched the African man in the face to make him stop.

An employee of the German railway company Deutsche Bahn, witnessed the incident and alerted federal police.

The German police decided to file two charges: One against the migrant for sexual assault and one against the father for causing bodily harm.

Many Germans were shocked by the case against the father, believing the man acted in defence of his daughter. Comments below a Facebook post regarding the charges show that many do not understand why the father is being punished for protecting his daughter.

“It is up to the judiciary to assess the case. There is a suspicion that there were two crimes, one sexual harassment and the other a physical injury. The police are required by law to bring both,” spokeswoman Petra Wiedmann of the Munich police says.

She advises people to use ‘other options’ when a crime occurs at the station. People should address the security forces on the ground in a preventative way if something suspicious...

Google's ANTI-AMERICAN GOOD CENSOR: Leaked Briefing Says Google Must Move Away from ‘American Tradition’ of Free Speech to Expand Globally, Attract Advertiser $$$s

A leaked Google briefing titled “The Good Censor” advises tech companies to move away from the “American tradition” of free speech if they wish to attract advertising revenue and continue global expansion.

The briefing, leaked exclusively to Breitbart News, was the product of extensive research on the part of Google. This included expert interviews with MIT Tech Review editor-in-chief Jason Pontin, Atlantic staff writer and tech critic Franklin Foer, and academic Kalev Leetaru. 35 cultural observers and 7 cultural leaders from seven countries on five continents were consulted to produce it. It can be read in full here.

The 85-page briefing admits that Google and other tech platforms have fundamentally altered their policies in response to unwelcome political events around the world, including the 2016 election and the rise of Alternative für Deutschland in Germany.

Responding to the leak, an official Google source said the document should be considered internal research, and not an official company position.

Page 14 of the document acknowledges that a few Silicon Valley tech giants now “control the majority of our conversations,” but that these platforms....

Breakthrough: Army Artillery Can Now Strike Targets at Twice the Range

Is U.S. Army Artillery progressing toward being able to outrange and outgun Russian and Chinese weapons?

The Army has successfully fired a 155mm artillery round 62 kilometers - marking a technical breakthrough in the realm of land-based weapons and progressing toward its stated goal of being able to outrange and outgun Russian and Chinese weapons.

“We just doubled the range of our artillery at Yuma Proving Ground,” Gen. John Murray, Commanding General of Army Futures Command, told reporters at the Association of the United States Army Annual Symposium.

Currently, most land-fired artillery shot from an M777 Towed Howitzer or Self-Propelled Howitzer are able to pinpoint targets out to 30km - so hitting 62km marks a substantial leap forward in offensive attack capability.

Murray was clear that the intent of the effort, described as Extended Range Cannon Artillery, is specifically aimed at regaining tactical overmatch against Russian and Chinese weapons.

“The Russian and Chinese have been able to outrange most of our systems,” Murray said.

Citing the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a “wake-up call,” Murray explained that Russian weaponry, tactics and warfare integration caused a particular concern among Army leaders.

“In Ukraine, we saw the pairing of drones with artillery, using drones as spotters. Their organizational structure and tactics were a wake up call for us to start looking at a more serious strategy,” Murray explained.

The Army’s 2015 Combat Vehicle Modernization Strategy specifically cites concerns about Russia’s use of advanced weapons and armored vehicles in Ukraine.

“The Russians are using their most advanced tanks in the Ukraine, including the T-72B3, T-80, and T-90. All of these tanks have 125mm guns capable of firing a wide range of ammunition, including anti-tank/anti-helicopter missiles with a six-kilometer range, and advanced armor protection, including active protection on some models,” the strategy writes.

ERCA is one of several current initiatives intended to address this. Accordingly, the Army is now prototyping artillery weapons with a larger caliber tube and new grooves to hang weights for gravity adjustments to the weapon – which is a modified M777A2 mobile howitzer. The new ERCA weapon is designed to hit ranges greater than...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #405

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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