90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A book on the pale pastels of a Never Trumper senator.

Nebraska’s Republican Senator Ben Sasse has a new book out. The book, is titled Them: Why We Hate Each Other — and How to Heal.

I should note at the beginning that the Senator has a cordial relationship with the Spectator’s Editor in Chief, R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. So my dissent here on the Senator’s book is respectful, as it would be in any case.

Which makes the Senator’s book all the more curious. Why? Because, as news accounts have noted, like this one at the Washington Times, Sasse has yet again decided to attack his own side. In 2016 it was his party’s nominee, President Trump. (A refusal to endorse Trump, which, had he gotten his way and Trump were defeated, would have resulted in Hillary Clinton appointing two Supreme Court Justices. His own Nebraska GOP angrily denounced him for abandoning Trump.) Now it’s Sean Hannity. A sample headline:

When They Say They're Not Coming For Your Guns....

Pompeo to Migrants: You Won’t Breach Border ‘No Matter What’; Haley Blames Socialist Dictators

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned participants in the migrant “caravan” moving through Mexico Tuesday that they will not breach the U.S. border illegally “no matter what,” as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley raised questions about a political agenda, accusing socialist leaders in the region of stoking the campaign.

Pompeo told reporters at the State Department the U.S. has a message for the column of Central Americans aiming to reach the U.S. southern border.

“You will not be successful at getting into the United States illegally, no matter what,” he said. “I repeat: The caravan will not cross our southern border illegally, under any circumstances.”

Pompeo said migrants wishing to come to the U.S. as refugees must “go through the normal refugee process.”

“But I can tell you with certainty, we are determined that illegal entry into the United States from this caravan will not be possible.”

Pompeo said he had spoken again to his Mexican counterpart, Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray, urging “timely action” by the Mexican authorities.

Mexico’s government said its agencies have registered 1,699 applications for refugee status in Mexico. Those applicants are no longer in the caravan, but sheltering in a fairground in ...

WOW! When a Dem Super Hero Is a Scrawny Socialist

Artist Chris Rodgers is great with a paintbrush and but his taste in superheroes is somewhat in question. He finished his mural of ‘Beto’ O’Rourke just before early voting began.

‘Beto’, a fake Hispanic, is a bit sly. Perhaps superhero isn’t quite the right depiction.

His real name is Robert Francis O’Rourke, a fourth generation Robert who was given the nickname ‘Beto’ to distinguish him from the other Roberts in his family, but he still uses it . He is of Irish descent.
O’Rourke was arrested for burglary, a misdemeanor charge disposed of the next year. In 1998, after he tripped an alarm jumping a fence at the University of Texas-El Paso.

El Paso police arrested O’Rourke for DWI, a misdemeanor charge that was dismissed after he completed “DWI school” the next year. He tried to leave the scene of the accident at the time. His father is said to have gotten him off. Beto is mostly truthful about the arrest but has lied about trying to leave the scene.

The DUI accident was also more serious than what he describes.

“I made the most that I could with my second choice and my opportunity,” O’Rourke has said about those youthful crimes.

He was once a bassist for a local punk rock band called the El Paso Pussycats. He’s on the left in the flowered dress. The song on Rolling Stone is pretty good as punk rock goes.

The mural, located in East Austin, features O’Rourke, a rising Democratic star, standing in front of a Texas flag with his shirt unbuttoned to reveal a “B” emblem, reminiscent of Superman’s “S.”

Beto is described as the new JFK, in addition to being a fake superhero and a fake Hispanic.

While Beto doesn’t admit to being a socialist, his policies of open borders, free health care for all, and his desire to make his anti-gun mantra the signature issue for Texas puts him in...

CNN’s Acosta Tries To Call Trump A Racist In The Oval Office – Trump Schools Him BIG TIME (VIDEO)

CNN is such a sloppy mess of a fake news network. Kudos to President Trump for standing up for truth while remaining respectful while doing so. A lot of Americans would have planted someone like Acosta on their ass for attempting what he did to the president.

This is the far left in 2018 who believe being pro-America must also mean racist but being anti-America is somehow ‘noble’ and ‘good’. That nonsense needs to stop and it needs to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #419

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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HUGE Migrant Caravan Prepares To INVADE America

Former Obama Activist: "Run Away" To Trump!


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

President Trump TERRIFIC Speech at White House State Leadership Day Conference

President Trump Looks So Comfortable, So Presidential, This Man Is So Perfect For This Job. I Truly Believe There Is No Other Human Being Alive That Could Have Survived The Press And Deep State Onslaught and Come Out On Top Like He Has. I Am So Proud Of President Trump. Thank You Mr. President.